Friday, June 28, 2024

Everybody Knows That Everybody Knows

 Well  Aware,

  Sorry to flog a dead horse, but you are bound to have seen some "debate" clips from last night. I watched the Kennedy 3-way debate, as did over 2/3 of debate-watchers, I have read. I mostly left the sound off, as an active tab, occasionally popping in, but I can't stand much at a time. I presume that you know the feeling. Jenny said her Facebook feed was dead; no debate comments from her mostly Democratic friends, very unlike 2016 and 2020.

  Celia Farber, America Wakes Up To Surreal Dream: RFK Jr. Got Most Viewers By Landslide Yet Is Un-Personed, While Trump and Biden Fight Inside CNN Box Where No Covid Genocide Is Mentioned

  Yves Smith @ Naked Capitalism has the intelligent liberal take:  Biden Crashes, Trump Lies: A Campaign-Defining Presidential Debate
​  The presidential debate last night is likely to go down as being of historical importance, in the same league as the Kennedy-Nixon debate. But here, instead of demonstrating how the then-young medium rewarded good looks and a confident affect, here it showed two men, which as often happens with the aged, having become even more of who they are, and not in a good way.
​  There is no way Biden will be in office for a second term after last night’s performance. As blinkered as Biden himself is, too much rides on having at least a semi-functioning incumbent, and voters and donors realize that. Reagan’s Alzheimer’s was not apparent when he ran for a second term and stayed well-hidden. But a big reason why was his strong Cabinet, something Biden abjectly lacks. The members of his top team, in their various ways, are more often than not as weak as he is.
​  That does not mean Trump will be president. He could choke to death on a burger or suffer a George Wallace or worse assassination attempt. Or perhaps the Democrats will do the seemingly impossible and rally successfully around a last-minute contender like Jay Pritzker or Gretchen Whitmer. But odds considerably favor he will be back in the White House.​

  May I simply say that everybody knows that Joe Biden can't be "elected" again, even with massive vote rigging. He got the best nootropic "smart medicines" available, one can be sure   

  Here are the gambling odds on 8 POTUS potential candidates, from Trump at 56% and Biden at 16%, to Newsome 11.2%, Harris 6.5%, Michelle Obama 4.9%, Gretchen Whitmer 2%, and both Hillary and Bobby Jr. at 1.65%

Because I am no sadist I'll give you this video clip marked at 2 minutes of Bobby Kennedy Jr. explaining how the Ukraine war came to be still unresolved. (Nobody talked about human rights of Palestinians, nobody. I'll vote for Jill Stein again.):

  Biden's "not dropping out" yet, because they don't know who to put in yet, because they don't know Trump's VP yet, and he's in no hurry to help them.
"He's Not Dropping Out": Biden Digs In After Disastrous Debate
President Joe Biden is "not dropping out" of the 2024 race despite his party's collective freakout over last night's debate performance, which put his severe cognitive decline on display, raising questions about who's actually running the country.​ (Obama)​

  ​Mainstream media... ABC NEWS:  Democratic dread grows after Biden debate disaster. What now?: ANALYSIS
​  Even before Thursday night's debate, there was a sense of dread among Democrats that the party was charting a course towards the unthinkable -- a Trump victory in November...
..Joe Biden needed a strong debate to address concerns about his age and to show he has physical and mental ability to take on Trump and win in November. That's why he spent nearly a week at Camp David with an army of advisers preparing for Thursday night...
​.."I am in a state of shock," a Democratic member of Congress who has strongly supported Biden told me even before the date was over. "He is diminished to an extent that has become undeniable."...
​..But nobody knows better than Joe Biden how high the stakes are in this election. He still has time -- although not much time -- to make this decision. And while there is no indication that either he or anyone of his closest advisers or family members is having second thoughts, some of the most prominent voices on the outside publicly calling for him to drop out are voices Biden respects.​ (What sayeth Obama?)​

​  On this day 110 years ago: Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria of Austria (18 December 1863 – 28 June 1914) was the heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-HungaryHis assassination in Sarajevo was the most immediate cause of World War I.

​  Justice Alito Dissent Says Majority "Shirks" Duty in Free Speech Case
​  Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito said the high court shirked its duty in rejecting a challenge brought over the White House’s communications with social media companies over political content, a case he described as “one of the most important free speech cases to reach this Court in years.”​

​  Aunt Of Matthew Perna, Who Killed Himself In Prison, Enraged: "Matthew Perna Is Dead!" Julie Kelly: "Texts Pouring In From J6ers." "I Just Spent 3 Years In Prison For Something That Isn't A Crime."​

​I think most homeless are "independents". We need jobs and cheap rents again: In Blow To Democrats, Supreme Court Allows Crackdown On Homeless

  The right to "due process" is rediscovered.  SCOTUS Overturns 'Chevron Deference' In Massive Blow To 'Administrative State'
​  In an 6-3 decision along ideological lines, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority upended the 40-year administrative law precedent that gave agencies across the federal government leeway to interpret ambiguous laws through rulemaking.
​  Conservatives and Republican policymakers have long been critical of the doctrine, saying it has contributed to the dramatic growth of government and gives unelected regulators far too much power to make policy by going beyond what Congress intended when it approved various laws. The authority of regulatory agencies has been increasingly questioned by the Supreme Court in recent years.​

'Devastating Blow': Divided Supreme Court Says SEC Cannot Seek Fines In-House
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, in dissent, said court's broad reading of the Seventh Amendment right to jury trial could affect many federal agencies.​

​  John Leake,  Knockout Blow to Admin State Confirmed
Company long harassed by a federal agency is contacted to discuss a settlement an after after the SCOTUS decision was announced.​

   Project Veritas "Interview": Biden's State Department Official Admits Great Replacement is Real; ‘They Want to Change the Demographics of the United States’     KEY QUOTES:
“The truth is they want to change the demographics of the United States.”
 – Consular Officer, U.S. State Department
“I wish people knew we were letting in criminals [to the United States] daily.” – Consular Officer, U.S. State Department
“Migrants are coming from elsewhere, like Venezuela. So we’re like, this [the Root Causes Strategy] doesn’t solve that problem.” – Dan Fitzgerald, Country Coordinator U.S. State Department
“It looks bad for any administration because no one solves migration… it’s like the end all, be all, kill pill for politics.”- Dan Fitzgerald, Country Coordinator U.S. State Department

  Moon of Alabama,  Russian Note To The U.S.: Your Drones Are Now Targets
A new statement by the Russian Defense Ministry says:
​  The Russian Defence Ministry noted the increased intensity of U.S. strategic unmanned aerial vehicles over the Black Sea waters, which are conducting reconnaissance and targeting high-precision weapons supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine by Western states to launch strikes at Russian facilities.
​  This demonstrates the increasing involvement of the United States and NATO countries in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Kiev regime.
​  Such flights increase the possibility of air incidents involving the Russian Aerospace Forces' aircraft, increasing the risk of a direct confrontation between the alliance and the Russian Federation.​  The NATO countries will be responsible for this.
​  The Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov has instructed the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces to make proposals on measures for rapid response to provocations.​

​  Then kill our pilots.  A British reconnaissance aircraft is operating over the Black Sea today under the protection of fighter jets​

Six Ukrainian battalions abandon their positions on Gorlovka direction​

​Bulgaria is a regional keystone NATO ally.  Bulgarian President won't attend NATO summit due to disagreement over support for Ukraine

So the Patriots go to Ukraine to "protect" the arriving F-16s? Will Israel forego war with Hezbollah?  US Negotiating To Send Israel's Patriot Systems To Ukraine

​  Israeli Defense Minister Vows to Return Lebanon to ‘Stone Age’
The White House reversed course and now says a ceasefire in Lebanon cannot be contingent on a deal in Gaza​

​  Israel Creating ‘Dead Zone’ Along Lebanon Border​,  Tel Aviv is attempting to destroy everything within three miles of the border
​  So far, the conflict has been limited to tit-for-tat daily strikes but these have slowly escalated. The fighting has killed hundreds in Lebanon and over 25 Israelis. Hundreds of thousands of civilians have been displaced from the border area, and large swaths of southern Lebanon have been decimated.
​  The IDF has used white phosphorus weapons – and even fireballs slung from trebuchets – to set fire to farms and vegetation. An Israeli official claimed that Tel Aviv was not trying to create a dead zone or buffer area, but rather to clear the area of Hezbollah. “We just want Hezbollah pushed back,” the official said. “We have to ‘clean out’ the area of Hezbollah’s presence.”
​  Tel Aviv justifies the destruction by claiming that Hezbollah uses civilians as human shields, and Israeli officials make similar arguments about Hamas in Gaza.​

Balloons Land in Southern Lebanon, Warning Locals the Land ‘Belongs to Jews’​, Messages in Hebrew and Arabic demand immediate evacuation of all locals​

​  US Readies To Evacuate Americans From Lebanon If War Erupts, Marines En Route
​  IDF forces also practiced combat scenarios "in a tangled terrain that simulates combat on a northern route, progress along a mountain route and the use of gradual fire," the statement said further.
​  Among the units present for the drill included the 55th Reserve Paratroopers Brigade, which strongly points to Israel gearing up for a major invasion of south Lebanon.​

​  Israel storms Gaza City neighborhood, orders Palestinians to go south
​  Israel stormed a neighborhood in Gaza City on Thursday, telling Palestinians as the tanks moved in that they must move south, and bombed the southern city of Rafah in what it says are the final stages of an operation against Hamas militants there.
​  Residents of the Shejaia neighborhood in Gaza City said they were taken by surprise by tanks rolling in and firing in the early afternoon, with drones also attacking after overnight bombing.
​  “It sounded as if the war is restarting, a series of bombings that destroyed several houses in our area and shook the buildings,” Mohammad Jamal, 25, a resident of Gaza City, told Reuters.​

​  Israel Bombs UN Headquarters Distributing Aid In Gaza
​  An Israeli airstrike hit near the main gate of the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency headquarters in Gaza City, killing at least eight people and injuring many others who were seeking aid or sheltering from the conflict. The attack, which Israel claims targeted a site used by Hamas, devastated a key humanitarian hub amidst Gaza’s escalating crisis. Witnesses described scenes of chaos and desperation, with families fleeing and bodies lying in the rubble.​

​  UNICEF's deputy executive director underscores the severe toll on Palestinian children amid widespread death and destruction due to the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza.
​  “The bodies of thousands of missing children remain buried under rubble, and none of this includes the thousands of violations reported so far in 2024,” he stressed.
​  The UNICEF official also highlighted the obstacles hindering aid deliveries to Gaza, which are contributing to the rising number of acutely malnourished children. He noted that "after nearly nine months of horrible conflict, UNICEF and other humanitarian actors are still struggling to reach those in need."
​  He further called for “a complete ceasefire” in Gaza, where many children are dying due to the starvation imposed by "Israel" on the besieged territory.​

​  UN criticizes Israeli soldiers for unleashing dogs on detained Palestinians
Such actions constitute serious violations of Israel’s obligations under international law, says UN official
​  Laurence responded in writing to questions from Anadolu about Israeli soldiers using dogs to attack Palestinian prisoners, engaging in acts of sexual violence, and using a wounded Palestinian as a human shield in the West Bank.​

​  Israel brings in military service for ultra-Orthodox Jews​   
Israel has introduced mandatory military service for ultra-Orthodox Jews, ending long-standing exemptions. The move has sparked significant debate within the country.
​  It is a decision of historic importance, and it has the potential to cause new domestic turmoil in Israel and to fuel a smoldering cultural conflict: The Israeli Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that ultra-Orthodox Jews are also liable for military service.
​  Those who refuse to do so will no longer receive state support.
 A legal exemption that spared ultra-Orthodox Jews from military service expired in March 2024.​..
​..Because the military operation in the Gaza war is continuing, the military also wants to draft ultra-Orthodox men.​  Now, Israel's Supreme Court wants to ensure that politicians act accordingly, but it remains unclear what consequences this decision will have. Israel as a state has no written constitution, and for many ultra-Orthodox Jews, the Supreme Court as a secular authority ultimately has no great significance.​

​  Iranians vote in snap polls after Raisi’s death in helicopter crash
​  Iranians voted on Friday for a new president to replace president Ebrahim Raisi, killed last month in a helicopter crash. The ballot list featured a choice between a tightly controlled group of four candidates loyal to the supreme leader, amid pervasive public apathy after years of economic strife, nationwide protests and escalating tensions in the Middle East.​

​  Locking up anybody who says what they see going on:  The well-known Romanian patriot Iurie Roșca is in danger of being imprisoned!
The Moldovan lackeys of globalism are rushing intensely these days to silence Iurie Roșca, as he has been creating for decades a strong current of opinion that systematically exposed the criminal agenda of the trans-national plutocracy.​

​  Stroke Risk: COVID Shots 200 Times More Likely to Cause Blood Clots in Brain​, Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.
​  The COVID-19 vaccines had an over 1,000-fold increased risk of blood clots in the brain compared to the flu vaccine and more than a 200-fold increased risk compared to all other vaccines, according to a study by Dr. Peter McCullough and colleagues.​

​  Jessica Rose Ph.D.  1/200 chance of death in context of new bird flu injection - 5 times higher than placebo according to clinical trial 
“Fatal SAEs included 11 (0.5%) AUDENZ recipients and 1 (0.1%) placebo recipients.”

​  Finland to Offer Bird Flu Vaccine Despite Lack of Safety Testing and Human Infections​  [High risk" means "expensive-and-easy-to-kill", right?]
​  Finland plans to vaccinate 10,000 “high-risk” individuals against the H5N8 strain of bird flu. Critics warn of potential dangers from the untested vaccine and question the necessity given the absence of human infections in the country.​ 

  The "good WHO":  WHO Reports Hundreds of Thousands of Annual Deaths in Europe Linked to Ultra-Processed Foods​ 
​  The World Health Organization accused the food and beverage industry of spreading misinformation and lobbying against public health initiatives.​ Ultra-processed food is responsible for about 391,000 deaths annually in Europe, according to a new report from the World Health Organization.​..
​..“It is estimated that at least one-third of total global deaths [19 million] and 41 percent of noncommunicable disease deaths are attributable to just four commercial products: tobacco, ultra-processed foods, fossil fuels​ 
 [Note: Fossil fuels keep us all alive.]  and alcohol,” the WHO wrote.​

Reducing Risks (​Pictured recently with unprocessed foods)  

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