Variously Threatened,
Gilbert Doctorow has a lot of points about the war in Ukraine which you won't hear from CNN. "You Won't Know What Hit You"
Russia has received documentation from Ukrainian health authorities on the production of biological weapons (anthrax, Siberian plague and much more) by Ukrainian labs in Kharkiv and elsewhere in cooperation with the United States. Stocks of such weapons were being stored in direct violation of international conventions. On 24 February, in advance of the start of Russia’s ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine, the Ukrainian health authorities destroyed these illicit biological weapons. However, Russia has obtained the official documentation certifying this destruction of what should never have been there. Moscow is now studying this documentation, which indicates United States participation in the development of the biological weapons and will publish the incriminating documents, starting from yesterday. Russia has also obtained documentation proving that Ukraine, in cooperation with the United States, was since the presidency of Petro Petrushenko, actively developing nuclear weapons, including “dirty” nuclear devices using readily available fuel from its reactors. Such activity was going on in the Zaporozhye nuclear plants, and it is very likely that the fire reported at a ‘training unit’ adjacent to an active reactor two days ago related to destruction of incriminating papers, if it was not otherwise a ‘false flag’ operation to allege a Russian attack on the power station, in violation of international law.
From this list, the most threatening to European peace in the immediate days ahead is point 2, regarding Ukrainian aircraft based outside of Ukraine and being assigned missions to fly back into Ukrainian air space to thwart Russia’s ongoing military offensive. This bears directly on the patently insane plans of Secretary of State Blinken to allow the Poles to transfer to Kiev, its stock of Soviet era MIGs for missions into Ukraine.
From Polish News: (The ball's in your court, Joe... Joe? Hey Joe!)
“The authorities of the Republic of Poland, after consultations with the President and the Government of the Republic of Poland, are ready to immediately and free of charge transfer all their MIG-29 planes to the base in Ramstein and place them at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America” - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported.SouthFront says Russian and DPR forces have kettled Mariupol and have started "mopping up" operations. (The Saker confirms this.)
Pepe Escobar begins the big-picture financial-regime-war discussion:
...a decree on “foreign exchange obligations to foreign creditors” which allows Russian companies to settle their debts in rubles is already an eye-opener.
Economist Yevgeny Yushchuk defined it as a “nuclear retaliatory landmine”.
It all revolves around a new presidential decree, signed last Saturday: “On Temporary Order of Obligations to Certain Foreign Creditors”.
It works like this: to pay for loans obtained from a sanctioning country exceeding 10 million rubles a month, a Russian company does not have to make a transfer. They ask for a Russian bank to open a correspondent account in rubles under the creditor’s name. Then the company transfers rubles to this account at the current exchange rate, and it’s all perfectly legal.
Payments in foreign currency only go through the Central Bank on a case-by-case basis. They must receive special permission from the Government Commission for the Control of Foreign Investment.
As I discussed with Michael Hudson, what this means in practice is that the bulk of the $478 billion or so in Russian foreign debt may “disappear” from the balance sheets of Western banks. The equivalent in rubles will be deposited somewhere, in Russian banks, but Western banks, as it stands, can’t access it..
Economist Yevgeny Yushchuk defined it as a “nuclear retaliatory landmine”.
It all revolves around a new presidential decree, signed last Saturday: “On Temporary Order of Obligations to Certain Foreign Creditors”.
It works like this: to pay for loans obtained from a sanctioning country exceeding 10 million rubles a month, a Russian company does not have to make a transfer. They ask for a Russian bank to open a correspondent account in rubles under the creditor’s name. Then the company transfers rubles to this account at the current exchange rate, and it’s all perfectly legal.
Payments in foreign currency only go through the Central Bank on a case-by-case basis. They must receive special permission from the Government Commission for the Control of Foreign Investment.
As I discussed with Michael Hudson, what this means in practice is that the bulk of the $478 billion or so in Russian foreign debt may “disappear” from the balance sheets of Western banks. The equivalent in rubles will be deposited somewhere, in Russian banks, but Western banks, as it stands, can’t access it..
[Russians can buy from international sites on their credit cards, with this new Chinese-finance modification]
Sberbank confirmed it will issue Mir cards co-badged with China’s UnionPay. Alfa-Bank – the largest private bank in Russia – will also issue UnionPay credit and debit cards. 40% of Russians already have a Mir card for domestic use. Now they will also be able to use it internationally – via UnionPay’s enormous network.
[Escobar also talks about the JCPOA negotiations, set to reopen global markets to Iranin oil, but Iran's free trade with Russia is critical to that finalization, written into it long ago. The US can't sanction signatory countries, which impairs the deal. The US, after cursing, starving, attacking and attempting regime change in Venezuela, now sends a delegation to Caracas to discuss reducing the beatings in return for Venezuelain oil, until the US gts things back to "normal". Venezuela will want her gold back from London, and may want restitution for tankers taken by the American navy, and other little things, maybe some written guarantees.]
Oil and gas markets, meanwhile, are in total panic. No Western trader wants to buy Russian gas; and that has nothing to do with Gazprom, which continues to duly supply customers that signed contracts with fixed tariffs, from $100 to $300 (others are paying over $3,000 in the spot market).
European banks are less and less willing to grant loans for energy trade with Russia because of the sanctions hysteria...
..Europe imports roughly 400 billion cubic meters of gas a year, with Russia responsible for 200 billion. There’s no way Europe can find $200 billion anywhere else to replace Russia – be it in Algeria, Qatar or Turkmenistan. Not to mention its lack of necessary LNG terminals.
..So obviously the top beneficiary of all the mess will be the US...
..The Russophobic all-out attack on Russian exports also targets palladium – vital for electronics, from laptops to aircraft systems. Prices are skyrocketing. Russia controls 50% of the market. Then there are noble gases – neon, helium, argon, xenon – essential for production of microchips. Titanium has risen by a quarter and both Boeing – by a third – and Airbus – by two thirds – rely on titanium from Russia.European banks are less and less willing to grant loans for energy trade with Russia because of the sanctions hysteria...
..Europe imports roughly 400 billion cubic meters of gas a year, with Russia responsible for 200 billion. There’s no way Europe can find $200 billion anywhere else to replace Russia – be it in Algeria, Qatar or Turkmenistan. Not to mention its lack of necessary LNG terminals.
..So obviously the top beneficiary of all the mess will be the US...
Oil, food, fertilizers, strategic metals, neon gas for semiconductors: all burning at the stake, at the feet of Witch Russia...
..The key issue for the whole Global South to digest is that the “West” is not committing suicide. What we have here, essentially, is the Empire of Lies willfully destroying German industry and the European economy.
Michael Hudson disagrees with Pepe by a shade... The American Empire self-destructs
Empires often follow the course of a Greek tragedy, bringing about precisely the fate that they sought to avoid. That certainly is the case with the American Empire as it dismantles itself in not-so-slow motion......During the half-century since the United States went off gold in 1971, the world’s central banks have operated on the Dollar Standard, holding their international monetary reserves in the form of U.S. Treasury securities, U.S. bank deposits and U.S. stocks and bonds. The resulting Treasury-bill Standard has enabled America to finance its foreign military spending and investment takeover of other countries simply by creating dollar IOUs. U.S. balance-of-payments deficits end up in the central banks of payments-surplus countries as their reserves, while Global South debtors need dollars to pay their bondholders and conduct their foreign trade.
This monetary privilege – dollar seignorage – has enabled U.S. diplomacy to impose neoliberal policies on the rest of the world, without having to use much military force of its own except to grab Near Eastern oil.
The recent escalation of U.S. sanctions blocking Europe, Asia and other countries from trade and investment with Russia, Iran and China has imposed enormous opportunity costs – the cost of lost opportunities – on U.S. allies. And the recent confiscation of the gold and foreign reserves of Venezuela, Afghanistan and now Russia,[1] along with the targeted grabbing of bank accounts of wealthy foreigners (hoping to win their hearts and minds, enticed by the hope for the return of their sequestered accounts), has ended the idea that dollar holdings – or now also assets in sterling and euro NATO satellites of the dollar – are a safe investment haven when world economic conditions become shaky... This monetary privilege – dollar seignorage – has enabled U.S. diplomacy to impose neoliberal policies on the rest of the world, without having to use much military force of its own except to grab Near Eastern oil.
..But U.S. officials are forcing Russia, China and other nations not locked into the U.S. orbit to see the writing on the wall and overcome whatever hesitancy they had to de-dollarize...
(But WHY?) ..U.S. diplomats themselves have chosen to end international dollarization, while helping Russia build up its own means of self-reliant agricultural and industrial production. This global fracture process actually has been going on for some years, starting with the sanctions blocking America’s NATO allies and other economic satellites from trading with Russia. For Russia, these sanctions had the same effect that protective tariffs would have had... ..By imposing sanctions on the richest Russians closest to Putin, U.S. officials hoped to induce them to oppose his breakaway from the West, and thus to serve effectively as NATO agents-of-influence. But for Russian billionaires, their own country is starting to look safest.
For many decades now, the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury have fought against gold recovering its role in international reserves. But how will India and Saudi Arabia view their dollar holdings as Biden and Blinken try to strong-arm them into following the U.S. “rules-based order” instead of their own national self-interest? The recent U.S. dictates have left little alternative but to start protecting their own political autonomy by converting dollar and euro holdings into gold....
..The consequences were anticipated. The neocons in control of U.S. foreign policy simply didn’t care.... For many decades now, the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury have fought against gold recovering its role in international reserves. But how will India and Saudi Arabia view their dollar holdings as Biden and Blinken try to strong-arm them into following the U.S. “rules-based order” instead of their own national self-interest? The recent U.S. dictates have left little alternative but to start protecting their own political autonomy by converting dollar and euro holdings into gold....
..What foreign countries have not done for themselves to replace the IMF, World Bank and other strongarms of U.S. diplomacy, American politicians are forcing them to do. Instead of European, Near Eastern and Global South countries breaking away as they calculate their own long-term economic interests, America is driving them away, as it has done with Russia and China...
..The energy and food price squeeze is hitting Global South countries especially hard, coinciding with their own Covid-19 problems and the looming dollarized debt service coming due. Something must give. How long will these countries impose austerity to pay foreign bondholders? How will the U.S. and European economies cope in the face of their sanctions against imports of Russian gas and oil, cobalt, aluminum, palladium and other basic materials? American diplomats have made a list of raw materials that their economy desperately needs and which therefore are exempt from the trade sanctions being imposed. This provides Mr. Putin a handy list of U.S. pressure points...
..But the final breakaway from NATO’s adventurism must come from within the United States itself. As this year’s midterm elections approach, politicians will find a fertile ground in showing U.S. voters that the price inflation led by gasoline and energy is a policy byproduct of the Biden Administration’s blocking of Russian oil and gas exports. (Bad news for owners of big SUV gas guzzlers!)
Russia's RIA news agency is reporting that the new decree blocks all exports and raw materials from Russia "of certain materials" - with state media reports noting the specific list will be made public in two days.
Nobody in the world can buy Russian gold now. The $US says so...
Russian Gold Barred From World's Largest Gold Market Moscow is now pointing to the fresh Ukraine-related sanctions as directly detrimental to its ability to trade with Iran if the JCPOA nuclear deal is restored. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Saturday for the first time demanded written guarantees that the new anti-Russia sanctions won't get in the way.
"We have asked for a written guarantee…that the current process triggered by the United States does not in any way damage our right to free and full trade, economic and investment cooperation and military-technical cooperation with the Islamic Republic," Lavrov said.
Art Berman:
What is happening right now is an oil shock. The first was in 1973 with the Yom Kippur war between Israel and its neighbors (Figure 8). WTI price doubled in a month from $26 to $61 in 2022 dollars per barrel. The second was in 1980 when the Iran-Iraq war took about 3 mmb/d off the world market. Oil price increased from $61 in January 1979 to $137 by April 1980 ($2022/b). The rise of China led to the third oil shock. WTI increased from a 2003 through 2005 average price of $63 to $172 ($2022/b) by June 2008.We are now experiencing the fourth oil shock. The removal of approximately 5 mmb/d of Russian crude oil and condensate exports would be the biggest structural change to the oil market since the Iran-Iraq war in 1980. WTI price averaged $43 in 2020 and $70 in 2021. WTI futures price is $116 this morning and Brent is $120 (March 7 2022).
This has been reported on for well over a year, but here it is again:
A study published last month in Frontiers in Virology claims to have discovered that a sequence of the COVID-19 virus’ spike protein is a 100% match to a modified mRNA sequence patented by Moderna in 2016, and last month, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel proposed the COVID pandemic may have been the result of a lab leak. [If he says that, and it is a "limited hang-out", then the probability of intentional release increases.]Why are we injecting people with genes that disrupt DNA repair?
Will these disruptions lead to cancers? If so, at what rate?
How was a private company allowed to patent a sequence identical to a human protein? Or indeed any living protein? It is illegal.
Was the fact that this sequence is also a match for a synthetic sequence, the loophole that allowed it to occur?
On what basis are we allowed and encouraged to call these vaccines?
Why are we injecting children with this?!
Will these disruptions lead to cancers? If so, at what rate?
How was a private company allowed to patent a sequence identical to a human protein? Or indeed any living protein? It is illegal.
Was the fact that this sequence is also a match for a synthetic sequence, the loophole that allowed it to occur?
On what basis are we allowed and encouraged to call these vaccines?
Why are we injecting children with this?!
This is a good resource with groupings of types of adverse events and good images of impairments and rashes.
Covid Vaccine Adverse Events
Paying homage to the groupings as they are replaced for stand-alone AEs
The CDC has been warned, A Criminal Fraud Investigation is being prepared to begin after Mid Term Elections
Finally, somebody breaks ranks on killing the children...
The Florida Department of Health will now tell parents not to give their children the COVID-19 vaccine if they are healthy.Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo made the announcement Monday during a roundtable discussing "failures" of the COVID-19 response in the state. The announcement goes directly against the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which strongly recommends vaccination in children ages 5 and older.
"The Florida Department of Health is going to be the first state to officially recommend against the COVID-19 vaccines for healthy children," he said. "We're kind of scraping at the bottom of the barrel, particularly with healthy kids, in terms of actually being able to quantify with any accuracy and any confidence the even potential of benefit."
Doing No Harm
(putting in cabinet plywood walls in living-dining area)
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