Friday, July 26, 2024

Destroying Evidence


​  OBVIOUS COVER-UP: FBI, DHS And DOJ Refuse To Provide Requested Information About Trump Assassination Attempt
​  The office of Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) released its preliminary findings on the July 13, 2024, assassination attempt on Former President Donald Trump which suggest that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) were complicit.
​  Sen. Johnson further demanded in a letter he wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland, DHS head Alejandro Mayorkas and FBI Director Christopher Wray the preservation of background information on the alleged gunman as well as all texts and communications between law enforcement agents, including Secret Service personnel, only to receive no cooperation.​

Kimberly Cheatle Admits Secret Service Did Not Keep Audio Recordings from Trump Shooting  (The "admission" is the "incompetence-defense" lie, isn't it?)

​  Bodycam Footage Of Trump Shooter On Sloped Roof Is Released
​  The biggest takeaway from the footage is that one of the county officers is heard saying that a police sniper in a building overlooking where Crooks was positioned was able to take multiple photos of Crooks before he began shooting.​  (Can we see them? Which window?)

"Greg" the Counter-Sniper Apparently Left Post Directly Behind Crooks
Body-cam footage of roof shows Abbott & Costello ("Who's on first?") style confusion. So-called investigation is an absurd charade.​

​  Coordinated obfuscation in a pretense of "establishing facts. Transcript.  PA State Police Colonel Joins Smoke & Mirror Show
Laurel & Hardy join Abbott & Costello in trying to ascertain who's on the roof.​

​  US police no longer trust FBI – report​, The agency has become openly partisan and serves political ends, whistleblowers have said
​  Newer FBI agents “do not bother to conceal their distaste” for traditional political or religious views and openly identify themselves as “woke or liberal,” the head of a multi-agency task force said. Hired on the basis of “diversity, equity and inclusion” (DEI) guidelines, they are “completely worthless” and “the worst batch of people,” the whistleblowers said.
​  The FBI academy at Quantico, Virginia at which new agents are trained “promotes a cult of narcissism” and arrogant superiority, while being intolerably politicized, the report claimed. Meanwhile, the Bureau’s Security Division has been abusing the security clearance process to purge conservative-leaning agents from its ranks.
​  The whistleblowers urged Congress to force the resignation of Wray as “an extreme measure of last resort” and the only way to restore the Bureau’s reputation.​

​  Biden passes the torch: 5 takeaways from his historic address​:
​  Biden, whose speeches often bear the fingerprints of historian Jon Meacham, spoke in sweeping terms about the looming "inflection point" that will decide America's fate "for decades to come."...
​..Exhorting the American people to reject TrumpBiden relinquished control: "History is in your hands. The power is in your hands. The idea of America lies in your hands." ...
​..Biden gave a forceful defense of his record and accomplishments as president, but said it was time to "pass the torch" to Harris, whom he described as an "incredible partner and leader." ...​   [Incredible: "Not credible"]
​..Biden did not speak in detail about his health or why exactly he was stepping down — or whether Republicans are right to raise questions about his ability to continue as president for the next six months...
​..Biden made clear there is more he hopes to accomplish in the last months of his term, including achieving a ceasefire in Gaza and a broader Middle East peace deal.
​..He called for Supreme Court reform — ethics legislation likely to be proposed in the coming weeks — and alluded to the assassination attempt on Trump by stressing that there is "no place in America for political violence."​ (So try again?)

​  Doctors react after Biden's live address to the nation: A concerning 'lack of emotion'
It's a 'very emotional time for him and he isn't showing it,' said one doctor, also perceiving a 'lack of conviction'

This disagreement appears settled now.  "She Has Our Full Support": Obamas Endorse Kamala Harris For President

​   I did watch Biden's 9/21/21​ 13 min "abridged speech​". This was originally given 6 weeks before I was fired for vaccine-refusal on the principle of standing with the "untermenschen" when I saw the dehumanization-process of history back in action again.​ This speech is a reminder of the prevailing "ethos"
​  Biden drank the Kool-Aid.​  The Kool-Aid was bad juju. Biden appears to have gotten 5 shots.​ The physical consequences are what they are.
​  We are in the early part of an era where a population group of discerning thinkers have been "shunned" into coalescence, and have formed a sub-identity.
This sub-identity, based upon discernment of truth in general, is growing in a world of lies, and harms from lies. The advantage, clear once glimpsed, is growing this group rapidly, more than the media of lies lets on, but even MSM shows it.
​  Politicians are adapting their lies to recapture the societal narrative, but they have not gotten the traction yet.
The Overton window is still moving to try to catch up with the paradigm shift, like the Vietnam War paradigm shift after Tet 1968, but it can't catch up, because societal perceptions are 6 months ahead of official stats, and headed for a majority-reversal, if not already there in reality.
​  A Midwestern Doctor, How Biden's Mandates Were His Downfall​  Examining one of the most pivotal moments of the pandemic
​  Biden’s health had significantly deteriorated from the time of the debate, to the point that his administration recognizes he can no longer be president (e.g., because our allies no longer are confident with him being the Commander in Chief due his botched NATO summit as he did things like refer to Putin as the president of Ukraine), so COVID-19 was chosen as the politically palatable excuse to explain that rapid decline (which I’ve argued was likely due to a vaccine injury).
​  •The rapid string of unprecedented events continued and Biden actually became severely ill during his campaign stop five days ago in Las Vegas, which is why his staff produced a campaign resignation for him that Biden did not actually write after Biden abruptly cancelled much of his Las Vegas campaign tour.

​Caitlin Johnstone, notes Bibi Netanyahu's "American accent", as he largely grew up in the US.  Corruption-Is-US:  Netanyahu's Speech Was As American As It Gets

​  Cop Dragged, Assaulted, And American Flag Burned As Pro-Palestine Protesters Rage In DC​  (A "provocation". How will this be spun?)
​  "I will not rest until all of their loved ones are home! All of them" - he said of the hostages. We are "actively engaged" in intensive efforts to secure their release, the prime minister said. "Some of them are taking place right now." He also recognized "President Biden's "tireless efforts" and "heartfelt support" for Israel. Biden "dispatched two aircraft carriers to the Middle East to prevent a wider war," Netanyahu said. Also acknowledging this politically chaotic and sensitive moment where Biden has bowed out of the presidential race, he called the US president "A proud Irish-American Zionist." But he also by the end of the speech thanked Donald Trump for forging the historic Abraham Accords, and gave thanks for his surviving the assassination attempt against him.
​  Bibi is a master of optics, and he delivered a highly emotional reminder of the enormity and evil of the Oct.7 terror attacks. As expected, he linked 9/11, Oct. 7, and the Holocaust, but also highlighted American domestic protests and 'anti-Jewish hate'. He described that ultimately this is a clash between "barbarism and civilization", or "those who glorify death and those who sanctify life." He said that on Oct.7 Hamas butchered 39 Americans, and likened it to having several 9/11's in one day (compared to the population size of Israel). "Iran's axis of terror confronts America, Israel, and its Arab friends," he also said at one point, before linking Iran to US campus protests. He even mentioned the "frat brothers at the University of North Carolina" who tenaciously protected the American flag from raging anti-Israeli protesters. He ultimately accused "Iran of funding and promoting" anti-American and anti-Israel protests"If Israel's hands are tied, America is next," he claimed.​

Netanyahu begs US to fast-track military aid to expedite Gaza war end
Netanyahu, during his speech at Congress, calls for an "Abraham Alliance" in the Middle East to deter what he calls an "Iranian threat"​

​  Israeli officials slam Netanyahu's Congress speech as 'disgraceful'​   Voices within the Israeli occupation entity lambast Netanyahu for making no mention of a prisoner exchange deal to return the captives held in Gaza during his speech before the US Congress.​

​  Meryl Nass MD, The UN's International Court of Justice ruled last week that the Israeli occupations of Palestine are illegal, that 700,000 Israelis must leave immediately and pay reparations
​  Now we can see whether the words of the "Pact for the Future" and its attachment to the rule of law mean anything. And who else cares about the rule of law.​

​  How Israel is shrinking Gaza’s ‘safe zones’​ , Israel is declaring more and more of Gaza out of bounds for Palestinians — including parts it has called ‘safe zones’.
As of Monday, 83 percent of the Gaza Strip has been marked unsafe for Palestinian civilians by the Israeli military.​

​  Netanyahu's Meeting With Lame Duck Biden Was As Inconsequential As Anyone Expected
​  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Joe Biden on Thursday where the two reportedly discussed closing the remaining "gaps" for a Gaza ceasefire deal (a ceasefire deal that it appears Netanyahu doesn't actually want, having vowed to fully eradicate Hamas on the battlefield).
​  But as we've discussed before, Netanyahu is essentially waiting out Biden, in hopes that Trump enters office. Trump is perceived by the Israelis as willing to give its military more free reign in its Gaza offensive. Politico had reported on Sunday that Netanyahu will likely delay Gaza ceasefire talks for at least another three months until after the US presidential election. In 2020 he called Trump "the best friend that Israel has ever had in the White House."​

​  Netanyahu Angry After Meeting With Vice President Harris​  (Has Kamala finally done something useful?)
​  Diplomats speaking with Axios said Netanyahu's criticism stems from Harris speaking as if a ceasefire and hostage exchange would mark the final end of the war in Gaza, whereas Israel's position has all along been that counter-Hamas operations could resume even if a hostage deal is reached.
​  Following the Harris-Netanyahu meeting which lasted about 40 minutes, the Vice President said "It is time for this war to end in a way where Israel is secure, all the hostages are released, the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza ends and the Palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity and self determination."
​  She added: "And as I just told Prime Minister Netanyahu it is time to get this deal done. Let's get the deal done. So we can get a ceasefire to end the war. Let's bring the hostages home. And let's provide much needed relief to the Palestinian people."​ ... 
​..The Israeli officials said Netanyahu and his team were caught off guard by Harris' on-camera statement and taken aback by its tone, which they said sounded much more critical than Biden's.
"Harris' statement after the meeting was much more critical than what she told Netanyahu in the meeting," one Israeli official claimed.
​  According to more, "The Israeli official also said Netanyahu was unhappy with the fact that Harris criticized Israel publicly for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and for killing civilians, especially at the current timing amid the hostage deal negotiations."​

​  Meeting today  Israel must end war in Gaza – Trump
​  Former US President Donald Trump has urged Israel to bring about a “fast” end to its war with Hamas, arguing that a drawn-out conflict is a “public relations” nightmare for the Jewish state.
​  Speaking to Fox News on Thursday, Trump said the war should end quickly “because they are getting decimated with this publicity, and you know Israel is not very good at public relations.”
​  Trump was a close ally of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his term in the White House, and described himself as “history’s most pro-Israel US president.” He imposed sanctions on Iran at Netanyahu’s request, moved the US Embassy in Israel to West Jerusalem, and brokered the Abraham Accords, which saw Israel normalize relations with Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, and Sudan.
​  In the months since Israel declared war on Hamas in October, however, Trump has repeatedly called on Netanyahu to bring the conflict with the Palestinian militant group to a rapid conclusion.​  “You have to finish up your war,” he told the Israel Hayom news outlet back in March. “You gotta get it done. And, I am sure you will do that. And we gotta get to peace, we can’t have this going on.”
​  The destruction of civilian homes in Gaza, he said at the time, is “a very bad picture for the world. The world is seeing this… every night, I would watch buildings pour down on people. Go and do what you have to do. But you don’t do that.”​

​  Trump touts warm ties to Israel's Netanyahu, blasts Harris
​  Former U.S. President Donald Trump touted his close relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu when he hosted the Israeli prime minister on Friday and accused U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris of making "disrespectful" comments about the Gaza war.
​  Netanyahu met Trump, the Republican nominee in the 2024 U.S. presidential race, a day after talks with Democratic President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris...
..Netanyahu had angered Trump when he congratulated Biden on his victory over Trump in the 2020 election. Trump falsely claims the election was stolen from him by voter fraud.
​  Trump more recently criticized Netanyahu for Israeli security failures that enabled Hamas to carry out the Oct. 7 attack on Israel that triggered the Israeli offensive in Gaza.​  Trump dismissed any suggestion of tensions with Netanyahu.​

​  The end of Israel’s economy
​  As Israel’s genocidal war against Gaza continues unabated, the Israeli economy is facing a catastrophe. The physical destruction in Israel from the war has been minimal, but one thing has been destroyed: its future.​ 
​  When a critical mass of Israelis, regardless of their political opinions, become convinced that Israeli apartheid has become unsustainable, they will no longer agree to invest energy and money and risk their lives and their families for the sake of the Zionist project. They will seek out a better future for themselves, as every sane person would, either by leaving Israel, or better yet, by working towards a new and democratic political system in Palestine. One person, one vote, and a future in which everyone of every religion and ethnicity can have a stake.

​  The stunning audacity of Yemen’s drone strike on Tel Aviv
Yemen’s unprecedented drone strike on Israel’s economic powerhouse has further shattered the occupation state’s perceived invulnerability. Moreover, it announced the launch of Ansarallah’s fifth phase of war: ‘Target Tel Aviv.’​

​  President Biden Claims the US Isn’t at War as He Bombs Yemen
The US is also occupying eastern Syria, involved in combat operations in Iraq, and is providing intelligence and weapons for Israel and Ukraine​

  ​Gilbert Doctorow, The Assad visit to Moscow two days ago about which you have heard nothing: Iran’s Press TV
​  I think the bigger subject on their agenda was Russian military assistance to Syria in the context of the present Israeli rampage in the neighborhood and most specifically with a view to improving Syria’s ineffective air defenses. On 3 June, Israel made yet another jet fighter attack near the Syrian city of Aleppo.  Israeli attacks on Hezbollah arms caches in Syria and on supplies transiting Syria from Iran have been a regular occurrence going back to the civil war. But now, when there is a probability of Israel unleashing all out war on Hezbollah in Lebanon, the military supplies passing through Syria to Lebanon assume critical importance for the Axis of Resistance.
​  Let us remember that Russian military aid to Syria in 2015 and 2016 saved the Damascus government from being overwhelmed by Islamic fighters that were supported by the United States and its allies. However, Russia, which maintained a naval base in Syrian Tartus and an air base in Khmeimin, has never intervened to stop Israel attacks on Syria that Jerusalem claimed were purely for Israeli defense. Clearly the time has come to help the Syrians protect their air space and their sovereignty.​

​  Russia Rescues Hundreds of Adrenochrome Victims Destined for Washington D.C.​   [CBS, Wa.Po. and NYT don't cover this topic.]
​  Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to dismantle the adrenochrome supply chain as news breaks that Russian forces have liberated 50 imprisoned, emaciated children from an “adrenochrome farm”​

​  Simplicius,  General Syrsky Shocks With News of Russian Armor and Troop Surges
​  After a brief hiatus marking a period of attempted deflection, where Ukraine and its Western sponsors tried desperately to misdirect our gaze to Russia’s putative ‘high losses’, this week has seen a spate of new articles again proclaiming Ukraine’s dire frontline straits...
..In fact, there have been so many large-scale strikes on Ukrainian deployment points just this week alone, that it seems at least 500-1000 soldiers or more have perished in only 3-4 different Iskander attacks. I’ve nearly lost count of them all, but here’s a few reported ones just from the past several days:
​  Colonel of the Spanish Army Reserve Pedro BaƱos:
​  I just received information that I cannot confirm, I asked for confirmation and they told me that it is accurate. These are sources that I have known for many, many years, 30 years, and they are usually very reliable. So, the Russians carried out an attack on Odessa, which killed 18 members of the British Special Air Service and injured 25 more. And they tell me that French soldiers died. These are not mercenaries who are French, no, these are soldiers of the French armyThey were killed in large numbers, I was told that the number was greater than in AlgeriaThese are scary numbers because we are talking about NATO countries. And, obviously, special operations forces are always the first to act in such scenarios. And it has also long been known that there are special operations forces, which, among other things, are used to guide, for example, missiles, to illuminate targets, and not only missiles, but also drones.​..

​..I’ll leave you with this fascinating video of a captured Ukrainian ex-con with a long rap sheet, which includes murder. He explains how his commanders instructed his penal unit that upon liberating Volchansk, they would be ‘rewarded’ with freedom to invade Belgorod, where they’d be given carte blanche to “rob and rape” anyone as they saw fit.​

​  John Helmer says Russia is letting Ukraine load the trains with tanks and soldiers, and bombing them as soon as they arrive at the front.  

  ​Andrew Korybko, Kiev Mayor Klitschko Speculated That Zelensky Might Agree To Territorial Compromises With Russia
​  Zelensky knows that he won’t reconquer his country’s lost territory no matter what he says for the purpose of keeping morale high, hence the need to informally explore a compromise for ending the conflict in the most politically “face-saving” way possible.
​  Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko, who’s emerged as one of Zelensky’s top rivals over the past year, speculated in an interview with Italy’s Corriere Della Serra over the weekend that the Ukrainian leader might agree to territorial compromises with Russia. In his words, “Will he…consider a territorial compromise with Putin?...Zelensky will probably have to resort to a referendum. I don't think he can reach such painful and important agreements on his own without popular legitimacy.”​

​  Zelensky is preparing a capitulation referendum - V. Zaluzny to the West: "Your turn is coming - The freedoms of your citizens must be limited"
The conflict in Ukraine is a "transitional" war
​  The former commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine V. Zaluzny, in his first public speech as Ukraine's ambassador to the United Kingdom, called on the inhabitants of Western countries to "temporarily give up some freedoms for the sake of survival" as wars will increase.​

​  Ukraine FM Signals Readiness To Resume Talks With Russia During China Visit
The Kremlin responded, saying the comments from Dmytro Kuleba were 'in line' with Russia's position​

​  Shooting the other foot, too:  Ukraine was cut off from electricity in response to the cessation of Lukoil oil transit
​  In response to the cessation of oil transit from the Russian company Lukoil through Ukrainian territory, Romania and Slovakia suspended the supply of electricity to Kyiv. According to the European Network of Operators, the decision came into force on the night of July 23.
​  Stopping oil transit to Hungary and Slovakia is regarded by Budapest and Bratislava as an unfriendly step. The volume of supplies of black gold through Ukraine was about 4,5 million tons per year.​

​  Andrew Korybko,  Five Takeaways from Hungary and Slovakia’s Russian Oil Dispute with Ukraine
​  Ukraine’s decision last month to stop the transit of Russian oil from Lukoil across its territory has hit Hungary and Slovakia, who have EU sanctions waivers to continue purchasing this resource, very hard. They’ve accordingly requested that the European Commission mediate between them and Kiev on the basis that the latter’s actions violate its 2014 Association Agreement with the bloc.​,,
1. Ukraine Is Punishing Hungary and Slovakia for Their Anti-War Positions...
2. Weaponizing Energy Is an Ironic Means to the Abovementioned End ...
3. Hungary Just Implied That Two Can Play That Game Though​:  Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto just reminded everyone that his country contributed to 42% of Ukraine’s electricity imports last month, with the innuendo being that these can be stopped until their dispute is resolved...
4. Any EU-Mediated Resolution Will be Spun to Impugn Hungary and Slovakia ...
5. Some of the Damage That’s Already Been inflicted Is Irreparable
​  Orban’s noble attempt to improve ties with Ukraine during his visit to Kiev in early July was for naught as proven by the nasty energy dispute that followed, and there’s no regaining the incipient trust that was just lost as a result. Likewise, those among the European public who’ve already soured on Ukraine and the EU will only feel even stronger about their views after watching those two punish Hungary and Slovakia​ ...  
 As can be seen, Hungary and Slovakia’s Russian oil dispute with Ukraine is a form of tacitly approved EU punishment against them for their anti-war positions, though it’s unlikely to last long enough to lead to a full-blown crisis considering Budapest’s electricity leverage over Kiev. Even so, this incident shows the lengths to which Ukraine and the EU are going to keep those two in line, all with the intent of sending a signal to anyone else in the bloc who decides to break ranks with their warmongering policies.​

​  Meryl Nass MD,  A delegation of authority to the WHO is a loss of sovereignty, and the Netherlands constitution does not allow it. Does yours?
Attorney Miecke Terhorst explains this, and asserts the WHO Constitution does not allow it, either​

​  Bird flu virus may or may not make birds sick these days, and has not ever killed a human, but the vaccine-products for it seem to kill a very few humans.
Meryl Nass MD  Bird flu vaccines are fast approaching
​  Yesterday the Federal Register published a required declaration by HHS Sec Becerra (a lawyer who proved clueless about medicine during COVID) which allows the FDA to issue BIRD FLU EUAs​ (emergency use authorizations; what's the "emergency?)​

​  Meryl Nass MD,  BIRD FLU: additional information
​  And a TV show I filmed yesterday for CHD-TV with Brian Hooker goes into the details about the various vaccines and the 2 methods being employed to roll out experimental vaccines legally​

​  Reports Of Autopsies In VAERS And Associated Adverse Events Linked To Cause Of Death​ ,  Jessica Rose, PhD, MSc, BSc
​  Results: The number of autopsy reports in VAERS domestic data following COVID-19 injection spanning 2021-2023 is 18 times higher than the average of Influenza vaccines for the timeframe spanning 2018-2020. This represents a 1,714% increase in absolute number of reports of autopsy for equal timeframes in the context of four COVID-19 products versus twelve Influenza vaccines. The average age of the reports involving autopsy in the COVID-19 shot context is 53 whereas it is 25 in the Influenza shot context. 69% of all COVID-19 shot autopsy-linked reports were associated with cardiovascular AEs, and more precisely, 11%, 12% and 16% of these reports are associated with myocarditis, cardiac arrest and pulmonary embolism (PE), respectively. Likewise for Influenza autopsy-linked reports with regard to percentage of autopsy reports associated with cardiovascular issues (67% of total), but only with 7% associated with myocarditis; there were no autopsy reports involving cardiac arrest or pulmonary embolism.​

(I believe the point is that governments want to unburden themselves of paying out so much Social Security​ and other entitlements) Sasha Latypova,  
New FDA guidance for pharma on "countering misinformation" online​,  FDA authorizes pharmas to lie when needed, promising non-enforcement of pharmaceutical marketing regs.​

​  Agent Orange was actually way LESS poisonous that the things they used earlier.  Agent Orange: deployment of chemical weapons by ARPA and DOD in Vietnam
Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it.​

​Uh, armed or unarmed? Asking for a friend:  A police drone might respond to your next 911 call

  Company employees and small-company owners with actual expertise can do mergers and acquisitions, but venture capitalists can't manage businesses, just suck them dry.
Private equity is devouring the economy as boomer entrepreneurs exit—but a new approach to employee ownership can change that​

  Selling the family farm to rent it back. The era of privatisation is nearly over. But cleaning up the mess left behind will take years ​ 
 The simplest explanation is that politicians saw privatisation and private infrastructure as a way to get access to a big bucket of money, which could be spent on popular projects without the need to raise taxes. This was a fallacy, refuted many times over, but resurrected just as often in zombie form...
​  But until very recently, governments remained keen on the idea of “asset recycling”, in which income-generating assets were sold, with the proceeds used to fund a variety of vanity projects.
​  Even now this lesson has not been fully absorbed. On the one hand, the Victorian Labor government has begun the process of reversing Jeff Kennett’s privatisation of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria. On the other, having sold its land titles office, Labor is now poised to sell the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry where it has already increased charges for the provision of legally required information.​

  ​It's against physics. This was always known.  Net-Zero Ambitions Hit Major Roadblocks in Europe, UK, and US
Net-Zero transition targets touted so proudly in Europe, the UK, and the U.S. are proving to be a lot more challenging to hit than expected.​

​  Tree bark surfaces play an important role in removing methane gas from the atmosphere, according to a study published 24 July in Nature.
​  While trees have long been known to benefit the climate by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, this new research reveals a surprising additional climate benefit. Microbes hidden within tree bark can absorb methane—a powerful greenhouse gas—from the atmosphere.
​  An international team of researchers led by the University of Birmingham has shown for the first time that microbes living in bark or in the wood itself are removing atmospheric methane on a scale equal to or above that of soil. They calculate that this newly discovered process makes trees 10% more beneficial for climate overall than previously thought.​ (I think even more. The Biotic-Pump is massively important.)

​  Nature paper:  Global atmospheric methane uptake by upland tree woody surfaces
​  By applying terrestrial laser scanning-derived allometry to quantify global forest tree woody surface area, a preliminary first estimate suggests that trees may contribute 24.6–49.9 Tg of atmospheric methane uptake globally. Our findings indicate that the climate benefits of tropical and temperate forest protection and reforestation may be greater than previously assumed.​

​Practical Environmentalist (pictured in early light with Trinidad Scorpion peppers)  

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Stonewall Or Die

 Staying Alive,

 Today's format will have to be even more Headlines & Links than usual, because there are so many headlines. 
It appears that there is an elite-factional power struggle just below the surface in the Imperial court, with at least 3 factions, maybe 4, competing for position. I won't venture to try to name them all.

  Simplicius, Extraordinary Events Taking Place in America  [Uh, were there shell casings and nitrates testing in the second floor room with the open window?]
It’s clear there is far more going on under the hood than meets the eye.
  Firstly, it all ties into the Trump assassination attempt and ongoing Congressional testimony of Director of Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle. The testimony has revealed there are likely a lot of things being hidden from the public about the would-be assassin Thomas Crooks and his potential dealings with the FBI.
  Tellingly, Cheatle refused to answer if Crooks was “acting alone”...
..Firstly, it must be said that the ensuing circumstances after the Trump shooting were bizarre and unprecedented: neither the FBI, DOJ, nor DHS even held an official press conference about the shooting. There were no loud bipartisan calls for investigation, or uproar in general; things simply went on as before, quietly settling down before being swept under the rug. The Democrats bided their time and even gradually rolled out conspiracy theories claiming Trump had staged the shooting.
  The proceedings reeked of massive coverup as the FBI continued to stonewall all inquiries, denying FOIA requests, with Secret Service head Cheatle perjuring herself in front of Congress by refusing to answer key questions, including: how many shell casings were recovered on the roof by the shooter’s body? She said she knows, but can’t say—how convenient, as it would immediately determine the presence of a second shooter, given that we have expert audio analysis of each fired shot...
..Now it’s been admitted that Biden’s ‘Counselor’ Steve Ricchetti was the one that “helped the president with the tweet”—i.e. wrote the fateful election drop-out tweet for Biden...
..Also, recall how Biden was effectively couped by his donor class, which simply cut off funding, proving who has the true last say in American elections...
..The problem seems to be the elites are revolting, and AOC has claimed that behind the scenes they’re not happy with Harris as the pick... It’s quite interesting, the language she chooses. They are interested not only in ‘removing the president’, but ‘removing the whole ticket’—irrevocable proof that we’re witnessing an ongoing coup.
  But if the Democrat elites don’t want Kamala, then who is it even pushing her to begin with? It’s hard to say, though there’s whispers that she’s the in-house Clinton family pick, while the Obama family—Dons of the Chicago political mafia—are against her, evidenced by the fact that Barrack’s only official message thus far prominently omitted mentioning Kamala and instead stated he looks forward to a newly chosen Democratic candidate.
..In short, that would make it a House Clinton vs. House Obama internecine war...
..Remember, it was Soros himself who said that no man has been more committed to the Ukrainian scheme than Biden.
  Of course, none of this comes as a surprise, and in fact some of our earliest predictions here from last year were that the Biden admin would try to dump Ukraine before the election if it could not generate any battlefield success for this very reason: that Ukraine’s devastating defeat would pose one of the gravest threats to Biden’s reelection chances, tarnishing his legacy.

​  Trump team files FEC complaint over transfer of Biden's $91M to Harris campaign: 'Brazen money grab'​, Harris' campaign told Fox News Digital that the complaint was 'baseless'​

​  Could Kamala Harris' inappropriate laughter and 'word salads' be symptoms of a little-known psychological condition?​   [Not just mean and stupid?]
Kamala Harris's rambling 'word salad' speeches may be a symptom of a little-known but common psychological condition called logorrhoea — also known as verbal diarrhoea.​

Celia Farber, It Just Got Weirder: Biden On Speaker Phone With Harris, Not Sounding Like Him, Netanyahu Arrives For State Visit, Demands Meeting With Trump, WH Flags at Half Mast , Nation Asks: "What Is Going On?" No Questions Answered In The Land Of Lies

  Exclusive: President Biden suffered an undisclosed medical emergency during his time in Las Vegas, police sources say
Air Force One “flew so fast the plane shook" on its way back to the east coast.

  Alex Krainer,  Is Civil War 2.0 coming to the USA?  Will they put Biden to sleep like they did with king George V in 1936 when they were brewing up WWII?   
Most likely, the reason for her stonewalling was because it is becoming increasingly clear that Trump's would-be assassin wasn't acting alone. Apparently, someone was making frequent trips between the home of the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks' and a building in Washington DC that's located near an FBI office. This revelation was based on a Heritage Foundation analysis of metadata of 9 pertinent smartphone devices. Perhaps the only notable statement from Ms. Cheatle was her reference to the recently deceased representative Ms. Sheila Jackson Lee:
  "I would be remiss if I did not also extend my condolences on the passing of your colleague, congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Ms. Jackson Lee was always engaged in the oversight of the Secret Services and her passing is a great loss to this body."
  Those who think that men can get pregnant will appreciate the magnanimity of Ms. Cheatle's condolences. Everyone else will recognize the statement for the chilling threat that it was: don't rock the boat for us; we have six ways from Sunday to get back at you.
  We will certainly learn a lot more over the coming days and weeks, but it would appear that we are looking at a real, if covert, coup d'etat unfolding in the US. Is it too far out now to consider that the 2020 election was also rigged and stolen? Either way, the country's democratic facade is now disintegrating to the extent that again, only the cohort that thinks men can get pregnant may still believe in it.

  Simplicius again,  [well, not yet...]  Can Democrats Turn Crisis Into Opportunity?
  Here’s a new article from Tree of Woe wherein he predicts what he calls the American Eschaton:
I predict an American Eschaton: The end of America as we know it. It will be a Fourth Turning, but it will be a Fourth Turning that goes against us. The exact manner in which our eschaton will occur is much harder to predict. The end of America as we know it doesn’t necessarily mean nuclear apocalypse, government collapse, or secession. It could simply mean a transformation of America into something Unamerican. (The Russian Revolution of 1918 was the end of Russia as the Russian of the time knew it, for instance.)

Jaw-Dropper: A Reported 4x as Many Local Secret Service Agents Sent to Jill Biden on Same Day Trump Was Shot

23 Takeaways From Secret Service Director’s Testimony Before House Oversight Panel

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Resigns

Sen. Johnson: FBI ‘Covering Up’ Evidence of ‘Multiple Shooters’ in ‘Coordinated’ Trump Assassination Attempt

Sen. Ron Johnson Reveals Preliminary Findings From Attempted Assassination Of President Trump

I don't recall the pictures of the dead shooter showing upper lip piercings, do you?  

Maybe a great big fragmentation bomb will work... More Agency Weaponization? Secret Service Tells Trump To Stop Having Outdoor Rallies

  Israel Launches New Assault on Khan Younis, Kills 70 Palestinians
The Israeli military began a heavy bombardment of the area immediately after ordering Palestinians to evacuate

  Jewish American Doctor In Gaza Describes Children Killed By Very Exacting Sniper Bullets, Says 30 Years and 40 Mission Trips Does Not Equal The Carnage He Has Seen In Gaza.  Is He Anti-Semitic? Is There A Non "Anti-Semitic" Anti-Child Slaughter Position And Can We Name It?  
"No toddler gets shot twice by mistake, by 'the world's best sniper', and they're dead-center shots."

  “I had children who were shot twice,” said Dr. Mark Perlmutter, who said he was in Gaza at the end of April and the first couple weeks of May. “I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately and directly on the side of the head in the same child.”

  Israel gives 400,000 Palestinians minutes to flee Khan Yunis before latest blitz  ["We warned you."]
About two million Palestinians have been forcefully displaced since 7 October as Israel regularly bombs so-called 'safe zones'   
  The Israeli army ordered the sudden evacuation of over 400,000 Palestinians taking shelter in eastern Khan Yunis on 22 July, dropping leaflets in the besieged city moments before warplanes began their raids.

  Oxfam: Israel Has Reduced Water Access in Gaza by 94 Percent Since October
  Oxfam has warned that Israel’s longstanding policy of using water as a weapon against Palestinians has reached its peak amid Israel’s genocide, with water access for Palestinians in Gaza now at a small fraction of pre-genocide levels as Palestinians die of dehydration, starvation and disease.
  According to a report on Israel’s water deprivation policies by Oxfam, Israel has reduced water access in Gaza by a whopping 94 percent since October. This means Palestinians only have access to an average of roughly 4.7 liters of water per person per day, or only about 1.2 gallons a day.
  In the supposed “humanitarian safe zone” in al-Mawasi — which Israeli forces have attacked relentlessly — Palestinians only have access to an average of 2.5 liters per day, the report said.

  The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the statement said, "As of July 22, nearly 83 percent of the Gaza Strip has been placed under evacuation orders or designated as 'no-go zones' by the Israeli military."

  Senior congressman labels Netanyahu 'worst leader in Jewish history'
  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is "the worst leader in Jewish history," United States Congressman Jerrold Nadler said ahead of Netanyahu's address to a joint session of the US Congress.
  Nadler, a Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee and the most senior Jewish member of the House of Representatives, released an extensive statement on Tuesday, blasting Netanyahu's performance as Israeli prime minister.

​  Israeli government allocates millions to unauthorised West Bank settler outposts
​  The Israeli government has allocated $20.5 million to protect small, unauthorised Jewish farms in the occupied West Bank, aiming to develop them into settlements. Documents uncovered by Peace Now reveal that Israel's pro-settler government has discreetly funneled money into unauthorised outposts, separate from its over 100 officially recognised settlements.​

​  Israeli settlers set fire to olive groves in the occupied West Bank
Videos show Palestinian olive groves on fire after Israeli settlers reportedly set them alight in the occupied West Bank village of Burin.​

  Netanyahu seeks support for war in Gaza with speech to Congress but sparks protests and boycotts
  Tall steel barriers ringed entrances to the Capitol complex Wednesday, and security officers were deployed on foot, bicycle and with dogs. Overnight, hundreds of anti-war protesters organized by a Jewish group staged a sit-in at a congressional office building, crying, “Not in our name.”  ...
​..Some leading Democrats and political independent Bernie Sanders plan to boycott Netanyahu’s speech. But the most notable absence will be Vice President Kamala Harris, who serves as president of the Senate and traditionally would sit behind whatever dignitary is speaking. She said a long-scheduled trip will keep her away.
​  The next Democrat in line, Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, is declining to attend, and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she would be meeting with families of Israeli victims of Hamas instead.
​  Republicans said the absence of Harris, the new Democratic front-runner for the presidency, was a sign of disloyalty to an ally. Former President Donald Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, said he would also be a no-show for Netanyahu’s speech, citing the need to campaign.​

Labor Unions Urge Biden to Halt Military Aid for Israel

  US Capitol Police arrest Jewish activists calling for Israel arms embargo
Hundreds of advocates rallied at Capitol Hill on the eve of Netanyahu’s speech to urge an end to weapons transfers to Israel.

Protesters zip-tied, escorted out of Capitol ahead of Netanyahu speech   

Trump Confirms Netanyahu Meeting At Mar-A-Lago

Celia Farber,  Trump Recording Emerges In Which He Reveals Netanyahu Never Wanted To Make A Deal. "I Thought The Palestinians Were Impossible And That The Israelis Would Do Anything To Make Peace And A Deal...  I Found That Not To Be True."

​  Several hours after he announced a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this Friday, former President Trump published a letter he received from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and pledged to work for peace in the Middle East.
​  Why it matters: Abbas' letter is a signal that the Palestinian president wants to start a new chapter with the Republican presidential nominee following their fallout as a result of Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the U.S. embassy to the city in December 2017.
​  It also shows that Trump didn't abandon his aspiration to reach a historic peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.
Trump's post frames his meeting with Netanyahu not only as a photo-op that the Israeli prime minister wanted to get, but as a more substantive meeting about advancing peace amid the war in Gaza.​

Biden’s Cured But Won’t Meet with Netanyahu  [Too risky all around, I guess.]

  Vance not attending Netanyahu speech to Congress
Jason Miller, senior adviser to the Trump campaign, said in a statement that Vance has “duties to fulfill as the Republican nominee for Vice President.”
  “Senator Vance stands steadfastly with the people of Israel in their fight to defend their homeland, eradicate terrorist threats, and bring back their countrymen held hostage,” Miller said.  “He will not, however, be in attendance for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.”
  Vance, who is holding campaign events in Ohio and Virginia on Monday, will defer to former President Trump for direct communication with Netanyahu this week, according to a source familiar with the matter.

  YAF release footage, specifications of Yafa drone that hit Tel Aviv [Balsa wood?]
The Ansar Allah leader affirmed that the Yafa drone was manufactured in Yemen and was launched by the YAF, denying claims that it was produced and deployed by another party.

  China Brokers Unity In Palestine  
  Rival Palestinian factions including Fatah and Hamas have signed an agreement aimed at ending their division and building unity following talks in Beijing, marking a diplomatic win for China.
  Over the years Fatah and Hamas had already signed several agreements to build some unity government. All however have failed.
  What gives hope is that this agreement might be sustained is the participation of all other Palestinian groups as well as the significance of China as the guarantee power behind this.

Gilbert Doctorow,  What a Ukraine peace treaty brokered by Trump might look like

  Almost Half of EU Members Wanted to Hold Top Diplomats Meeting in Hungary
  On Monday, Borrell said that the next meeting of the foreign ministers would be held in Brussels, not Budapest, due to Hungary's position on Ukraine.
In total, 13 countries said that they preferred to meet in Budapest, while five others, especially states in Eastern Europe and the Baltics, said that they would boycott the gathering in the Hungarian capital., according to Politico. In the end, Borrell picked Brussels in a move that aims to "send a signal, even if it is a symbolic signal," to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

  EU may not be right fit for Hungary – member stateFinnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen has said Budapest’s views do not correspond with the bloc’s official line
  “Of course, it is up to the individual country to do so,” Valtonen told the Helsingin Sanomat newspaper. “But at some point, it may be worth asking whether the European Union is the right reference group if the ideas differ so fundamentally from our common values.”

EU state issues €6.5bn ultimatum to UkraineHungary is moving to punish Kiev for its blockade of oil deliveries from Russia  

  Andrew Korybko, Ukraine Might Actually Be Semi-Serious About Resuming Peace Talks With Russia
  Zelensky knows that his maximalist goal of reconquering all of Ukraine’s lost territory is unrealistic no matter what he says for the purpose of keeping morale high. He therefore wants to retake as much as he can before the US either becomes too fatigued with its latest “forever war” or is forced by circumstances into “Pivoting (back) to Asia” before it’s ready. By publicly displaying interest in China’s mediation, he hopes to either keep the US supporting him for longer or to reach a better peace deal with China’s help.
  It's a gamble, but he hopes that the next US President might either become so nervous about him flirting with China that they decide to give him more of what he’s been demanding and remove their restrictions or that China can convince Russia to scale back some of its maximalist demands for peace if they won’t. Nobody can confidently predict how far he’ll go in this regard nor exactly how serious he is, but it’s undeniable that Zelensky is changing tack to an extent, which is remarkable development in this conflict.

  France Unbowed Leader Melenchon Calls for Withdrawal From NATO  (A real Leftist.)
  "I choose the logic of disarmament and appeasement … If I were at the Elysee Palace, I would certainly systematically and in an organized manner withdraw from the joint military command, from NATO. Especially during the war, to avoid seeing the country involved in this story," Melenchon told the newspaper.

  Two from Surplus energy Economics. This is what declining cheap energy looks like. 
The seductive risk of financialization , THE VARIABLE GEOMETRY OF MONEY
  Measured as a system which supplies physical products and services to society, the global economy was 29% larger in 2023 than it had been in 2003.
By contrast, best estimates indicate that aggregate financial assets increased by about 150%, in real terms, between those years, whilst the combined stock of bank and central bank money expanded by about 160%.

  Over the coming ten years, the ability of the global economy to afford discretionary (non-essential) products and services is poised to decline by about 17%, with affordability at the average per capita level falling by a projected 23%.
  Anyone who thinks that this can be consistent with rising sales in the leisure, travel, hospitality, entertainment or media sectors is out of touch with reality. If we further suppose that businesses funded by advertising or subscription revenues, or by the sale of non-essential gadgets, can continue to defy economic gravity under these circumstances, we are setting ourselves up for a massive misallocation of capital.
  This is one of the two ways in which the “peak tech” of the title should be understood. The other is the unfolding realization that technology can’t, as has so long been supposed, provide a ‘fix’ for every economic and environmental ill.

  In Major Shift, British Newspapers Begin Warning of Perils of Cashless Society After Global IT Outage
  The mainstream media has, until now, played a key role in advancing the Global War on Cash — a war that began with no official declaration but in which propaganda, as with all wars, is a vital weapon.
  Last week’s global IT outage appears to have shaken some British media outlets’ confidence in the idea of a fully cashless society. When a content update by the cyber-security giant CrowdStrike caused millions of Microsoft systems around the world to crash on Friday morning, bringing the operating systems of banks, payment card firms, airlines, hospitals, NHS clinics, retailers and hospitality businesses to a standstill, businesses were faced with a stark choice: go cash-only, or close until the systems came back online.

​  Iran's plan to establish BRICS-wide currency could change global trade dynamics
​  Iran and Russia have effectively established the essential conditions for the transfer of trade payments to national currencies by connecting their national payment systems through their respective central banks at the bilateral level. Iran continues to engage in negotiations with Russia about the potential expansion of this mechanism to include the BRICS countries, the diplomat stated.​

​  California senators pass SB 553 to prohibit retailers from stopping shoplifters
Lawmakers in California are gunning for the passage of a new law, Senate Bill 553, that would bar retail stores throughout the state from confronting shoplifters.
​  SB 553 was introduced just a few weeks after a 26-year-old Home Depot security guard named Blake Mohs was shot to death during an attempted store robbery in Pleasanton, in the East Bay. The incident prompted California lawmakers to reevaluate the state's standards for dealing with robberies.
​  "The bill has made its way to the Assembly where it under consideration by the Labor & Employment Committee," tweeted the @amuse X account. "Too many retailers and citizens are intervening as the police ignore the problem."​

​  California court rules children have no free speech rights – only old people covered by First Amendment?
​  Both the child who drew the picture and the child who received it were confused upon being confronted about the matter. Their innocence is color blind, after all, which cannot be said for the recipient child's mother, Becerra, or the rest of the "adults" who proceeded to destroy these children's innocence to push a deranged, anti-white political agenda.
​  The child who drew the picture was told that she could no longer draw and give pictures to her classmates. Teachers also banned the child from recess for two full weeks without telling her why, and without telling her parents.
​  The child's parents eventually found out about the punishment roughly a year after the incident, prompting them to press the school for answers. Since the school was uncooperative, the child's parents sued the school, only to have a local judge rule in favor of Becerra and against the child, arguing that Becerra was operating under qualified immunity against the drawing author's First Amendment and retaliation claims.
​  The case is being appealed by the Pacific Legal Foundation and will soon, probably within the next year, be heard and decided by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.​

​William Makis MD, Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus was suspended for investigating 9 babies who died after their mothers received COVID-19 Vaccinations.

A Midwestern Doctor,  Exposing The Great Osteoporosis ScamHow conventional osteoporosis care often makes things worse and the forgotten ways to regain bone health.

Friend of Healthy Bones and Children (pictured with Jenny and grandkids)