Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Trump Pardons Jesus


OK, I'm sorry, the headline is not accurate. Trump pardoned Susan B. Anthony, the first lady to be on a dollar coin.
Her crime was voting-while-female. She never paid the fine. Some folks say that she would have been against this on principle. No comments from Susan. Free publicity for President Donald. 
Good practical joke not pardoning Ed Snowden like he hinted, and certainly not Julian Assange or Private Manning.

Famine; Hard Times:
Kim Jong-un Orders North Koreans to Hand Over Pet Dogs So They Can be Eaten

​  ​North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has ordered citizens to hand over their pet dogs so they can be killed and eaten as a new famine threatens the country.
​  ​Heavy rain, widespread flooding and crop damages have left the country short of food supplies, leading the Stalinist regime to demand more wealthy North Koreans give up their dogs, which are considered “decadent” luxury and “a ‘tainted’ trend by bourgeois ideology,” according to South Korean news outlet Chosun Ilbo...The pets are rounded up, with some of them being sent to zoos
(feed the big cats?) ​and others being sold directly to the restaurant trade.​ ​​ ​

The Biden/Harris campaign and the dead-end of “lesser evil” politics​   Really, nothing better is being offered in terms of policy. Nothing.​ All we have is Bernie Sanders saying Biden will fix everything, a lie.​  

​Scroll down a little to see the funny picture.

​There are all of these tough decisions to make regarding the economy, feeding the rich people, and maintaining the imperial reserve currency, the US Dollar, which extracts tribute from all who use it.​ Charles Hugh Smith presents the conundrum in 2 essays: A mildly weaker dollar pumps the stock market bubble, but the global reserve currency needs to be a bit stronger than that, so the world does not use the alternatives, which are being used some already, due to the dollar being used so punitively in recent years (Venezuela, Iran, Russia).

It's Do-or-Die, Deep State: Either Strangle the Stock Market Rally Now or Cede the Election to Trump​   ​

The Empire Will Strike Back: Dollar Supremacy Is the Fed's Imperial Mandate

​The US military recently gave up the frequencies of about 8.6 cm wavelength to civilian use for 5g. Currently US civilian 5G uses wavelengths about 1 cm long.​ The US , thereby defaults to adopting the Chinese 5G standard, which is a better standard in terms of lower cost, easier implementation, and reduced damage to human cells. The current 1 cm wavelengths are the ones also used by the US military for crowd control pain-ray devices. They make your skin burn, when focused on you. You will run away.

​  ​The short-wavelength route would require U.S. telecoms to build a very dense—and  expensive—network of 5G base stations throughout any city or other geographic area to ensure reliable connectivity. The Defense Innovation Board report also cast some doubt on whether U.S. telecoms can absorb the cost of installing the infrastructure necessary for a full mmWave network.
​  ​China has taken the opposite approach. It favors low-frequency transmission, primarily in the 3- and 4-GHz bands. This strategy enables Chinese telecoms to swiftly roll out broad 5G coverage with fewer base stations because the wavelengths in these bands are able to penetrate obstacles.

 WASHINGTON: After a remarkably fast interagency review, the White House today announced a massive transfer of electromagnetic spectrum from military use to commercial 5G. It will be the “fastest transfer of federal spectrum to commercial use in history,” US Chief Technology Officer Michael Kratsios told reporters proudly this afternoon. But, Kratsios and Pentagon CIO Dana Deasy assured reporters ahead of the announcement, the rush won’t compromise military readiness or operations.
​  ​The 100 megahertz of spectrum runs from 3450 MHz to 3550, so-called mid-band frequencies prized by 5G developers because they allow longer-ranged transmissions than the millimeter-wave spectrum that makes up most of what’s been available in the US so far.​..
​  Currently, Deasy said, “the 3450-3550 mHZ band supports critical DoD radar operations, including high-powered defense radar systems on fixed, mobile, shipboard, and airborne platforms, [including] air defense, missile and gun fire control, counter mortar, bomb scoring [during training exercises], battlefield weapon locations, air traffic control, and range safety.”

​  I'm not sure how I missed this story last month, but last week I saw a patient who had tested positive for COVID-19 about 5 weeks earlier, recovered right after that, got sick again, with kidney symptoms, a persistent/recurrent kidney infection, and I did not test her for COVID again. She got tested in the hospital a few days later, and was positive for SARS-CoV-2, and had typically increased clotting factors in her blood, and a lung CT that looked like COVID, so the real thing, not a false positive.​
  In this story, somebody got over COVID and donated blood and there was viral RNA found in the blood, replicating virus in the blood. That kind of seeding for long term infection, even in a few people, might make this impossible to eradicate without potent antiviral medicines and years of close surveillance for outbreaks.
SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia in a Healthy Blood Donor 40 Days After Respiratory Illness Resolution  

​  Testing for antibody response can and does miss T-cell mediated immunity to SARS-CoV-2, which is sort of good news, but not really anything you can act upon.
​  SARS-CoV-2-specific memory T cells will likely prove critical for long-term immune protection against COVID-19. We here systematically mapped the functional and phenotypic landscape of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell responses in unexposed individuals, exposed family members, and individuals with acute or convalescent COVID-19. Acute phase SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells displayed a highly activated cytotoxic phenotype that correlated with various clinical markers of disease severity, whereas convalescent phase SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells were polyfunctional and displayed a stem-like memory phenotype. Importantly, SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells were detectable in antibody-seronegative exposed family members and convalescent individuals with a history of asymptomatic and mild COVID-19. Our collective dataset shows that SARS-CoV-2 elicits robust, broad and highly functional memory T cell responses, suggesting that natural exposure or infection may prevent recurrent episodes of severe COVID-19.

Thanks Rototillerman. This is May/June data which looked like the April date from California and New York, showing about 10 X the exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in the Oregon population, as what nasal swab testing had found up until then.
Interestingly, nobody under 17 had antibodies to it. What's that going to mean?
​  ​Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 were detected in nine of 897 specimens, yielding an unadjusted seroprevalence of 1.0% (95% confidence interval = 0.2%–1.8%). Antibodies were not detected in any specimens from the 29 persons aged ≤17 years. Seroprevalence generally increased with age (chi-squared test for trend, p = 0.049) (Table).
​  ​The estimated seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in a convenience sample of adult Oregonians was approximately 10 times the measured cumulative COVID-19 incidence obtained by nucleic acid testing, consistent with results from seven other U.S. states and geographic areas  

We need cheap, quick tests before winter, don't we?
​  T​he Food and Drug Administration on Saturday authorized emergency use of a new and inexpensive saliva test for Covid-19 that could greatly expand testing capacity.
​  ​The new test, which is called SalivaDirect and was developed by researchers at the Yale School of Public Health, allows saliva samples to be collected in any sterile container. It is a much less invasive process than the nasal swabs currently used to test for the virus that causes Covid-19, but one that has so far yielded highly sensitive and similar results. The test, which also avoids a key step that has caused shortages of chemical reagents used in other tests, can run approximately 90 samples in fewer than three hours in a lab, although the number can be greater in big labs with automation.
​  ​Moreover, Yale intends to provide its “open source” testing protocol to laboratories around the country. Other labs can now adopt the method while using a variety of commercially available testing components that can reduce costs, speed turnaround times and increase testing frequency, according to the FDA. And because the reagents for the test cost less than $5, the Yale researchers estimated labs should charge about $10 per sample, although that remains to be seen. The testing method is available immediately, but the researchers added it can be scaled up quickly for use in the coming weeks.

​The global thermal buffers look doomed. They're  going to stop buffering global warming when the ice cubes are gone.​
​  ​Nearly 40 years of satellite data from Greenland shows that glaciers on the island have shrunk so much that even if global warming were to stop today, the ice sheet would continue shrinking.  

​Enjoying Normalcy​


  1. You look like one of the mythical Annunaki come to earth to show early humans how to grow food.

    "I come from the sun.Just look into the glowing mandala on my chest and you will behold wonders!"

    1. Uh, I can't remember my past lives.
      Maybe I need a regression coach.
      Naw, I'm so busy these days...
