Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Judging Trump's Actions Going Forward


  First let me thank Eleni in Greece for explaining (Slovenian) Melania Trump's inaugural hat as a protection from the "Evil Eye", which Eleni asserts to be obvious to anybody within Mediterranean  culture. 

  What I propose to do going forward is to see how closely the policies and actions of President Donald Trump appear to fit with my own assessment of the conditions on our planet right now, and where I think they are going, based upon the best information I can get. So far, not bad, though words are not actions, and Trump blows a lot of smoke.

  Modern industrial economy within the natural global ecosystem is our life-support, both immediate and extended in scope. Peak net oil + condensates production was at the end of 2018, not exceeded since then, and sharply reduced during 2020-2021 COVID lockdowns. It is 90% factual that oil consumption is directly proportional to real physical-economy.
  It has long appeared to me that going-green to save the planet from C)2 induced global warming was a cover-story for reducing oil-consumption in the economy a little pro-actively, making a virtue of this ultimate necessity.
  The World Economic Forum (WEF/"Davos") "lockstep" plan was to enforce austerity upon the working people of the world under false pretenses, and to simultaneously reduce human populations in a controlled-fashion, to reduce oil consumption without destroying industrial economy and the wealth of elites. "Useless eaters", such as I now am, would be at the front of the line for culling, but covertly, to avoid spooking the human herds, as might happen with hospital deaths and nursing home deaths during a pandemic, and with increased "excess mortality" from medical treatments for that pandemic, such as cardiac deaths, strokes, cancers and autoimmune disease, which have increased.
  The benefit to financial elites, compared to WW-3, is that the means of production, which they own, is not destroyed, while they still maintain power and ownership.
  This has not worked as planned, largely because a fair number of us determined that they were lying to us early on, that ivermectin, zinc and vitamin-D really saved lives if just used sensibly, and later that the vaccine-products were notably less effective and also killed-some-folks. We stood our ground, and our numbers grew steadily, because we propounded truth that sets you free, rather than lies that murder the credulous.
  Trump is a real estate developer who relies on frank and factual assessments of what can be paid for a property as a purchase price and for each step of development, to arrive at ultimate revenues, which must produce actual profits, even when risks are factored in. It is notable that he openly disputed the official 9/11 story on TV on 9/11/01, based on expert architectural engineering analysis and his own experience.
  I see that Trump understands that "energy is economy" and is pushing to increase the oil and gas "production" of the US, to feed US industry first and also exports. He invites manufacturers to move to the US where oil and gas are accessible. He sees that Russian industry is thriving in these conditions, and intends to remove bureaucratic hurdles to business, which hurdles are clear to him and his advisors. Business is in favor of this. This is doable. This should goose US real economy, even though oil and gas will not pick up quickly or even very much. Global production s set to decline in his term. Russia is not declining.
  Russia and the US together can corner the oil market, and there is already OPEC+, performing this function, but self-sufficiency is different from external purchase of essentials. Russia and the US together can establish an Arctic duopoly, which must be enticing for both. Russia and China have aligned, but are rightfully suspicious of each other, their history being what it has been. China recently lowballed Russia on pipeline oil and gas, demanding too low of a subsidized price. Russia still says "no" at that price.
  The two countries with the most natural resources per capita are Russia and the US, in that order. As the world goes into an epoch of scarce oil, gas and raw materials, it is in the national interests of the US and Russia to defend their positions, particularly from transnational power centers which seek to gain control of those assets and strip the wealth away from the nation-states.
  There are assessments here that globalists are now in a position to need to negotiate after globalist-neoliberal interests in the US deep-state failed to actualize their plans under the "Biden" administration, and the "Unipolar world" model has clearly failed. Multipolarity, evidenced by nation-states and coalitions of nations with shared interests, is in ascendance. 
  It looks to me like Trump is a rationalist and will prefer to be a first-among-equals, rather than a deposed tyrant. He seems to see himself and the US as a nation as one, the perspective of a traditional monarch, for better and for worse...
  I will keep watching with this as my perspective. I think Trump and Putin already have lines of communication and understanding, including Victor Orban. Trump's bluster will not be misconstrued by Putin, but seen as intended for domestic US and European public relations.

  Surplus Energy Economics advises against extrapolating current trends as oil production won't keep up, and that from now on the global wealth per capita will keep falling to 2050 (model limits), necessitating a focus upon essentials, rather than discretionary spending such as status symbols and vacations. It will not be difficult to keep providing necessities, but this is a political choice, which will require a fairer sharing of gradually decreasing total prosperity.  THE DILEMMA OF THE REALIST

  Charles Hugh Smith points out that extreme measures to sustain the status quo appear to work until the whole system breaks completely.  
Extremes Become More Extreme, Then Revert to the Mean
​  A funny thing happens as policies intended to fill financial potholes transition from "temporary emergency measures" to "we need to keep doing this to stabilize the status quo": extremes get more extreme as what were once viewed as extraordinary policy measures required to keep the rickety system from collapsing become the "New Normal."
​  Of course the Federal Reserve continues suppressing interest and mortgage rates even after the financial crisis has passed, because if they stopped, the system would revert to crisis and collapse.​

​  More from Charles,  Catch-20: The 20 Dynamics That Will Shape the Next Decade
The consensus holds that things are looking up as the mighty forces of technology, political change and the market are all in confluence, reinforcing each other in a New Roaring 20s that will remake America and the world for the better...
..Catch-20 is the system has to first transform itself as the means to accomplish all the wonderful things, but it's incapable of transforming itself due to the vested interests who will move heaven and earth to keep it locked in its current configuration. The euphoric expectations are based on the belief that the system as it is today is perfectly capable of transforming the economy, society and daily life.
​  But if we examine the system as a system, stripped of ideology and other belief structures, we find a system of contradictory dynamics that are largely impervious to political change, technology or the market. In other words, the forces that are aligned to transform life have little purchase on the system dynamics that are operating beneath the surface euphoria.​

​Under 12 minutes, clear and succinct:  Michael Hudson: Why Is the American Empire Crumbling?

  Meryl Nass MD presents Alexander Dugin's assessment of the decline of the unipolar, neoliberal order, which is easier to read than on Dugin's blog.
Alexander Dugin, NOT an adviser to Putin but a philosopher, has analyzed modern US history and Trumpism for us
T​rump's Revolution:
​..Biden failed to deliver on these objectives for a variety of reasons.
Russia under Putin did not capitulate and withstood unprecedented pressure, including sanctions, conflict with the Ukrainian regime supported by all Western countries, economic challenges, and sharp reductions in natural resource exports. Despite these, Putin prevailed, and Biden could not achieve victory over Russia.
​  China remained resolute, continuing its trade war with the U.S. without suffering critical losses.
Modi’s government in India could not be toppled during the electoral campaign.
​  BRICS held a spectacular summit in Kazan, on Russian territory in the midst of its confrontation with the West, marking the rise of multipolarity.
Israel’s actions in Gaza and Lebanon escalated into genocide, undermining any globalist rhetoric. Biden had no choice but to support this, further discrediting his administration.
​  And most importantly, Trump did not give up. He consolidated the Republican Party on an unprecedented scale, continuing and even radicalizing his populist agenda.
Over time, Trump’s movement developed into a distinct ideology. Its central premise was that globalism had failed, and its crisis was not a fabrication by adversaries or propaganda but the actual state of affairs. Consequently, the U.S. must follow Samuel Huntington’s approach rather than Francis Fukuyama’s, return to realism, and revive its core American (and more broadly Western) identity. This involves abandoning woke culture and the liberal experiments of recent decades, effectively resetting American ideology to its early classical liberal roots with a significant emphasis on nationalism and protectionism. This ideological project became encapsulated in Trump’s slogan: “Make America Great Again” (MAGA).​

​  Longish and detailed:  2025: The Year the Global Order Unravels
NATO & Friends don’t have any attractive options when it comes to dealing with Iran.
​  However, with the sun about to set on the US-led unipolar world order and the most favorable conditions to attack Iran that have existed in decades, they may think it’s their last best chance and go for it in 2025.
​  What will happen, and who will prevail?
Of course, no one can know that with certainty.
​  That being said, I think we can count on escalating tensions that could culminate in war with Iran in 2025.
The implications of that are difficult to overstate.
​  War with Iran would undoubtedly destroy all models for the energy market and cause a global economic collapse.​

​Simplicius may take Trump's bluster too seriously,  Trump Storms Out the Gate, But Already Falters on Ukraine
..Suspending foreign aid to all countries for 90 days, which includes Ukraine.
A Ukrainian journalist who allegedly met with Washington Post staff reported that a full reboot was in order on Ukraine:
​  "Alarming: The Pentagon has fired and suspended everyone who was responsible for Ukraine and aid to it. The US Department of Defense is in a complete reboot"​...  In the Pentagon, everyone who was responsible for Ukraine has been fired and suspended. They will all face an investigation into the use of US budget money.
The US this morning in Washington, withdrew all applications to contractors for logistics through Rzeszow, Constanta and Varna. At NATO bases in Europe, all shipments to Ukraine have been suspended and closed.​..
..Trump forewent the now expected blustering bravado about marching up to Putin and forcing him to end the war in a single day. Instead, in an uncharacteristically quiet and uncertain tone, Trump remarked that negotiations would depend entirely on whether Putin is interested or not​.  
​  Unfortunately, Trump exposes his complete ignorance and lack of credibility when it comes to the Ukrainian conflict by subsequently complaining that Russia has suffered an outrageous one million dead soldiers in the war. How can anyone possibly count on the man so ill-informed to be the savior that miraculously ends the war?​...
..He goes on to say that Putin is destroying Russia by not making a deal, and the way he says it almost feels as if Trump is now convinced that Putin has already made up his mind not to “make a deal”. He further claims that Russia’s economy is in ruins, and most notably, says that he would consider sanctioning or tariffing Russia...  This is the first time we’ve gotten confirmation straight from Trump himself, rather than Kellogg and the like, that he is in fact considering the ‘nuclear option’ of playing ‘hardball’ with Russia, should Putin refuse to bend the knee....​ He’s asked plainly whether he’ll sanction Russia if Vladimir Putin doesn’t come to the negotiating table, and his response is: “That sounds likely.”​...
..Now, sensing the pitfall Trump may sleepwalk into, top Trumper Steve Bannon has warned that Trump is in danger of creating his own “Vietnam”... He correctly notes:
​  “If we aren’t careful, it will turn into Trump’s Vietnam. That’s what happened to Richard Nixon. He ended up owning the war and it went down as his war not Lyndon Johnson’s,” Bannon said.
​  And it’s true: Trump knows China is eating the US’ lunch on the economic front and as others like Rubio have pointed out, the US has a very limited time window to somehow change the calculus in a way that keeps it in the race with ChinaIf Trump’s vanity keeps him from detaching himself from Ukraine he risks doing the dance with Russia to the point of US exhaustion while an unhindered China laps them all.
​  Russia may not be China but on Russia’s home turf—which Ukraine essentially is—the ‘superpower’ US does not have the advantage and will find itself sucked into a war of attrition it cannot win. That’s not to mention that rumors swirl around Zelensky preparing a false flag of some kind to drag Trump into the war​...
..One supposes that one possibility is that Trump may make a kind of ‘half effort’ in applying ‘punitive sanctions’ against Russia only to appease the deep state neocons and warmongering media, but with the full knowledge that it won’t do much and that Russia will overrun Ukraine either way.​

  ​From last week: Trump says he will meet #Putin "very quickly" after his inauguration
Asked about his plans to end the conflict between #Russia and #Ukraine, Trump said: "There is only one strategy and it is up to Putin." US President-elect Donald Trump has announced that he will try to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin "very quickly" after his inauguration, he said in an interview.

  Russia plays up the "small" window of opportunity for constructive negotiations:  
"Settle Now, And STOP This Ridiculous War!": Trump Threatens Tariffs As Russia Sees 'Small' Window For Deal On Ukraine
​  "Compared to the hopelessness in every aspect of the previous White House chief (President Joe Biden), there is a window of opportunity today, albeit a small one," Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told an audience at the Institute for US and Canadian Studies in Moscow.​

​Industrial suppliers must have a "plan-B" in case importing from China becomes problematic:  Major US Firms Demand Suppliers Embrace "China + 1" Factory Strategy

​  Trump threatens Russia with new sanctions
Washington will also be looking into the possibility of sending additional weapons to Kiev, the US president has said​

​All of them:  Trump pardons January 6 riotersThe 47th US president has issued “full pardons” to around 1,500 people associated with the storming of the Capitol in 2021

Federal Government Authorizes Arrests Of Illegal Immigrants At Schools, Churches​

Pentagon Reportedly Deploying 1,500 Active Duty Troops To US-Mexico Border​

​  Musk's "X" also censors.  Trump targets Biden-era social media ‘censorship’
The US president has accused his predecessor of abusing the law under the pretext of fighting “disinformation”​

​  Meryl Nass MD,  Trump orders 'blackout' at CDC, FDA, NIH as health agencies prepare for MAGA bloodbath/ Daily Mail
This is how you take control of agencies that have been spewing misinformation without heed and ordering awful policies like the bird flu culls.​

​  Meritocracy is purportedly back:  Trump rolls back transgender rights and DEI
Executive orders aim to eliminate ‘radical gender ideology guidance’ and review diversity initiatives in federal policies and programs​

All Federal DEI Offices To Be Closed By Wednesday EOD, Workers Placed On Paid Leave​

​  Dr. Nass has the best compilation with assessments/comments so far:  Here is the list of the President's Executive Orders of Jan. 20, 2025 and my brief thoughts on some of them

This is longer, with more details in some instances:  An Overview Of Trump's Day One Executive Actions

You can hold the pardon until after taking the 5th in court is already played, and you still need it:  Joe Biden Pardons Give Allies Potential 5th Amendment Headache

It's ok for Israeli Jewish settlers to slaughter Palestinians. They are not part of the deal:  Trump cancels sanctions on Israeli settlers in West Bank

Exodus From Netanyahu's Cabinet: Could It Trigger Elections, Topple PM's Cabinet?​

Head Of IDF Resigns Over Oct. 7 Failures As Opposition Leaders Call On Netanyahu To Step Down​

Ocean Rates Could Fall As Houthis Say They Will End Red Sea Attacks​

​  There are secret supplemental texts, which can be added. Were they?  
Russia-Iran Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation: a signal to Washington, yes; but by whom and about what?​

US and European intelligence agencies have found no evidence of Russia's involvement in damaging underwater cables on the bottom of the Baltic Sea​

​Kyle Young frames the question with technical information: This time WAS different:  Was the L.A. fire Santa Ana wind geoengineered?

American Bread:  DEADLY chemical herbicide GLYPHOSATE gets DOUSED onto U.S. wheat, barley, rye and beans as a DRYING AGENT before harvest

  Jessica Rose Ph.D.  LNP spike mRNA induction of changes in proteins related to vasculature formation and maintenance (collagen) in the heart
A new Nature paper provides evidence of specific harms induced by modRNA-LNP-based products​

​  Meryl Nass MD,  The UK government knew that COVID vaccine I injuries could cost them $75-300 Billion pounds ($92-369 Billion US dollars)/ The Telegraph reports on the UK COVID Inquiry
​  Both the US and UK reported 80% vaccination rates; the US population is 5x greater. The US offers a higher maximum payout; the UK pays nothing for injuries under 60% disabling.​

​  Celia Farber,  WHO Rape Scandal: At Least 83 Staff Sexually Assaulted, Raped, Victims As Young As 13—NONE FIRED; Tedros, Before His Ascent, Was Genocidal Killer And The People Of Ethiopia Tried To Warn Us
​  Attached Is "The Tedros File." A Must Read; The Full Horror Of Tedros Must Come Clear. WHO Must Never Be Normalized​

​  Meryl Nass says that Trump's last announcement of intent to withdraw remains good, despite Biden rejoining, so the US can exit immediately.   
MSM is full of errors about the WHO withdrawal, so I will correct them.​

​What the sun will look like 3 days before to 3 days after a solar micronova (Don't watch it.):  Solar Micronova - The Week of the Event

Appreciating Sunlight (pictured in cold, snowy vegetable garden)

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