Thursday, November 21, 2019

Left Unsaid


Look​ there​, an ​I​mpeachment!
​ ​House Democrats have slipped an unqualified renewal of the draconian PATRIOT Act into an emergency funding bill – voting near-unanimously for sweeping surveillance carte blanche that was the basis for the notorious NSA program.​..​
​ ​A roll-call vote on the bill was split exactly along party lines, with all 230 Democrats standing up for unconstitutional mass surveillance – including progressives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota), who spoke out against it earlier. Two other Democrats opted not to vote, but not a single representative dared oppose party groupthink.

​China is back on historical track. Chinese history is many thousands of years of China ruling everybody, except when it was having internal strife. 
I'm not sure how well westerners grasp that. 
China being weak has been a blip, and it's over.
That Dragon is Awake, and not going back to sleep. 
​ ​Our relationship with China just went from bad to worse, and most Americans don’t even realize that we just witnessed one of the most critical foreign policy decisions of this century. The U.S. Senate just unanimously passed the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019”, and the Chinese are absolutely seething with anger. Violent protests have been rocking Hong Kong for months, and the Chinese have repeatedly accused the United States of being behind the protests. Whether that is true or not, the U.S. Senate has openly sided with the protesters by passing this bill, and there is no turning back now.

​Chinese power elites are pragmatic. They are ramping up coal-fired electrical generation, because they have coal, and they can burn Chinese coal when coal shipments from Australia and the US are cut off in wartime. "China First"
​ ​China’s growing appetite for new coal-fired power stations has outstripped plant closures in the rest of the world since the start of last year, data shows.
​ ​Elsewhere countries reduced their capacity by 8GW in the 18 months to June because old plants were retired faster than new ones were built. But over the same period China increased its capacity by 42.9GW despite a global move towards cleaner energy sources and a pledge to limit the use of coal.
​ ​Christine Shearer, an analyst at the NGO Global Energy Monitor, said: “China’s proposed coal expansion is so far out of alignment with the Paris agreement that it would put the necessary reductions in coal power out of reach, even if every other country were to completely eliminate its coal fleet.”  

Reserve currency status ultimately destroys the productive capacity of a nation, because industry cannot export, or even compete with imports. 
The $US is old enough to fall from that graceful status. No more cheap-stuff for Americans after that.
ANZ told CNBC that China would likely diversify into British pounds, Euros, and Japanese yen... and gold.
ANZ believes China is building "shadow reserves" as a way to diversify from the dollar.
"In fact, we believe that the Chinese government has already discreetly diversified its offshore portfolios to include alternative investments," the report said.

​My read on Trump diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula is that he is suddenly adding this $5 billion increased price for keeping American occupation forces in South Korea, to facilitate a step-down of those forces, which is what North and South Korean governments want. Koreans don't want to be 2 countries at war with each other, just because they were occupied by competing outside powers after WW-2.​ Maybe I'm wrong, but I see a pattern.
​ ​Though South Korea had successfully negotiated cost sharing agreements for decades, the current timing to the crisis couldn't be worse, given stalled US-DPRK talks and threats of new missile tests, not to mention the looming US presidential elections next year. CNN reports of the crisis:
​ ​The sudden end to the talks, which were in their third round, comes amid renewed tensions between the allies after President Donald Trump hiked the price tag for US forces roughly 400% for 2020, a move that frustrated Pentagon officials and deeply concerned Republican and Democratic lawmakers.

​Impeach Trump! 
Ukrainian MP Claims $7.4 Billion Obama-Linked Laundering, Puts Biden Group Take At $16.5 Million
 A Ukrainian MP says a document leaked from the Ukraine's Office of the Prosecutor General contains claims against Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevsky, as well as Hunter Biden and his partners - who allegedly received $16.5 million for their 'services' - according to Alexander Dubinsky of the ruling Servant of the People Party.
Dubinsky made the claim in a Wednesday press conference, citing materials from an investigation into Zlochevsky and Burisma.
 "Zlochevsky was charged with this new accusation by the Office of the Prosecutor General but the press ignored it," said the MP. "It was issued on November 14."
 "The son of Vice-President Joe Biden was receiving payment for his services, with money raised through criminal means and money laundering," he then said, adding "Biden received money that did not come from the company’s successful operation but rather from money stolen from citizens."
 According to Dubinsky, Hunter Biden's income from Burisma is a "link that reveals how money is siphoned [from Ukraine]," and how Biden is just one link in the chain of Zlochevsky's money laundering operation which included politicians from the previous Yanukovich administration who continued their schemes under his successor, President Pyotr Poroshenko.

Google search results by candidate are not released this time. 
Tulsi Gabbard led each of the previous times. 
That's not a preferred narrative.​ Bernie, either...
Would MSNBC ever dare favor the Democratic Party establishment? Of course not!
​ ​Just kidding. But I at least thought that the de facto media arm of the Democratic National Committee might be a little bit more discreet. Wednesday night’s debate in Atlanta, moderated by MSNBC, was openly skewed toward Warren and tried to all but ignore outsiders such as Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang.
​ ​This was evident from the debate’s very first half hour. Warren got at least three questions before Yang or Gabbard were even acknowledged.

​Bernie Sanders gets routinely slandered by MSNBC, not merely ignored. 

Sanders took a principled stand on US Foreign (AKA "war") Policy. This is a huge initiative.
​ ​“One of the big differences between the vice president and myself is he supported the terrible war in Iraq, and I helped lead the opposition against it,” declared Sanders. “And not only that, I voted against the very first Gulf War as well. And I think we need a foreign policy which understands who our enemies are that we don’t have to spend more money on the military than the next ten nations combined.”
​ ​Responding to a question about whether he would negotiate a deal with the Taliban in order to get the United States out of Afghanistan, Sanders argued that the time has come to “rethink the entire War on Terror.”
​ ​“I think it is time, after spending many trillions of dollars on these endless wars which have resulted in more dislocation and mass migrations and pain in that region, it is time to bring our troops home,” said Sanders.​..
​ Sanders seized every opportunity to outline foreign-policy alternatives in the fifth round of Democratic debating. Joining several of the candidates in calling out President’s Trump’s approach to Saudi Arabia, he declared that “Saudi Arabia is not a reliable ally.” Sanders argued that the United States must promote negotiations between the Saudis and the Iranians, telling both “we are sick and tired of us spending huge amounts of money and human resources because of your conflicts.”
That in itself was a strong statement, but the senator did not stop there.
“The same thing goes with Israel and the Palestinians,” said Sanders. “It is no longer good enough for us to be pro-Israel, I am pro-Israel, but we must treat the Palestinians with the dignity they deserve.”  

Pepe Escobar relates comments by Iranian foreign Minister Zarif, who speaks without notes at the Astana Club.
​ ​Netanyahu “managed to destroy the JCPOA. What is the problem? The problem is we decided not to fold. That is our only crime. We had a revolution against a government that was supported by the United States, imposed on our country by the United States, [that] tortured our people with the help of the United States, and never received a single human rights condemnation, and now people are worried why they say ‘Death to America’? We say death to these policies, because they have brought nothing but this farce. What did they bring to us? If somebody came to the United States, removed your president, imposed a dictator who killed your people, wouldn’t you say death to that country?”  
​ ​Zarif inevitably had to evoke Mike Pompeo: “Today the Secretary of State of the United States says publicly: ‘If Iran wants to eat, it has to obey the United States.’ This is a war crime. Starvation is a crime against humanity. It’s a newspeak headline. If Iran wants its people to eat, it has to follow what he said. He says, ‘Death to the entire Iranian people.’”  

Turkey (aided covertly by Kissinger) invaded Cyprus in 1974, and still holds northern Cyprus. Cyprus is a peripheral (exploited) EU member, with gas in her territorial waters, which Turkey wants and the EU wants. It's a power-play. 
Turkey threatens to flood the EU with millions of shell-shocked war refugees who speak Islamic-fundamentalist, if Turkey doesn't get plenty of gas for Turkish-occupied "Northern Cyprus".

Making concrete involves heating limestone to 1500 degrees by burning coal. The limestone releases CO2, and you get "coker", which is ready to react with water to make concrete for your buildings and roads. This is a huge CO2 release.
“When it comes to buildings, we don’t usually demolish them because they’re structurally failing,” Gregory said. “Usually we demolish them because they go out of style or aren’t needed.” The longer we can use old buildings, the fewer new ones we’ll have to build, and the less cement we’ll need to manufacture.  

​Project Censored's top 10 ​suppressed stories of 2018:

Missed That

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