It's awkward that I don't have a link for this news factoid, but the link just got revised away.
The World Economic Forum had a story with the detail that what is now designated B(otswna).1.1.529 was sequenced already somewhere in July, just not designated yet. The link was rapidly changed while today's post at The Automatic Earth blog was being composed.
It was apparently revised away, to avoid contaminating the narrative that B.1.1.529 is "Brand New and Aggressive!"
Over the course of this year a lot of computer biomolecular modeling of viral proteins and human cellular receptors and enzymes has been done. It is fairly predictive, if not completely perfect. Pharmacology magnates like Pfizer have done and paid for a lot of this modeling. They are able to "predict" what mutations will escape the antibodies created by January 2020 (S)pike-protein vaccines (and also what mutations facilitate the "enhancing" antibodies, which help the virus infect cells better, Sshhh...)
It's hardly a secret that what leaked out of military labs (Ft. Detrick? Wuhan?) was a red-team/blue-team bioweapons project, with offensive and defensive aspects. That's how these weapons are worked out. Pfizer is doing the same thing.
The "new" "Omicron" (not Nu, and certainly not "Xi") variant has a lot of these escape-features, and the first 4 cases were purportedly identified in fully-vaccinated people. It's (S)pike protein is not recognized by the existing PCR tests, but 2 other proteins are, so it can be somewhat discerned by existing PCR tests, due to this feature.
That spike protein has a lot of mutations, all by itself. That's what you would expect if viral evolution were being directed to avoiding antibodies to spike protein, created by vaccines to spike protein. (It COULD be engineered this way, and exactly what WOULD work was described in a paper from May 2021, as I recall.).
Unsurprisingly, Pfizer/Bio-NTech and Moderna are suddenly announcing timelines to bring fresh vaccine-products to market against this strain. (Pity Australia, which has purchased 14 doses of Pfizer vaccine for each Australian, enough for a dose twice per year, for 7 years. Who signs these contracts?)
What we appear to be seeing is the sudden "discovery" of this strain in other countries, like the UK, Germany and Netherlands, giving the impression of very rapid spread, but which might be half a year of spreading under the radar, with a rapid and dramatic discovery everywhere.
What the computer modeling I read, and posted in August, Vaccines Help Delta , , showed was the mechanisms by which viral mutation avoids "neutralizing antibodies" and exploits "enhancing antibodies".
Let's assume that this "new" (not "Nu") strain is close enough to that modeled-ideal to be marketed as such, and to fit the new "vaccines" which are bound to have already been brought to the pre-production stage ("100 days" to release, per Pfizer).
Let's also assume that this strain preferentially infects those already vaccinated against January 2020 (S)pike protein.
Those are the people who already chose once (or twice) to accept experimental "vaccines", and are invested in this "solution".
They are the prime market for new "vaccines", are they not?
(I am not a prime market for new COVID vaccines, because I have declined to accept one of the old COVID vaccines.)
It is acceptable in this scenario for fears of the vaccinated to rise, specifically due to their vaccinated status. It is already apparent to many of us that the vaccinated are more susceptible to COVID Delta after 6 months than are the unvaccinated. (It is just not spoken in polite company.)
This new, aggressive, rapidly spreading, "unforeseeable" variant bursting upon the scene will make that awkward fact acceptable, within the modified context of the "Vaccines Good" Narrative.
This is a HUUUGE Stretch to maintain that dominant narrative.
Remember how the body counts were given on the five oclock news every day during the Vietnam War?
I do. My Dad , the Marine, was over there. I remember waking up about 4:30 AM and hearing the radio in Mom's room. It sounded like the US Embassy in Saigon was under rocket and mortar attack, and that there were gun-battles going on inside the embassy compound.
I eventually ventured into Mom's room.
"Mom, isn't Saigon the main city in Vietnam?" , I asked. "Yes, it is."
"Mom, I thought we were winning the war."
"That's what we all thought."
That morning was in late 1967. Dad got home at the end of the year, shortly before the Tet Offensive 1968. Everybody figured out that we-weren't-winning after Tet. Some military experts explained that Tet destroyed the Vietcong, that most of them died fighting in the streets, getting shot up by Americans, and that was technically true, but they died winning their war for their country against foreign armies...
This is our opportunity to contribute to the widespread societal recognition of the painfully-obvious, to achieve Paradigm-Shift, which is, again, way overdue.
this is not history rhyming.
this is maybe even past history just repeating.
i’m starting to worry that we’re caught in some kind of groundhog day time loop.
this is maybe even past history just repeating.
i’m starting to worry that we’re caught in some kind of groundhog day time loop.
FDA report shows Pfizer's clinical trials found 24% higher all-cause mortality rate among the vaccinated compared to placebo group. Report emphasizes that "None of the deaths were considered related to vaccination."
Gibraltar is the most vaccinated place on the planet with more than 99% of its population fully vaccinated, and with many also having received a booster. A total of 94,019 vaccine doses have been administered to Gibraltarians.
Considering Gibraltar has a population of some 30,000, that works out to an average of three shots per person...
Gibraltar is not alone among highly vaccinated populations exhibiting massive virus surges.
According to the CDC, Vermont has a higher vaccination rate - at 72% - than any other state, yet it also has one of the highest rates of new COVID cases...
Where do we find low or no rates of COVID-19 cases, you might ask?
Perhaps we could observe those countries or areas and note what they are doing differently to account for their success.
For example, we know that India has eliminated its COVID-19 Pandemic after implementing a national Ivermectin policy in the protocol. As a result, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi have no more problems with pandemic surges.
Over the last 75 days, Delhi has recorded less than 10 COVID-19 deaths. Likewise, Uttar Pradesh, with more than 230 million people, has recorded fewer than 20 COVID deaths in the past 60 days, while the United States, with a roughly similar population, has recorded some 87,300 deaths - more than 4,000 times as many.
India's only remaining hotspot remains the highly vaccinated state of Kerala, which continues to pay the price. Over the last 30 days alone, Kerala has logged over 10,000 deaths. The main difference between Kerala and the rest of India was its lower use of Ivermectin...
Considering Gibraltar has a population of some 30,000, that works out to an average of three shots per person...
Gibraltar is not alone among highly vaccinated populations exhibiting massive virus surges.
According to the CDC, Vermont has a higher vaccination rate - at 72% - than any other state, yet it also has one of the highest rates of new COVID cases...
Where do we find low or no rates of COVID-19 cases, you might ask?
Perhaps we could observe those countries or areas and note what they are doing differently to account for their success.
For example, we know that India has eliminated its COVID-19 Pandemic after implementing a national Ivermectin policy in the protocol. As a result, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi have no more problems with pandemic surges.
Over the last 75 days, Delhi has recorded less than 10 COVID-19 deaths. Likewise, Uttar Pradesh, with more than 230 million people, has recorded fewer than 20 COVID deaths in the past 60 days, while the United States, with a roughly similar population, has recorded some 87,300 deaths - more than 4,000 times as many.
India's only remaining hotspot remains the highly vaccinated state of Kerala, which continues to pay the price. Over the last 30 days alone, Kerala has logged over 10,000 deaths. The main difference between Kerala and the rest of India was its lower use of Ivermectin...
(This article opens with the story of the last case of smallpox in our world, in England, in 1977, due to a lab leak in a condemned research lab, shortly before it was closed,. The lady photographer died of it, and the lab director killed himself that same day, 9/11/1978.)
The industry showed how strongly it feels about the issue this month when the Biden administration directed companies with 100 or more workers to mandate vaccines or weekly tests by Jan. 4. Five days after that announcement, the National Retail Federation sued to stop the effort.
“We all agree with the premise that vaccines are good and vaccines save lives,” Stephanie Martz, chief administrative officer of the NRF, said in an interview Monday.
“But by the same token, you can’t just say, ‘OK, make it so.’”
The order is now held up in litigation, challenged by a number of lawsuits from a broad coalition of opponents, and could make its way to the Supreme Court.
“We all agree with the premise that vaccines are good and vaccines save lives,” Stephanie Martz, chief administrative officer of the NRF, said in an interview Monday.
“But by the same token, you can’t just say, ‘OK, make it so.’”
The order is now held up in litigation, challenged by a number of lawsuits from a broad coalition of opponents, and could make its way to the Supreme Court.
Jim Kunstler
I am sorry to tell you that the mRNA “vaccines” are just not working that well. The already-vaccinated millions, marinated in the goodness of their obedience to authority, live in terror of the unvaccinated, who so knavishly spread disease to those vaccinated against it...
The relentless mindfuckery abroad in this land courtesy of your politicized news media, the despotic social networks, the bottomless greed of the pharmaceutical-makers and their errand boys in the CDC, plus the malevolent generosity of sponsors like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros. Thus, the blue mommies of America follow Pied Pipers like NPR and Sanjay Gupta holding hands with Big Bird to vax-up the kids.
It’s just a cult initiation ceremony, you understand. Vaxing the kids reinforces the psychotic mass formation intoxication of the blue mommies. It does absolutely nothing good for the kids, who realistically have a near-zero chance of being harmed by Covid-19 — but have a fair chance of being harmed by the mRNA “vaccines,” which will mess with their still-developing immune systems and their various organs. All the authority of Anthony Fauci’s officialdom presses remorselessly toward the ever-receding horizon of max vax. It begins to look like enough parents are onto the game and will refuse to go along with it.
Dr. Fauci and his evil network are in the process of being smashed at long last. First, there is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s book just out, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. I was up reading it at two-thirty in the morning. The Kindle version is $,2.95 cheap. Get it.
The relentless mindfuckery abroad in this land courtesy of your politicized news media, the despotic social networks, the bottomless greed of the pharmaceutical-makers and their errand boys in the CDC, plus the malevolent generosity of sponsors like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros. Thus, the blue mommies of America follow Pied Pipers like NPR and Sanjay Gupta holding hands with Big Bird to vax-up the kids.
It’s just a cult initiation ceremony, you understand. Vaxing the kids reinforces the psychotic mass formation intoxication of the blue mommies. It does absolutely nothing good for the kids, who realistically have a near-zero chance of being harmed by Covid-19 — but have a fair chance of being harmed by the mRNA “vaccines,” which will mess with their still-developing immune systems and their various organs. All the authority of Anthony Fauci’s officialdom presses remorselessly toward the ever-receding horizon of max vax. It begins to look like enough parents are onto the game and will refuse to go along with it.
Dr. Fauci and his evil network are in the process of being smashed at long last. First, there is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s book just out, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. I was up reading it at two-thirty in the morning. The Kindle version is $,2.95 cheap. Get it.
Kids hardly transmit COVID to anybody in a household. Adults do most of it.
Lower Household Transmission Rates of SARS-CoV-2 from Children Compared to Adults
1) Groupthink (Nobody else is. We all say the same thing and do the same thing. We're following CDC recommendations.)
2) I really need to keep my job...
[Steve Kirsch has compiled another long and impressive list of a whole lot of very bad things happening to COVID- vaccinated experimental-subjects.]
Oral inoculation intended to be effective after just one dose, and could also provide easy-to-distribute solution to growing need for boosters, inventors say
Here is the information from the Oravax company. The oral vaccine targets 3 (not one) viral proteins.
(Look, the pretty, racially ambiguous girl is swallowing the pill and smiling like it's really good!)
There is suddenly a lot of buzz (maybe foreshadowing) about smallpox.
In Vitro Characterization of a Nineteenth-Century Therapy for Smallpox In the nineteenth century, smallpox ravaged through the United States and Canada. At this time, a botanical preparation, derived from the carnivorous plant Sarracenia purpurea, was proclaimed as being a successful therapy for smallpox infections. The work described characterizes the antipoxvirus activity associated with this botanical extract against vaccinia virus, monkeypox virus and variola virus, the causative agent of smallpox. Our work demonstrates the in vitro characterization of Sarracenia purpurea as the first effective inhibitor of poxvirus replication at the level of early viral transcription. With the renewed threat of poxvirus-related infections, our results indicate Sarracenia purpurea may act as another defensive measure against Orthopoxvirus infections.
How do they get our souls?
Soul traps. The lures are the lusts and hungers of this life...
Soul traps. The lures are the lusts and hungers of this life...
That isn’t what’s happening here.
What’s happening is we’re being herded into The Matrix. As I’ve written previously, in The Crypto Capitalist Manifesto, and here, that the core rationalization of the “You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy” Great Narrative (as it is now being called) is that the rabble has to ratchet down its standard of living. The reason why isn’t about climate change or COVID.It’s because we’re in late stage Globalism and the world’s financial and economic system is on the verge of imploding.
The people in charge, the people who’ve been doubling down on failed policies for decades, the people who brought us here with Quantitative Easing, ZIRP/NIRP, debt, Big Government and The Forever Wars, they want to stay in charge.
So they’re going to use COVID, Climate, Collectivism and Wokeness to herd the knuckle-dragging plebians into The Metaverse. That way they’ll be easier to control, they’ll be placated, and they won’t take up so much space in the real world.
In the real world, the insular, inbred elites will be zipping around in their private jets. They’ll be reimagining everybody else’s lives. Deciding how much “real world time” and resources to apportion to the rabble. Uploading intellectual Muzak directly into their brains telling them that it’s all for their own good...
There’s only one problem...
Mind, consciousness and intelligence will never emerge from material reality because it’s the other way around...
In the meantime, if you’re a plebeian, the work of the day is The Great Opt-Out, a Great Reject. Decentralize your affairs. Take sovereignty over your own life and your own economics. Link up with others doing the same. The counter-revolutionary impulse against late stage Globalism is, in addition to spirituality, meditation and contemplative practices, embracing decentralization and public key cryptography.
Cognitive Dissonant
(pictured with Thanksgiving cook and tree-pruner yesterday)
Such great information John, thankful you are still keeping up with the blogs, they are so amazing. Great hanging out with you and Jen...y'all are truly awesome people. ☺️🙏
ReplyDeleteA lot to digest here John. Thank you. I also have been using the Vietnam body count in my discussions with people. As a kid I thought it odd that the counts were generally pretty close to 10x each other. 1 dead American, 10 wounded Americans, 100 dead Vietnamese, 1000 wounded Vietnamese. That's how I remember it anyway. I forget if the term was killed or dead.
ReplyDeleteTo finish. How gullible are people to believe they can ever upload their mind/consciousness/soul to hardware. Like thawing a frozen head. Metaverse sounds like a soul trap. I imagine it will be like the internet is now populated by first shooters and pornography, but quickly devolving to murder porn for many if not most.
I'll take real exercise, real food, and a walk in the woods or by the water with a real person on a real day thank you.
Great post, and love the title. :) Laying low over here. Reading RFK's book now.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lindsey,
DeleteI'm glad you are reading RFK's book
I'm actually staying pretty busy, without much to show for it yet, but framing should start tomorrow when the mud gets a little less like quicksand around the piers...
Jenny is doing better each day. We are eating fresh vegetables.
Dinner was kale, purple and yellow onions, garlic, black-eyed peas, and serranos, all from the garden.
I'm guessing this is the story from July discussed at the top of this blog post:
It was recently editted to include this notice: "This article was originally published on 12 July 2021. It was updated on 26 November to include information about the new strain, B.1.1.529."
Here is the story as originally posted:
Thanks Todd: This is how that looked the other morning to Ilargi, the blogger at TAE
What he found was that the version he saw first , dated 7/12/21 had the reference to B.1.1.529 , which subsequently was scrubbed very soon after that.
The version being reported has the opposite time-ordering, saying that the mention of B.1.1.529 appeared, after not being there.
It may be that it was briefly added, and then removed again.
I'm in no particular position to be the judge of that, myself.