Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Effectively Marketing Genocide

 ​Targeted Demographic,

​  The Fed’s Game of “Make Believe” Comes to an End​  [Sadly, the ​global financial regime change now in progress drives wars, genocides and ​human population culls.]
​  According to its own financial statements, just released last month, the Fed’s total unrealized losses are almost $1 TRILLION — $948.4 BILLION to be more precise. And the vast majority of those unrealized losses come from US Treasuries.
​  So just like Silicon Valley Bank, Signature, First Republic, and now Republic First, the Federal Reserve has rendered itself completely insolvent.
​  In fact, total Federal Reserve capital is just $51 billion… versus $948 billion in losses. This means the Fed is insolvent 19 times over.
Think about that: the largest, most important central bank in the world… the steward of the global reserve currency… is completely insolvent on a mark-to-market basis.​..
​  The FDIC’s published reports show more than $500 billion in unrealized losses in the US banking sector.
The Federal Reserve, which in theory would bail out the banking sector, is itself insolvent by $900 billion.
The US government, which would bail out the Fed, is insolvent by more than $50 trillion.
It’s just debt on top of debt on top of debt. Losses on top of losses on top of losses.
​  Just like the BTFP​ (Bank Term Funding Program), everyone wants to play a giant game of ‘make believe’ and pretend that the Fed’s solvency is not a problem, that the US government’s enormous debt is not a problem.​ On the contrary, they’re huge challenges. And the ultimate consequence is going to be the loss of the US dollar as the global reserve currency.​  https://www.schiffsovereign.com/trends/the-feds-game-of-make-believe-comes-to-an-end-150768/

​  US ​Secretary of ​State says ‘measurable progress’ seen in Gaza humanitarian situation​ (words that denote normalcy and improvement, not r​elentless genocide)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also urged better deconfliction with humanitarian assistance workers, and greater efficiency in the distribution of aid among the affected residents of the enclave​.  https://tass.com/world/1782131

  ​("As a Jew")  Blinken Urges Hamas To Take 'Extraordinarily Generous' Ceasefire Deal
​  Israeli officials have reportedly given Hamas an ultimatum, saying the group has "one last chance" to reach a deal, according to Axios. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Saturday, "If there is a deal, we will suspend the operation" - in reference to the planned Rafah ground offensive.​..
​..According to Al Jazeera, this is ultimately unlikely to sway Hamas negotiators:
​  Israel wants to "have its cake and eat it too. They want to get their captives back out of Gaza and into Israel. But then they want to be able to continue the war on Gaza after a brief pause," Mohamad Elmasry, media studies professor and political analyst at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, told Al Jazeera.

​  UK’s Cameron calls on Hamas to accept ‘very generous’ offer on ceasefire in Gaza
In his opinion, Hamas has been given "a very generous offer of sustained 40 days ceasefire, the release of potentially thousands of Palestinian prisoners, in return for the release of these hostages"​  

​  "We can't support", means what, Sir? Same as usual?
​  Israel is preparing for the invasion of Rafah, which Tel Aviv calls the last stronghold of Hamas. The operation is likely to trigger a new round of escalation in the Gaza Strip and lead to massive casualties.
​  "We’ve said clearly, and for some time now on Rafah that, in the absence of a plan to ensure that civilians will not be harmed, we can’t support a major military operation in Rafah," Blinken said at the World Economic Forum (WEF) panel on Monday. "And we have not yet seen a plan that gives us confidence that civilians can be effectively protected."​  https://sputnikglobe.com/20240429/rafah-operation-looms-will-netanyahu-defy-bidens-warnings-1118179825.html

  ​If you kill all the refugees, it is the most effective means to kill all of the "military age men", same as usual.  
​  Israel planning ring of checkpoints to prevent men from fleeing Rafah, source says
Israel is reportedly setting up a 'complex network' of checkpoints to prevent 'military age' men from fleeing Rafah assault, says senior western official​  

Rafah Invasion Will Happen With Or Without Hostage Deal: Netanyahu​  https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/rafah-invasion-will-happen-or-without-hostage-deal-netanyahu-says

​  World Socialist Website has the video of a large cop crushing his bike down onto tiny, 71 year old Jewish lady Jill Stein, "holding the line", her arms locked with other protesters for Palestinian human rights on Saturday.  The arrest of Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein is an attack on democratic rights   https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/04/29/jenj-a29.html

  Jill Stein released from St. Louis County Jail after Washington University arrest  (9 min interview)
  "I've just gotten out of jail; I don't know what my hair is doing", she quips, straightening her hair after being charged with "assault on a police officer". 
  "This is about freedom of speech about a very critical issue that needs to be in dialogue."  "Americans oppose genocide; we want to get that on the ballot." "We did the right thing we had to do... just to show that we are not hypocrites." "Are we going to normalize the murder and torture of children on an industrial scale?" Stein calls out "political zombies" Trump, Biden and RFK Jr.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifINLTzGD30

  Professor Michael Hudson, “Have You No Sense of Decency?” Congressional Hearings of University Presidents on Student Uprisings
​  The recent Congressional hearings leading to a bloodbath of university presidents brings back memories from my teen-age years in the 1950s when everyone’s eyes were glued to the TV broadcast of the McCarthy hearings.... 
..Only the epithets have changed. The invective “Communist” has been replaced by “anti-Semite,” and the renewal of police violence on campus has not yet led to a Kent State-style rifle barrage against protesters.​..
​..But the common denominators are all here once again. A concerted effort has been organized to condemn and even to punish today’s nationwide student uprisings against the genocide occurring in Gaza and the West Bank...
..The moral stance of progressive Jews, and the ideal that Jews, blacks and members of all other religions and races should be treated equally, is the opposite of Israeli Zionism. In the hands of Netanyahu’s Likud Party and the influx of right-wing supporters, Zionism asserts a claim to set Jewish people apart from the rest of their national population, and even from the rest of the world, as we are seeing today.
​  Claiming to speak for all Jews, living and dead, Netanyahu asserts that to criticize his genocide and the Palestinian holocaust, the nakba, is anti-Semitic. This is the position of Stefanik and her fellow committee members. It is an assertion that Jews owe their first allegiance to Israel, and hence to its ethnic cleansing and mass murder since last October. President Biden also has labeled the student demonstrations “antisemitic protests.”
​  This claim in the circumstances of Israel’s ongoing genocide is causing more anti-Semitism than anyone since Hitler.​ 

​  Arrests at UT Austin; Columbia suspends pro-Palestine student protesters
Arrests come as deadline passes for students protesting at Columbia University in New York, who now face suspension.​  

  ​Paul Craig Roberts, Conservative Texas Republicans Align with Zionism
​  The conservative Republican Governor of Texas has equated student protests of Israel’s slaughter and genocide of the Palestinian to anti-semitism:
​  On Wednesday afternoon, Gov. Greg Abbott vowed that the arrests of protesting students would continue until the crowd dispersed. “These protesters belong in jail. Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas. Period. Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled,” said Abbott.
​  From the conservative Republican governor’s standpoint, it is OK for Israel to slaughter the Palestinians but not OK for Texas university students to protest the slaughter. That a governor can say this with a straight face demonstrates the power of the Israel Lobby.​  

​  WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States has found that five Israeli units are implicated in gross human rights violations predating the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, US State Department deputy principal spokesperson Vedant Patel said on Monday.​.. ABC News reported that the Biden administration has decided against cutting off military aid for three military battalions with the Israel Defense Forces, despite determining that they committed "gross human rights violations" against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank.    https://sputnikglobe.com/20240429/us-found-5-israeli-units-responsible-for-gross-human-rights-violations---state-dept-1118182067.html

​  Attorneys Inside the Biden Administration Urge US To Cut Off Israel
​  A group of at least 90 lawyers, including 20 who work in the Biden administration, are urging President Biden to cut off military aid to Israel because its slaughter in Gaza doesn’t comply with US and international law.
​  The attorneys will make their case in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland that was obtained by POLITICO. They argue in the letter that Israel has violated the Arms Export Control Act, the Leahy Laws, and the Geneva Convention.​  “The law is clear and aligned with the majority of Americans who believe the US should cease arms shipments to Israel until it stops its military operation in Gaza,” the letter reads.​ 

US Working To Prevent ICC Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu​  https://news.antiwar.com/2024/04/28/us-working-to-prevent-icc-arrest-warrant-for-netanyahu/

​  I don't see the difference between Gantz and Netanyahu here.  Opposition leader threatens to topple Israeli govt if captive release deal rejected
War cabinet minister Benny Gantz wants a deal to return Israeli captives as long as no permanent agreement with Hamas to end the war is made​.   https://thecradle.co/articles/opposition-leader-threatens-to-topple-israeli-govt-if-captive-release-deal-rejected

​  Gilbert Doctorow and others on Crosstalk, about the Ukraine War (The money is for the MIC, with a little to Ukraine to maintain fictions and kill Ukrainians & Russians.)
CrossTalk Bullhorns: Ensuring defeat​  https://www.rt.com/shows/crosstalk/596708-us-foreign-aid-bill-ukraine/

​  ‘Delusional’ 10-Year Ukraine Funding Plan May Be Straw That Breaks US Economic Empire’s Back
​  The contents of the new ten-year draft agreement remain unknown. Negotiations are said to have begun about a week ago. Kiev has already signed a number of largely symbolic multi-year security pacts with several European countries, including the UK, France, Germany and Finland, committing the latter to providing Ukraine with additional military assistance, training support, and other help for the proxy war against Russia.
​  In a surprise visit to Kiev Monday, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg announced plans for “a major, multi-year financial commitment to sustain our support” at the NATO level, saying allies “have already agreed to a plan for a greater NATO role in coordinating security assistance and training for Ukraine.”​  

​  Meryl Nass MD,  Instead of the Pandemic Treaty, the draft Pandemic Resolution is being floated as a way of moving past impasses
And always, the goal is to get a document that includes the most important goals implemented in great haste: 1)the biowarfare agent collection/sharing and 2)One Health​  https://merylnass.substack.com/p/instead-of-the-pandemic-treaty-the

​  Peter McCullough MD, BREAKING Publication--Oncogenesis and Autoimmunity as a Result of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination
Immune System Dysregulation In Part Explains Turbo Cancers​  https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/breaking-publication-oncogenesis

​  Cardiologists Confirm Covid Shots Caused Sudden Heart Attack in ‘Healthy’ 29-Year-Old
​  Tarque, who says she “has played sports her entire life,” pressed doctors to continue investigating the issue.​ She says an MRI scan proved on April 23 that she did, in fact, suffer a heart attack.
​  After doctors initially claimed the heart attack was “caused by a virus,” Tarque says cardiologists have now confirmed it was “the result of the Covid vaccine.”
Doctors diagnosed Tarque with Covid vaccine-induced myopericarditis.

  ​Maybe they are miserable with terminal cancer or Lupus, and shouldn't be forced to suffer... and so on.  Matt Hancock Praises Euthanasia, Shifty Eyes Give Him Away
Tessa Lena observes: "Lots of experience in lying didn't help​"  https://tessa.substack.com/p/matt-hancock-praises-euthanasia

Yoghurt still OK. Stay-tuned! Early Tests Find Pasteurization Killed Bird Flu In Milk: FDA​  https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/early-tests-find-pasteurization-killed-bird-flu-milk-fda

​Supporting Natural Health (took this picture of Jenny with onions we are now cooking with)

Monday, April 29, 2024

Dr. Stein Zip Tied And Arrested

 Resisting Injustice,

  Israel Rejects Calls for Independent Investigation Into Mass Graves 
  Leaders from the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) have called for an independent investigation into the mass graves that were discovered in Palestine. Volker Türk, the UN Human Rights Chief, said on Tuesday that an independent investigation into the mass graves - not an Israeli one - is needed “given the prevailing climate of impunity.”
  When asked by reporters about the mass graves, Israel Defense Forces spokesperson Nadav Shoshani disregarded the reports as “fake news.” He also asked, “investigate what?” When asked if Israel will investigate the mass grave reports, he claimed that Israel had already looked into the report and found no evidence of wrongdoing.
“We gave answers. We don’t bury people in mass graves. Not something we do,” said Shoshani, without providing details of the investigation.
However, a US official who requested anonymity said the US is not “in a position” to validate Israel’s claims.  

  Khan Younis Mass Grave: Bodies Beheaded and with Signs of Organ Removed…
For the Israeli awful Black Market revealed by our investigation on Western traffic in NATO protected countries!

  US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said On Wednesday that Washington wanted to see the circumstances surrounding the hundreds of deaths “thoroughly and transparently investigated.”  https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/04/inside-khan-younis-mass-grave-bodies-beheaded-and-with-signs-of-organ-removed-for-the-israeli-awful-black-market/

  Netanyahu: ‘ICC decisions will not affect Israel’s actions, right to defend itself’
  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted on X: “Under my leadership, Israel will never accept any attempt by the ICC to undermine its inherent right of self-defence. The threat to seize the soldiers and officials of the Middle East’s only democracy and the world’s only Jewish state is outrageous. We will not bow to it.”
  “Israel will continue to wage to victory our just war against genocidal terrorists and we will never stop defending ourselves,” he added.
  Netanyahu also noted: “While the ICC will not affect Israel’s actions, it would set a dangerous precedent that threatens the soldiers and officials of all democracies fighting savage terrorism and wanton aggression.”
  Netanyahu’s statement comes in light of Israeli fears of the legal repercussions that may result from the cases being considered by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Israel, which may lead to the issuance of international arrest warrants against senior Israeli officials, including the prime minister himself, due to the war on Gaza.  

​  I think the question is "when", not "if"​. Who deserves it more?  Israel Reportedly Concerned Biden May Throw Netanyahu ‘Under the Bus’ at ICC

U.S. memo shows Israelis violating international law​ ,  Leaked document highlights concern within the State Department

  Active Duty US and UK Special Forces "advisers" were reportedly killing Palestinians in Gaza, too.  Israel uses foreign mercenaries in Gaza  [$2200-$4200/wk, now hiring.]
The US are trying to make the Kurds partners with Israel. But, many Kurds take the side of the people of Gaza and the Palestinian resistance.
  Israel intends to use PKK terrorists in its land attack on Gaza as it does not want to send its own soldiers into the tunnels of Hamas. Nearly 2,000 terrorists and mercenaries from Europe, Iraq, Syria and the US have moved into Israel. Peshmerga forces from northern Iraq have also been sent to the frontlines in Israel.  https://strategic-culture.su/news/2024/04/27/israel-uses-foreign-mercenaries-in-gaza/

​  Israeli officials are threatening to invade Rafah if a hostage deal is not reached amid Egyptian and Qatari-mediated negotiations with Hamas.
​  Axios reported on Friday that Israeli officials told their Egyptian counterparts that Israel is giving Hamas “one last chance” to reach a deal. If an agreement is not reached, Israel will order a ground invasion of Rafah, which is packed with over 1 million civilians.
​  Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Saturday that Israel could suspend its plans to launch an assault on Rafah. “If there is a deal, we will suspend the operation,” he said. “The release of the hostages is a deep priority for us.”​  
["Suspend" is not "cancel", is it? Can't trust these guys...]​ https://news.antiwar.com/2024/04/28/israel-threatens-rafah-invasion-if-hostage-deal-not-reached/

  ​I keep looking for a "good-cop".  Israel's Smotrich urges 'complete destruction' of Gaza instead of truce talks  Far-right minister condemns indirect negotiations with Hamas and calls for their assassination across the globe  https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-far-right-minister-calls-complete-destruction-gaza

Gaza 'Freedom Flotilla' blocked in TurkeyThe alliance of NGOs and groups failed to set sail after Guinea-Bissau withdrew their flagged vessels. https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/gaza--freedom-flotilla--blocked-in-turkey

​  World Central Kitchen announces resumption of work in Gaza​ , The World Central Kitchen (WCK) yesterday announced the resumption of its operations in the Gaza Strip after ceasing work following Israel’s targeted assassination of seven of its staff on 1 April​  https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240423-200-days-on-gaza-lies-completely-destroyed/

The United States has thus far arrested more than 700 pro-Palestinian protesters as universities all over the US are protesting the Israeli genocide. https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/over-700-pro-palestine-protesters-arrested-in-us-college-cra

​  I happen to be wearing one of the 100 "Jill Stein MD, President 2016" t-shirts I had made (in green-on-green) as I read this. Dr. Stein wears a "small". I gave her one:  
US Presidential candidate arrested at anti-Israel protest​ , Jill Stein has accused the Jewish state of committing “genocide” in Gaza​  
​  Jill Stein of the US Green Party has been arrested at a pro-Palestinian rally at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Stein’s arrest came amid a nationwide crackdown on anti-Israel demonstrations.
​  Stein, her campaign manager, and her deputy campaign manager were among 100 people detained at a protest camp on Washington University’s campus on Saturday. Video footage shows the 73-year-old being led away from the camp by three police officers, her hands apparently bound behind her back with zip ties.
​  The encampment was set up to demand that the university divest from Boeing, which manufactures arms used by the Israeli military to strike Gaza, Stein’s campaign manager, Jason Call, said in a statement.

Videos show brazen police brutality across U.S. universities at the demand of Israel​  https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-04-28-brazen-police-brutality-universities-demand-israel.html

  Caitlin Johnstone, Gen Z Just Might Save The World  
  Northeastern University brought in the police to break up a pro-Palestine demonstration, claiming antisemitic slurs and hate speech were being used by the demonstrators, but witnesses say it was actually pro-Israel counter-demonstrators who’d been shouting the antisemitic slogans, and a video confirms this. The pro-Israel agitators got some 100 demonstrators arrested by standing near them and shouting “Kill the Jews”, but they themselves were not arrested.   [Agents Provocateurs]  https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/gen-z-just-might-save-the-world

  Fast-Paced Russian Offensive Yields Over a Dozen Conquered Cities and Villages, as Ukrainian Morale Is Collapsing Along the Front, With Over 100K Troops Deserting Their Positions  [Don't be the last Ukrainian to get bombed to death for nothing.]  https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/fast-paced-russian-offensive-yields-dozen-conquered-cities/

  Ukrainian soldiers have developed a new phobia due to Russian KABs (FABs)
  Russian guided (adjustable) aerial bombs (KABs), which belong to high-precision weapons, have developed a new phobia among the Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters - they are now terrified of these bombs, which during flight make a sound similar to that of an airplane. The deputy commander of a tank company of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleg Andronyak, spoke about this.
  Constantly, when I hear the sound of an airplane, even if I understand that it is ours, I still get scared, I begin to twist, I want to fall. Because I'm afraid of aviation. In frontline areas you constantly hear the sound of aircraft, because they fly to work.
Andronyak said that at some point he decided to fight his fear of airplanes. True, the idea soon had to be abandoned.
  Once I was in the dugout and went out for a smoke break. I’m standing, smoking, and hearing planes flying. I think: “Don’t be afraid, these are ours, everything is fine.” And then it turns out that it was not a plane, but a KAB that fell nearby. Stunned, I ran into that dugout. It's just that the KAB sounds like an airplane. And after this I think that I will continue to be afraid. I'd rather hide when I hear the sound of an airplane.  

​  Panic moods are growing among the AFU soldiers on the front line, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with Russia TV channel journalist Pavel Zarubin on April 28.   “On the Ukrainian side, panic is growing on the fronts. <…> And this information comes directly from first-hand witnesses. There, from that side, panic is growing. It is very important for us now to maintain this dynamic. It is very important not to stop and go on the way to fulfill (the tasks of the special military operation),” Peskov said.​  https://eu.eot.su/2024/04/28/panic-is-growing-among-ukrainian-troops-on-the-front-line/

​  Ukraine's Deep Manpower Shortage Overshadows Arms Deliveries​ [Dead, amputated, hiding out in Ukraine or other countries, never to be combatants]
​  Ukrainian military personnel are increasingly deserting, Oleynyk added.
"I've analyzed the situation for the first quarter of this year: about 20,000 criminal cases related to desertion have been opened over the past three months," he said. "In general, it is believed that about 100,000 deserters are on the run​ 
[or they are dead, with benefits not being paid]. How many cases have been sent to court? Over these three months only 80 criminal cases were sent to court. This shows that even the judicial system does not want to consider these cases, because officials are afraid of later revenge by those convicted."​  https://sputnikglobe.com/20240427/ukraines-deep-manpower-shortage-overshadows-arms-deliveries-1118136925.html

  ​Andrew Korybko, Ukraine’s Top Five Challenges Are Unsolvable
​  These unsolvable challenges have converged to create a full-fledged crisis for Ukraine that Commander-in-Chief Syrsky is unable to resolve, which is why he candidly informed Ukraine’s partners that “the difficult operational and strategic situation…has a tendency to get worse.” Unless Ukraine agrees to demilitarize the regions still under its control east of the Dnieper and turn them into a buffer zone, the front might collapse by summertime, which could either lead to capitulation or a NATO intervention.

  Simplicius , SITREP 4/27/24: U.S. Admits Top Weapons Failures to Superior Russian EW
  The Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, William Laplante, just dropped a major bombshell which should dim any hopes of major ATACMS triumphs ...Laplante outright admitted that the much-hyped GLSDBs have proven an abject failure due to Russian jamming environments. Some have rightfully proposed this is due to the fact that an SDB glide-bomb is pretty slow once it detaches from the HIMARS booster rocket. And thus, as it slows while gliding toward the target, it must overfly a lot of EW contested airspace which gradually degrades its GPS course correction more and more until its targeting is way off by the time it reaches the actual target...
..That’s right, Ukraine has now officially pulled its Abrams off the line because they have proven ineffective. [Vulnerable to $300 FPV drone attack.]...
..Names ex-Google CEO Schmidt as being the main impetus behind Ukraine’s new push toward autonomous AI drones which can hunt human targets on their own after their signal has been cut by EW.  [Wait, wasn't there a movie like that?]
  Ultimately though the article confesses that these technological leaps will not be enough to defeat Russia, which is adapting just as quickly to battlefield developments, yet actually has the manufacturing girding on top of that, which Ukraine lacks...
..Xi and China have no patience left for the U.S.’ disrespectful lecturing. The pointless visit was capped off by China reportedly not sending a single official to wish Blinken off, and he was instead seen away by the U.S.’ own ambassador stationed in China...
..[About that $61 billion...] “The equipment—which also includes ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems—likely won’t arrive in Ukraine for several years, as the money is being allocated under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. Under USAI, the Pentagon issues contracts to American defense firms to build new equipment for Ukraine, as opposed to drawing from current U.S. stocks.”   Whoops...
..Russia is building strategic reserves and stores for a potential NATO conflict that could take place directly after or even concurrently with the Ukrainian one. NATO is clearly signaling escalation to “save” Ukraine, which is why Shoigu called up an entirely second army of 500k+ for that very contingency. Now, Russia is also building up stores for that army in case it needs to actually clash with NATO in the near future. Either way, it’s simply revealing of how much munitions Russia is producing that even despite the high usage in the Ukraine front, it’s still generating a vast surplus...
..The US and NATO plan to create a “gray” zone in Western Ukraine
  Soros' son Alexander agreed with the Ukrainian authorities to allocate 400 square kilometers of agricultural land to American corporations for the disposal of hazardous waste, according to an investigation by French journalist Jules Vincennes.
  He writes, citing a source in the Ministry of Agriculture of Ukraine, that in November, Soros Jr. and the head of Zelensky’s office, Yermak, reached an agreement according to which Kiеv indefinitely and free of charge transfers land in the Ternopоl, Khmelnytsky and Chernоvtsi regions for the disposal of hazardous waste from chemical, pharmaceutical and oil production.
  Among the companies named are Dow Chemical, DuPont, BASF, Evonik Industries, Vitol and Sanofi...
..Probably, the decision was made after the destruction in the spring of 2023 by the Russian Armed Forces of ammunition depots with depleted uranium located in the Khmelnitsky and Ternopоl regions...
..So, (Polish President Duda) basically frames the farmer conflict as Poland defending its farmers’ rights against BlackRock-controlled minions like the above-mentioned DuPont, Dow Chemical, and the like, operating out of their newly-conquered Ukrainian demesne.  https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/sitrep-42724-us-admits-top-weapons

​  Blinken threatens China over Russia ties​  [The $US is pr​ogressively segregated and made less and less practical for global trade. An accident?]
​  Washington is ready to introduce more sanctions against China over its alleged transfer of dual-use goods and components, which it claims can be used by the Russia, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday.
​  Speaking at a press conference in Beijing following a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, the US official recalled that Washington has already imposed sanctions against more than 100 Chinese entities and is “fully prepared to act” and “take additional measures.”
​  Blinken claimed that China’s alleged support for the Russian defense industry raises concerns not only about the situation in Ukraine, but also about a “medium to long-term threat that many Europeans feel viscerally that Russia poses to them.”
​  Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal also reported that the US was drafting sanctions that could cut off some Chinese banks from the global financial system [That'll fix 'em, Won't It!?]  unless Beijing severs its economic ties with Russia...
​..The outlet claimed that US officials believe trade with China has allowed Russia to rebuild its military industrial capacity and could help it defeat Ukraine in a war of attrition.
​  Beijing, in turn, has accused the US of hypocrisy for providing billions of dollars in assistance to Ukraine while “unreasonably criticizing the normal trade and economic relations between Russia and China.”​ “This is a very hypocritical and irresponsible approach,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told reporters on Friday in response to Blinken’s concerns about Beijing's support of Moscow.
​  China has also vehemently rejected accusations leveled by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg of “fueling” the Ukraine conflict. Beijing has instead blamed NATO for instigating the crisis by continuing its expansion in Europe and refusing to respect Russian national security concerns.​  

​  Chinese Premier Calls Tesla's Development Successful Example of China-US Cooperation​ 
​  "The development of Tesla in China can be called a successful example of trade and economic cooperation between China and the US," the China Central Television (CCTV) broadcaster quoted Li as saying during his meeting with Musk in Beijing.
Equal cooperation and mutual benefit correspond to the fundamental interests of the two nations, the Chinese premier added.​  

 US TikTok ban unconstitutional – RFK Jr.
RFK Jr. intends to sue the White House, claiming it is trying to “screw” young Americans simply to appear tough on China​  

​  Making it happen faster. It must be intentional... Trump plans to sanction countries for refusing to use dollar – Bloomberg
Advisers to the former US president are considering penalties for nations seeking to trade in national currencies, the outlet has reported
​  Economic aides to former US President Donald Trump are looking for options to stop countries from shifting away from the US dollar as it faces a growing challenge from emerging markets, including BRICS nations, Bloomberg reported on Friday.
​  The presumptive Republican nominee for the November presidential election and his team are discussing penalties against both allies and adversaries who seek to divert their trade from the greenback to other currencies. The options could include export controls, currency manipulation charges, and tariffs, the outlet said, citing people familiar with the matter.​  

​  RFK Jr.’s Environmental Colleagues Turn On Him! Urge Him to Drop Presidential Bid – Declare RFK Jr. to be a ‘dangerous conspiracy theorist and a science denier’ who promotes ‘toxic beliefs’ on climate change​.  https://www.climatedepot.com/2024/04/23/rfk-jr-s-environmental-colleagues-turn-on-him-urge-him-to-drop-presidential-bid-declare-rfk-jr-to-be-a-dangerous-conspiracy-theorist-and-a-science-denier-who-promotes-toxic-beliefs/

​  Too close for comfort, now... "Wasted Protest Vote": Trump Says He'd Take Biden Over RFK Jr.
  Former President Donald Trump criticized Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s bid for presidency in the 2024 elections, pointing out his progressive stances on climate, guns, border, and energy.
​  “RFK Jr. is a Democrat ‘Plant,’ a Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the History of the United States, get Re-Elected,” President Trump wrote in an April 26 Truth Social post. “A Vote for Junior’ would essentially be a WASTED PROTEST VOTE, that could swing either way, but would only swing against the Democrats if Republicans knew the true story about him...
​  President Trump insisted he prefers President Biden over Mr. Kennedy as the United States “would last a year or two longer prior to collapse - But it would be dead either way.”​ “I’d even take Biden over Junior,” Mr. Trump added.
​  President Trump had criticized Mr. Kennedy in March along similar lines, calling him the “most Radical Left Candidate in the race” late last month. Calling RFK Jr. a “big fan of the Green New Scam, and other economy killing disasters,” he suggested Mr. Kennedy could take away votes from President Biden.
​  Mr. Kennedy initially wanted to challenge President Biden for the Democratic Party nomination. However, he alleged that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was “rigging the primary” by not allowing any challenge against the current administration. In October last year, he announced running for the 2024 presidential race as an independent.​ RFK Jr. claimed in a social media post that the DNC attacked him as they feared he would be a “spoiler candidate” in the election. He said Democrats were spending “millions” to take down his campaign and that they “never expected” his movement to gain the momentum it has.
​  Stefanie Spear, the Kennedy campaign’s press secretary, says both Republican and Democrat parties are unable to “understand a candidate who does not fit into conventional political categories.”​  

​  Joe Biden's Brother Embroiled In High-Ranking Qatari Scheme To "Provide Wealth Of Introductions" Through "My Family"​   [Still less-worse, Donald?]
​  Politico reports that the Biden family's ties to Qatar "would constitute some of the closest known financial links between a relative of President Joe Biden and a foreign government," if courtroom testimony about Jim Biden's foreign fundraising efforts is substantiated.​  https://www.zerohedge.com/political/joe-bidens-brother-embroiled-high-ranking-qatari-scheme-provide-wealth-introductions

​  Good riddance to bad rubbish. JK Rowling wins now?  'Anti-White' Scottish First Minister Quits After Disastrous 'Hate Crime Law'
  Scotland's leader Humza Yousaf resigned on Monday, quitting as head of the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) after scrapping a coalition agreement with Scotland's Greens. He then failed to secure enough support to survive votes of no confidence against him expected later this week.
​  Yousaf, born to Pakistani immigrants in Glasgow, built an infamous reputation as a woke activist politician going into the 2023 elections.  His rabid pro-immigration stance and consistent arguments in favor of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) should have been a red flag to the Scottish public; however, with an increasingly progressive voting population Yousaf narrowly scored a victory.​.. 
 Keep in mind that Scotland is 96% white.​  [Indigenous white-people?  :-o]​ ...
..Beyond his insistence on going against the growing public opposition in Scotland to more migrants being allowed into the country, Yousaf's biggest mistake was the passage of his now wildly unpopular "Hate Crime Act."  The law which recently went into effect criminalized many forms of speech including criticism or skepticism of gender fluid theory and trans identity.  Misgendering and misuse of a trans person pronouns could now land a Scottish citizen in jail.
​  In ​[democracy-at-work] response, the Scottish public flooded law enforcement agencies with fake calls accusing various trans activists and even political leaders of various hate crimes.  Police were so overwhelmed by the paperwork that any effort to enforce the law has ground to a halt. ​  https://www.zerohedge.com/political/scottish-first-minister-quits-after-disastrous-hate-crime-law

​  The European Parliament has approved a directive that will severely limit the use of cash.
​  Under the directive, ostensibly aimed at curbing money laundering and the funding of terrorism, anonymous cash payments over €3,000 will be banned in commercial transactions. In business transactions, cash payments over €10,000 will be completely banned. Anonymous payments in cryptocurrencies will also be completely banned.​  “Under the guise of combating money laundering, you are actually waging a war against cash which has protected our financial privacy since time immemorial,” said German Pirate Party MEP Partick Breyer.​ 

​  Did the WHO Water Down Its ‘Pandemic Treaty’? Not Really, Experts Say
​  The latest draft of the WHO “pandemic agreement” no longer states that the document is binding on WHO member states, according to reports circulating widely on blogs and social media. But experts following the treaty negotiations said the latest language is “deceiving.”​  

​  Meryl Nass MD,  The WHO has announced it will not complete the IHR Amendments or the Pandemic Agreement final drafts until after the middle of May   https://merylnass.substack.com/p/my-talk-in-genoa-and-what-else-ive

  Meryl Nass MD, States Move to Reject WHO Treaty, Federal Health Diktats
‘Nullification is not revolt, all it is is ignoring: We’re taking a position that we are going to ignore this edict,’ said Tennessee state Rep. Bud Hulsey.​ https://merylnass.substack.com/p/states-move-to-reject-who-treaty 

​  Meryl Nass MD, Bird Flu Outbreaks & the WHO/IHR Pandemic Treaty Push
NOTE: 0.5% of subjects who received the Audenz bird flu vaccine died during the clinical trial, while only 0.1% of subjects in the placebo group died. ​                     DON'T TAKE ANY BIRD FLU VACCINES!!!​  https://merylnass.substack.com/p/bird-flu-outbreaks-and-the-whoihr

​Jane Orient MD,  COVID-19: Is the Death Rate Higher after Vaccination?  [Why does the daily death rate keep rising for a year after "vaccination"?]

​  Oncogenesis and autoimmunity as a result of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination
​  In summary, the Treg responses produced after mRNA vaccination and the subsequent mRNA-encoded SARS-CoV-2 spike protein expression may lead to a harmful influence on the immune system of vaccinees, and subsequent accelerated development of cancer and autoimmune disease. These mechanisms are consistent with both epidemiological findings and case reports.​  https://www.authorea.com/users/455597/articles/737938-oncogenesis-and-autoimmunity-as-a-result-of-mrna-covid-19-vaccination

​  Kids, Vaccines and Autism: Will a New Legal Strategy End the Decades-long Battle for Truth and Justice?
The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program denied compensation to 5,000-plus families of children diagnosed with autism after receiving vaccines.
More than 10 years later, new revelations of fraud in legal proceedings could reopen the possibility for the justice these families say they were denied.​  

​  FDA Finds mRNA COVID Vaccines May Cause Seizures in Toddlers
FDA researchers detected a safety signal for seizures in children ages 2-4 following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination
, according to a study published Wednesday in JAMA Network Open. A preprint study published last month found similar results.​  

​  This story never dies... Why not?  When you were distracted by the “Where’s Princess Kate Conspiracy”, Deagel’s Depopulation Forecast was confirmed by Heavily Censored Pfizer Documents
  A controversial forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm controlled by the CIA & Rockefeller Foundation, gained attention in 2020 for its startling prediction of a significant depopulation event across the Western World by 2025.
​  This was a very bold claim to make.
​"Your Government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder.
​  Unfortunately, these bold claims are now backed up with a mountain of evidence, and most of that evidence can be found in the confidential Pfizer documents that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has been forced to publish by court order.​ And sadly, the evidence strongly suggests that Covid-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation.​  

  This increase in UV, including UVC at the planetary surface is covered in the first 6 minutes. Only UVA and the longer-wave half of the UVB spectrum are openly measured, because "UVC does not penetrate the ozone layer". The falsification of that statement is being assiduously avoided by Officially-Not-Looking. (My skin cringes in summer now.)
​  Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 27, 2024, #455 , Dane Wiggington
 The latest surface UV radiation readings are beyond grim, the ozone layer is nearing functional collapse which would mean the end of crop production along with most life on Earth. Coral reefs are dying all over the world in parallel with imploding fish populations.  https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-watch-global-alert-news-april-27-2024-455/

Doing What I Can (pictured with first eggplant of 2024)

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Can We Be Friends


  Larry Johnson has an updated update on Pepe Escobar's source's report that Israel sent a nuclear-armed F-35 towards Iran to do an EMP attack and take down the Iranian electrical grid on April 19th.   SY OFFERS NEW VERSION OF ISRAEL’S “STRIKE” ON IRAN AND AN UPDATE FROM UKRAINE
  We have a new version of Israel’s attack last Thursday on Iran courtesy of Sy Hersh. I put this in the same category as Pepe’s report — i.e., Sy is reporting accurately what his source or sources are telling him. That does not mean the information reported is correct. According to Sy:

  "The tit-for-tat attacks between Israel and Iran that consumed much of the world’s attention over the past two weeks reached a crescendo on April 13, when an Iranian drone and missile assault on Israel failed after an armada of allied fighter planes—secretly organized by the Pentagon, with the support of Russia—shot down more than three hundred armed Iranian drones and missiles headed for targets in Israel.
  The Middle East and the Western world anxiously waited for the Israeli response. It came a few days later when two Israeli fighter planes, operating outside Iran’s border, fired supersonic missiles at a high-tech Iranian defensive missile site that was protecting Iran’s most important nuclear enrichment site, near Natanz, eighty miles north of Isfahan."

  Looks like Sy and Pepe agree on one point there was at least one Israeli jet that flew through Jordanian airspace and then something happened once the plane (or planes) crossed into Iraq or Syria. Here the accounts diverge. Pepe’s sources claim one Israeli jet, an F-35 was shot down. Sy’s source insists that Israel used two jets that launched an unidentified “supersonic” missile at a site near Natanz.
  Let me give you a couple of more data points. Here is a video from Kanal 13, a TV station in Azerbaijan. Kanal 13 offers a report similar to Sy’s: 
  Let me reiterate that there is some bullshit afoot because the report does not make sense. If Israel used a Rampage missile then the only way Israel could strike a target inside Iran would require that the Israeli plane penetrated deep into Iranian airspace. Why? Because the Rampage only has an operational range of 150 to 250 km. The distance from Isfahan, Iran to Baghdad, Iraq is almost 1000 kilometers. Do the math.
  Next question. Where is the wreckage of the missile? It does not disintegrate. The only other air to ground missile in Israel’s arsenal is the Sky Spear. It was unveiled at the 2023 Paris air show, but there are no details about its operational distance. We have ZERO evidence that Israeli aircraft penetrated Iranian airspace, which means that Israel is now fielding an air to ground missile that has more than a 1000 km range. Not likely.  

  Palestinian Rescuers Find Signs of Organ Harvesting in Khan Yunis Mass Graves  [Organ theft as a means of torturing a living person to death?]
Paramedics and rescuers were cited as saying that some bodies had been found with their hands tied and their abdomens cut, raising suspicions of organ theft.

  Evidence of torture at Gaza mass graves
  Civil defense workers have uncovered hundreds of bodies that they say were tortured and murdered by Israeli occupation forces during the regime’s military assaults on hospitals in Gaza, some of which were under siege for weeks.
  Palestinian authorities say the victims, including women, children, patients, and hospital staff, had their hands tied and stripped of their clothes with visible signs of torture.  

  Germany urges probe into mass grave reports at Gaza hospitals ["Et tu, Brute?"]
Amnesty International criticizes German government for being silent on Israeli war crimes, says Berlin also contributing to erosion of international order

  IDF Shelling Hammers Rafah As Egypt Sends Top Intel Official To Avert Ground Offensive
  Egypt is attempting a last ditch effort to reach a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel at a moment IDF shelling of Rafah has intensified, in what are seen as 'softening' operations ahead of an imminent ground offensive, despite international calls to cancel the operation. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/idf-shelling-hammers-rafah-egypt-sends-top-intel-official-avert-ground-offensive

  The vast amount of rubble including unexploded ordnance left by Israel’s devastating war on the Gaza Strip could take about 14 years to remove, a United Nations official said today... Pehr Lodhammar, senior officer at the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), told a briefing in Geneva that the war had left an estimated 37 million tonnes of debris in the widely urbanised, densely populated territory.
  He said that although it was impossible to determine the exact number of unexploded ordnance found in Gaza, it was projected that it could take 14 years under certain conditions to clear debris, including rubble from destroyed buildings.  

  USS Dwight D Eisenhower leaves Red Sea after failing to stop Yemenis (Out of munitions to shoot down cheap drones and bomb children, so soon?)  
The USS Dwight D Eisenhower makes it into the Mediterranean Sea as the United States seeks to bolster its close ally, the Israeli occupation, as it commits genocide in Gaza. https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/uss-dwight-d-eisenhower-leaves-red-sea-after-failing-to-stop

  Ambassador Craig Murray, Worse Than You Can Imagine
  Joe Biden as Vice President defended Israel staunchly then.  It is essential to understand that Genocide Joe has always been Genocide Joe.
  Joe Biden took the lead in defending the raid to the U.S. public. In an interview with PBS, he described the raid as “legitimate” and argued that the flotilla organizers could have disembarked elsewhere before transferring the aid to Gaza. “So what’s the big deal here? What’s the big deal of insisting it go straight to Gaza?” Biden asked about the humanitarian mission. “Well, it’s legitimate for Israel to say, ‘I don’t know what’s on that ship. These guys are dropping eight — 3,000 rockets on my people.’”
  Biden is not being outplayed by Netanyahu. He is actively abetting Netanyahu and shares with him the objective of full Israeli occupation of Gaza after the Palestinian people are killed or expelled into Sinai. He also shares with Netanyahu the aim of a wider regional conflict in which the US and Gulf states ally with Israel against Iran, Syria, Yemen and Hezbollah. This is their joint vision of the Middle East – Greater Israel, and US hegemony operating through the Sunni monarchies.
  If you believe all the spin from the White House about Biden trying to restrain Netanyahu, I suggest you look instead at the White House and State Department spokesmen refusing to accept any single instance of Israel atrocity and deferring to Israel on every single crime.  

  Biden refuses to sanction Israeli units behind 'gross' war crimesThe crimes committed by these units include torture, rape, and executions
  The government of US President Joe Biden has decided against imposing sanctions on Israeli army units responsible for human rights violations against Palestinians, despite initial plans to do so.
  ABC News reported on 26 April that a government assessment determined that three battalions in the Israeli army committed “gross human rights violations” against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank “but will remain eligible for US military aid regardless because of steps Israel says it’s taking to address the problem.”
  The assessment, which has not been made public, was outlined in a letter written by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to House Speaker Mike Johnson, which the news network obtained.
  The rights violations committed by Israeli forces “will not delay the delivery of any US assistance and Israel will be able to receive the full amount appropriated by Congress.” Billions in US aid to Israel was approved by Biden just two days ago after passing in the Senate on Tuesday.
  The violations in question were committed prior to 7 October and took place in the occupied West Bank. They include the execution of Palestinians by Israeli border police, as well as torture and rape during interrogation.  

Caitlin Johnstone,  Biden Wanted To Sanction An Israeli Battalion But He Didn’t Because Israel Said No  https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/biden-wanted-to-sanction-an-idf-unit

  US State Department Arabic spokesperson resigns over Gaza policy 
Hala Rharrit is the third State Department official to step down over Washington's support for Israel's war  https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-state-department-arabic-spokesperson-resigns-gaza-policy

  ADL Urged Congress to Pass FISA Law Spying on Americans to 'Protect Israel'
  The Anti-Defamation League and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations wrote a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries earlier this month urging them to pass the controversial FISA law to spy on Americans to "protect Israel."
  The FISA bill was described as "the biggest expansion of domestic surveillance since the Patriot Act" and included language to which could compel "an enormous range" of businesses to start acting as NSA spies.
  Americans rose up and flooded Congress with calls to demand the bill be stopped or amended but it sailed through the House and Senate with zero changes.  

  'For Your Own Safety': USC Cancels Commencement To Avoid Pro-Palestinian Protesters
  Citing safety concerns amid nationwide campus protests against Israel's conduct of the war in Gaza, the University of Southern California on Thursday announced that its 2024 graduating class will not have the traditional main commencement ceremony that brings all graduates together:..
..This news comes on the heels of the university's controversial declaration that it wouldn't allow its Muslim valedictorian to deliver a speech to her classmates -- a decision that inflamed tensions and prompted an outcry against what was seen by many as an act of censorship and excessive deference to pro-Israel groups.  

  We need an exodus from ZionismNaomi Klein
This Passover, we don’t need or want the false idol of Zionism. We want freedom from the project that commits genocide in our name.  https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/24/zionism-seder-protest-new-york-gaza-israel

  Bipartisan bill would create "antisemitism monitors" at colleges
  A pro-Israel House Democrat and Republican plan to introduce legislation creating federally sanctioned "antisemitism monitors" for select college campuses.
Why it matters: It's the first bill introduced in Congress as a direct response to the pro-Palestinian protests that have rocked Columbia University and other colleges in recent days.
  Driving the news: Reps. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) and Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) are introducing the College Oversight and Legal Updates Mandating Bias Investigations and Accountability Act – or COLUMBIA Act.
  The bill would allow the Department of Education to send a "third-party antisemitism monitor" to any college that receives federal funding — and to revoke that funding for colleges that don't comply.  

  From Columbia University: Our Columbia 
   In her April 22 email, University President Minouche Shafik presents Columbia as a collective committed to fostering “a caring, mature, thoughtful and engaged community.” Amid the ongoing encampment and outrage over last week’s arrests, this statement, like President Shafik’s others, rings hollow. From the language of her email, it’s clear that our President sees student protesters, especially students protesting for Columbia’s divestment from Israel, as outsiders seeking to disrupt and threaten our community. While the future of “our community” is uncertain, right now, one thing is clear: “Our community” is not defined by our administration. The administration is not Columbia. We are.....Shafik is right to acknowledge and condemn incidents of antisemitism on and around campus. However, when she only acknowledges hatred on one side, she paints a dubious portrait of pro-Palestinian protesters as unequivocally bigoted and hateful...
..Student representatives from the Columbia College Student Council, University Senate, and Barnard Student Government Association have issued statements denouncing the arrest of more than 100 student protesters last Thursday. Similarly, many faculty members, regardless of their support for either Israel or Palestine, have spoken against University policy, especially the University’s restrictions on free speech, suspension of Columbia’s chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, and authorization of the NYPD to “remove” its own students from the lawn...
..Of the 40.26 percent of Columbia College students who voted in the year’s referendum, 76.55 percent voted in favor of divestment, 68.36 percent voted for the cancellation of the Tel Aviv Global Center, and 65.62 percent voted for ending the dual degree program with Tel Aviv University, the Columbia Elections Board announced Monday afternoon...
..The issue here is not that the conversation is many-sided, the issue is that the administration’s characterization of the conversation seems to misrepresent the voting majority—both in attitude and behavior, as well as in numbers. The administration refuses to admit the full extent of its opposition to the student body. Until it does, we can’t have a productive conversation...
..President Shafik, your students want to build trust and heal as much as you do, but the burden is on you to begin the process. On April 22, you promised to continue discussions with student protesters. On April 23, you issued an ultimatum to clear the South Lawn, citing “alternative options” that invited speculation about a potential deployment of the National Guard. This isn’t the kind of discourse that builds trust. End arrests. Forgive suspensions. Visit the encampment and listen to your students. Until then, there’s no way to have the productive dialogues both students and the administration so desire. https://www.columbiaspectator.com/opinion/2024/04/25/our-columbia/ 

  It is worth watching this CNN video from the moment Emory Econ Professor @CarolineFohlin came across the violent arrest of a protester on campus and asked the police, with shock, "What are you doing?" That's all that prompted an officer to hurl her to the ground and handcuff her. https://twitter.com/RobertMackey/status/1783684235938894086?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1783758748248674759%7Ctwgr%5Eb65ff27e7afb7987a0379a52080b35627ebe82a3%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nakedcapitalism.com%2F2024%2F04%2Flinks-4-26-2024.html

  At least 30 protesters arrested at UT Austin: "These protesters belong in jail," Abbott says
  AUSTIN —  Rising tensions on school campuses across the country over the Israel-Hamas reached university campuses here in Texas.
Hundreds of students at the University of Texas at Austin walked out of class in support of Palestine. Many held up signs calling for a ceasefire or more help for Gaza.
  "Arrests being made right now & will continue until the crowd disperses," Gov. Greg Abbott said via social media. "These protesters belong in jail. Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas. Period. Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled."  
  Protesters are demanding the university system divest from companies that manufacture machinery used in war.  

  I saw this horrific police-assault on a cameraman from behind yesterday but could not find a form I could send out. Watch. Please. 30 seconds.  
Texas State Troopers violently assault Fox news cameraman as part of effort to suppress student protests, protect Israel’s genocide in Gaza 

  WATCH police fire taser at pro-Palestinian protester at US college 
[3 big cops on one guy in shorts, lying still on the ground, handcuffed behind his back, hold a taser to his bare flesh and repeatedly shock him.] 
Officers used tear gas to disperse activists at Emory University campus amid a nationwide crackdown  https://www.rt.com/news/596631-us-university-protest-crackdown-palestine/

  Chris Hedges: Revolt in the UniversitiesUniversity students across the country, facing mass arrests, suspensions, evictions and expulsions are our last, best hope to halt the genocide in Gaza.  https://consortiumnews.com/2024/04/25/chris-hedges-revolt-in-the-universities/

  Philip Giraldi,  Students Are Taking the Lead in Denouncing Gaza Atrocities , Israel and its friends malign them as “antisemites”
  And to make it really dangerous for the average American citizens who still believe that it is possible to criticize the behavior of foreign countries, the chant of “antisemitism” has been picked up wholeheartedly by the politicians and it is being turned into laws particularly at state levels to punish people who attempt to criticize Israel. National level politicians in Congress are also submitting draft laws that would apply similar restraints throughout the country so it will inevitably be goodbye to the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech.
  The current unrest of pro-Palestinian “encampments” and “liberated zones” at 33 college campuses in the US protesting against what is clearly a genocide taking place in Gaza by calling for a ceasefire and a halt to institutional investment in Israel as well as a suspension of ties to Israeli government educational bodies. The movement is, as a consequence, being assiduously labeled a manifestation of “antisemitism” by Congress, by Joe Biden in the White House and by nearly all of the mainstream media.
  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, responding to the unrest, is saying, inevitably, that “antisemitic mobs have taken over leading universities” similar to Nazi rallies in the 1930s and he called for a major security crackdown on the demonstrators. And it should be observed how the reaction by the universities has been fairly consistent, i.e. to shut down Palestinians groups or speakers on campus while leaving Jewish groups supporting Israel’s actions alone, indicating clearly that this has not been an even-handed response to political unrest.
  The House Speaker Mike Johnson, who has made his pro-Israel sentiments very clear, spoke at Columbia University, where the movement began, on Wednesday and dismissed suggestions that the protests were legally protected free speech.  

  Professor Anthony Hall, Netanyahu and Human Sacrifices in Occupied Palestine and America
Human sacrifice is taking many forms.
  Netanyahu stands at the head of a genocidal project that is embraced and advanced by many Jewish Israelis in the Armed Forces, the Knesset, the media, and the population at large. The backing also encompasses the cultish clique of puppet governors made to appear as if they are in charge of what are, in fact, hollowed-out hulks of the former Western Democracies. Some of the human agents of Zionism’s remote-controlled governance include Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, Rishi Sunak, Olaf Scholz, Ursula Von Leyen, Justin Trudeau, and Emmanuel Macron.
  There can be no doubt, however, that Benjamin Netanyahu deserves the title Genocider-In-Chief. I can think of no other figure, not even during WWII, who has pushed ahead the many-faceted genocidal elimination of a people so zealously, so publicly, and so self-righteously. In spite of all the demonstrations calling for his resignation, it has become clear that most Jewish Israelis have few qualms about going along with what many people throughout the world see as the Netanyahu government’s obvious violations of the Genocide Convention. 

  Eleni sends this from former Indian diplomat, MK Bhadrakumar ,  US woos estranged NATO ally Turkey  (Obama tried to coup Erdogan in 2016. Putin saved his life.)
  Washington has dusted up its old toolbox to re-engage its cold-war ally Turkey and resuscitate their moribund alliance to serve the US’ geo-strategic interests in the rapidly changing regional environment. This stems out of a realisation that no matter the demonisation of President Recep Erdogan as an outlier, Turkey’s potentials as a “swing state” remains a geopolitical reality...
..Turkey’s importance to US global policies has sharply risen in direct proportion to the US’ confrontation with Russia, which has leaped out of the proxy war in Ukraine which began in 2014 and has turned into the First Circle of American foreign policies and diplomacy currently, when the Sino-Russian has reached the level of a quasi-alliance and the transatlantic alliance system has come under stress.
  Yet, in this paradigm, Russia continues to seek an intrinsic, mutually beneficial partnership with Turkey in a historical context rather than as a fallout of the vicissitudes of the Turkish American relationship. Indeed, such an approach is also prudent because Russia and Turkey had a difficult common history...
..Turkey did not join the US-led coalition confronting the Houthis in the Red Sea. During the past week, it was disclosed that Turkey has applied to participate in the International Lunar Research Station jointly initiated by China and Russia (in preference to NASA’s moon exploration programme known as Artemis.)
  Again, Turkey strongly condemned the Israeli air strike against the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus on April 1, whereas, Ankara’s response to Iran’s airstrike against Israel on April 13 was delayed and was in a subdued tone with the primary concern being the potential spread of Israel’s Gaza conflict throughout the region, followed by the apprehension that international attention may shift from the Gaza tragedy.
  Indeed, Turkey is the only NATO country which refused to support the US-sponsored joint statement on Thursday against Iran over its retaliatory strike against Israel.  

  Immunity for Me, But not for Thee ,  Whether Presidential Immunity is a Good Thing or a Bad Thing Shouldn’t Depend Upon Party Affiliation
  To analyze the pros and cons of immunity, however, there is no need to speculate about what some future president might do. We need only look at actual events from our recent history.
Situation #1
  President Obama ordered a drone strike in Yemen to kill Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen and Islamic Imam critical of American foreign policy in the Middle East. Before releasing the drones that killed al-Awlaki and two others, the White House sought and received a Memorandum from the Department of Justice providing legal justification for the attack.
  Several questions come to mind.  Should the memo from DoJ authorizing the killing of an American citizen abroad without judicial due process immunize President Obama for violating the federal criminal statute that imposes criminal penalties for the extra territorial killing of an American citizen?
  Could a subsequent President, a member of the opposing political party, direct a new Attorney General to investigate whether the killing of the U.S. citizen by drone attack in Yemen violated federal criminal law? If an indictment is returned against the now former President for that killing, should President Obama be allowed to claim immunity or be forced to stand trial?  

  Utah man who filmed Ashli Babbitt's shooting sentenced over Jan. 6 riot
  A Utah man who claimed he was acting as a citizen journalist when he joined Jan. 6 rioters and filmed scenes inside the U.S. Capitol, including the fatal shooting of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, was sentenced Friday to six years in prison.
  The big picture: John Earle Sullivan, who prosecutors said earned more than $90,000 from selling his video footage of the Capitol breach, was convicted in November of several charges including felony obstruction of an official proceeding and civil disorder.
  The 29-year-old from Salt Lake City was also sentenced to 36 months of supervised release and ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution, according to the Department of Justice. 

  Sasha Latypova has half a minute of the term "Whole Of Government" being used by US Generals. It is not a constitutional term at all; quite the contrary... 
  "Whole of Government", dedicated to fake warriors everywhere... Operation Warp Speed June 2, 2020 press briefing, summarized in 1 min.
  In this episode, General Talley of the DOD and the rest of the fake warriors fighting fake virus for very real mucho dinero continue their valiant, “certainly whole of government effort”. Talley repeats “whole of government” approximately a dozen times during one presser, as he does at every other OWS press conference as well. I asked Katherine Watt to opine on this curious verbal tic, and this is her response:
  It has to do with preemption of state authority and state court jurisdiction.
  The main SCOTUS case I'm aware of is 2005 Grable v. Darue. It uses different language, having to do with federal jurisdictional issues, and the courts' role in determining when an issue implicates "substantial" enough federal matters that state law is superseded.
  HHS secretary Azar started incorporating it into PREP Act declarations from the fourth amended version, signed Dec. 3, 2020, retroactive to Feb. 4, 2020.
Cited again in the Becerra PHE determination May 11 2023.
  Cited also in HHS OGC Advisory Opinion of Jan. 8, 2021, and Texas v. Pfizer Notice of Removal Dec. 28, 2023.
  "Whole of government" phrase itself seems to come from the 2010 National Security Strategy document by Obama, cited in 2012-2016 FDA MCMi Strategic Plan and then a whole bunch of other plans and reports.  

  ​In case the WHO and UN global governance plans fall-through:  How the Global Elites Are Pushing Us Into Techno-Totalitarianism
Attorney and technology expert W. Scott McCollough joined “The Defender In-Depth” this week to discuss a new 50-country pandemic preparedness and surveillance partnership announced last week by the White House and other troubling developments for Americans’ privacy and personal autonomy.​ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/defender-podcast-w-scott-mccollough-pandemic-surveillance/

​  Hospital Whistleblower: Doctors Are Euthanizing COVID-Vaccinated Due to ‘HORRIFIC’ Side Effects
The hospital whistleblower, known only as “Zoe,” revealed that doctors have been euthanizing patients due to the severity of the side effects from the injections.​  

DEMOCIDE EPIDEMIC: The First Ever Peer-Reviewed Journal Study That Proves Excess Covid-19 Deaths in the United Kingdom Were Due to Midazolam​  https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/democide-epidemic-the-first-ever

Excess Deaths in Japan Hit 115,000 Following Third COVID Shot; New Study Explains Why​  https://www.globalresearch.ca/excess-deaths-japan-3rd-covid-shot/5855764

​  CHD Asks Supreme Court to Hear Case Alleging FDA Misused Emergency Power to Authorize COVID Shots for Children
Children’s Health Defense and five parents in January 2022 sued the FDA intending to hold the agency “accountable for its arbitrary and capricious authorization of a harmful drug that has and continues to injure children.”​  

​  Children’s Health Is in Sharp Decline. Where’s the Investigation?
Until now the sharp decline in children’s immune systems has not captured the attention of experts and public health authorities. To rescue children’s health, this needs to be viewed as an emergency.​  

​  20% Of Retail Milk Samples Positive For Bird Flu: FDA​ ​ [Just get rid of birds and cattle, right? Maybe a nice mRNA vaccine for everybody?]
​  Thirty-three cattle herds across eight states—Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, and Texas—have tested positive for avian influenza, commonly known as the bird flu, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Poultry in Minnesota and a person in Texas have also become infected with the same genotype of the H5N1 avian influenza strain found in cattle.
​  Authorities have stressed that positive results from qPCR testing do not mean the pasteurized milk contains intact virus, because the testing can return positive based on fragments of residual virus.
​  “Additional testing is required to determine whether intact pathogen is still present and if it remains infectious, which would help inform a determination of whether there is any risk of illness associated with consuming the product,” the FDA said.
​  Testing includes injecting eggs with samples that tested positive and seeing whether any active virus replicates.​  

​  Kill 'em younger, or piss 'em off; what's worse?  Biden Admin Abandons Plan To Ban Menthol Cigarettes To Avoid 'Angering Black Voters'  
The so-called 'party of science' has decided to abandon its plan to save millions of lives (of mostly African American youth) by choosing not to ban Menthol cigarettes after all.​  https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-admin-abandons-plan-ban-menthol-cigarettes-avoid-angering-black-voters

​The Biotic Pump model: How Can Forests Cool the Planet? They Work As Heat Pumps! Understanding the biophysical mechanism that forests use to cool the Earth   https://theproudholobionts.substack.com/p/how-can-forests-cool-the-planet-they

Just Getting Along (with first ripe tomatoes of the year and friendly t-shirt from my brother, Tom)