Monday, August 17, 2020

Ivermectin And Avocados

 Denied Treatment,

 I'm not the only doctor who is tired of the CDC bullshit attitude that everybody with COVID should go home and suffer alone until they need to be hospitalized, die or get better on their own. 
 This open letter to Anthony Fauci, a "doctor" in name only, says that medical treatments, which are broadly documented, and used all over the rest of the world, need to be openly discussed as options, not disparaged from Washington, nearly criminalized in some jurisdictions, and censored on Facebook, Twitter, New York Times, Washington Post, etc. 
  Again, for clarity, the trials upon which you base your opinion regarding the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine, assessed neither the full cocktail (to include Zinc and Azithromycin or doxycycline) nor administered treatment within the first five to seven days of symptoms, nor focused on the high-risk group, correct?
  Therefore, you have no basis to conclude that the Hydroxychloroquine cocktail when used early in the outpatient setting, within the first five to seven days of symptoms, in high risk patients, is not effective, correct?
  It is thus false and misleading to say that the effective and safe use of hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and Azithromycin has been “debunked,” correct? How could it be “debunked” if there is not a single study that contradicts its use?
  Should it not be an absolute priority for the NIH and CDC to look at ways to treat Americans with symptomatic COVID-19 infections early to prevent disease progression?

This is the influential study from Bangladesh, reported in July, which prompted the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh to change from hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin to ivermectin/doxycycline. 
It explains the known antiviral mechanisms at work very well.
A Case Series of 100 COVID-19 Positive Patients Treated with Combination of Ivermectin and Doxycycline

​This paper explains that ivermectin blocks a transport mechanism that viral RNA and proteins need to get from the cytoplasm, into the nucleus, where the machinery for viral replication exists. 
Ivermectin turns the nuclear-membrane into a wall against coronavirus, and some other viruses, too.​
The broad spectrum antiviral ivermectin targets the host nuclear transport importin α/β1 heterodimer

​Ivermectin helped sick hospitalized patients in Florida survive, especially some of the sickest one​
 Conclusions and Relevance: Ivermectin was associated with lower mortality during treatment of COVID-19, especially in patients who required higher inspired oxygen or ventilatory support. These findings should be further evaluated with randomized controlled trials.

​The light source scans the sample and a particular​ absorption pattern specific to SARS-CoV-2 is detected if present, sort of like a pulse oximeter watches your hemoglobin go by in your finger.
One-second coronavirus test achieves 95% success rate - initial data
In spectroscopy, a sample is tested with a broadband light source  

​Pepe Escobar thinks Beirut will need to get more-married-than-ever to China in the current crisis, and that stands to be good for both of them, though the US and Israel may poison both parties of that relationship, whenever possible.
Escobar On Battleground Beirut: Western Colony Or Back To The East?  

​  The Yoakum Avocado Project did not disappear. In fact, most of the avocado trees have come through the summer sun and heat much better than the few which were out last year, which were more shaded from the sun. The big success is having the drip system on from about 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM, so the roots are getting watered as the heat of the day is peaking. This really saves the tender green skin of the trees from burning badly. That is minimal this year, even with all of the trees in full summer sun all day.​
  Last winter I put all of the Mexican avocado seeds I could obtain in Perlite with water, on a heating pad, under a grow light. I also put a dozen Lula seeds in there. Lula seedlings are the preferred rootstock for grafting avocado cuttings onto in Texas (and kind of hard to get ahold of). There was something like a 40% rate of growth, up to this point, so I have got 4 Lula seedlings to graft onto, and about 23 Mexican avocado seedlings of various parentage growing. A few seedlings have succumbed to summer. 
  The main desirable attribute of Mexcican avocados is that they survive mild freezes to 24 degrees F, fairly reliably. 
Big, established trees have been known to survive extended freezes into the teens, but with loss of foliage and some branches.
  There are numerous types of Mexian avocados, and each "type" is one tree and all of the clones created by cutting off little growing branches, and grafting them to another avocado tree, used as a rootstock. Each seedling grows a unique tree, even if the parent tree self-fertilized. Avocados are poly-genic. They carry a lot of historical genetics, like a family or a community, in them, not just mommy and daddy.
  In the 20th century the business of harvesting, transporting and selling avocados in distant markets called for certain characteristics. In the late 1930s the "mother" Hass avocado tree was discovered. Fruit could produce over a very wide growing season, ripened slowly once picked, and had a firm skin to protect it in transport. These characteristics, and it's decent-enough oil content and flavor, have allowed it to dominate commercial markets.
  Every avocado I ate, off every seedling-tree somebody had, in Hawaii was better than every Hass avocado I ever ate. 
Still, they sell a lot of Hass avocados in grocery stores in Hawaii, because that's what they can reliably stock, and reliability is what drives long term grocery store sales.
  Hass avocados are not very cold tolerant, certainly not to 24 degrees F, maybe 28 - 30 degrees F. The West Indian avocados won't survive a freeze at all. They make those big watery fruit you get from Florida. 
The Hass is mostly Guatemalan, likely with a little Mexican in it, but it has typical Guatemalan cold tolerance.
  I'm trying to get the best Mexican avocado varieties for Yoakum , Texas, climate zone 9a, and see what trees grow better, produce more, produce early season, produce late season, taste yummiest, and survive anthracnose (those little black mold spots that grow under the skin). The types I have are Opal, Pryor, Wilma/Brazos Belle, Pancho, Joey/May, Stewart and Brogdon. Some Wilma seedlings are doing well, so their roots like Yoakum OK. It may be 8 years or more before I can get a first taste of their fruits. Some avocado seedlings take even longer to fruit, if ever.
You might die before some seedling trees make fruit.
  I do want some production to try from some established varieties grafted onto rootstocks, and sold as known varieties.
That will sort of sustain the experiment of growing Mexican avocado seedlings. Winter culls some. Summer culls some. general lack of vigor may cull others, but I need to grow a lot of trees in a lot of big pots for a lot of summers and winters before I can tell if any of them make fruit that is wonderful, resists anthracnos, and maybe extends the growing season by producing fruit a little earlier or later than the July-September window that predominates in Texas.
  Jenny photographed me yesterday, preparing a scion to be taken from a Stewart tree.  Note the tender green fresh growth, needed for  scion to have a chance at taking. Most of the leaves need to be trimmed off, and the scion taped or bagged to prevent loss of moisture, until the graft can establish (Most die, even for experts, they say.)

  Both of the Lula seedlings, I am grafting to, have more than one shoot, so even if the graft does not take, I might sort of get another try. 

If it does take, I will probably leave it at that, and pot up to a bigger pot, then snip off the Lula branch. Lula avocados are good, but the tree won't make it. The roots will live, because they are buried. 
I'll need to get the soil up over the graft when I put up. I'm grafting fairly  low, for that reason.

Novice Grafter


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. John Moncure Wetterau said...
      Thanks for your efforts to inform about ivermectin. I've ordered some online (along with doxycycline) just in case. The avocado experiment sounds fun. We live on a houseboat in Seattle, already have four small olive trees, but might be able to fit an avocado in among the bougainvillae. We would like to secede from the U.S. and become an offshore Greek territory. It is hard to watch our society crumble. When truth is devalued in a society, collapse is almost inevitable.
      Arguing for early treatment with HCQ has damaged several of my friendships with people unable to even look at facts and developments that contradict the narrative line. This has been shocking. But, I'm forced to admit that this behavior is a reality. I think it is a symptom of fear and it should be treated with respect (difficult) out of kindness and for safety's sake. A whole lot of people have been killed for threatening belief systems.
      Anyway, thanks. Good luck with the grafting. john
      p.s. I see a lot of music on your shelves. I grew up in Woodstock and eventually wrote a novel about the scene there in the years just before the festival.

    2. Thanks John, I deleted your email and reposted your content.

  2. "Arguing for early treatment with HCQ has damaged several of my friendships with people unable to even look at facts and developments that contradict the narrative line. This has been shocking."

    Whoa. But then, I suppose a lot of open-minded people said the same thing as Stalinism took root, Maoism went nuts, and Hitler took over Germany.

    1. I think you are absolutely correct. During reset periods of history, going into what became mass cullings, it looks like mass insanity of a divisive nature took hold, and the sociopaths who own us livestock, merely had to direct us in the ways to massively slaughter each other. That is their forte', of course. If you look back at history with hive-mind characteristics, rather than just a vast ocean of individual animals, it falls into place more easily. It does not have to be the whole herd that gets sick. You and I don't have to, but don't get in the way of a stampede. You can't help a stampede.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Joe. See also
