Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Can't Sit This Out


  While mowing the thick summer grass after a 5 inch rainfall week, the realization dawned upon me that this is a metaphysical war between Good and Evil, not the first, but it is existential. Many of us have never been direct, involuntary participants in any war. I believe that we are now, and that this will not resolve by our benign-neglect, but that we must all fully participate, the sooner the better, whatever that means in each of our hearts and lives.

​  “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

​  John Leake,​  Cops Around Building with Weapons Drawn Two Minutes Before ShootingNew video shows police knew of clear and present danger long before shots fired. ​ [See video below. the local cops were jogging around and talking on their radios, clearly very concerned.]
​  New video footage circulating on Twitter shows police officers running around the low building on top of which Crooks was perched. The officers can be seen looking up at the roof for at least two minutes before the shots were fired at Trump.
​  The video provides clear documentation that Crooks had been spotted on the roof by multiple law officers who clearly express (with drawn weapons) their awareness that the subject on the roof posed a clear and present danger.​

​That video is here. About 6 minutes is a good place to start watching.

  Eleni sends this story, also evaluating video just now available, and including muzzle-flashes from a window on 4 frozen frames. The ridge below the widow, just above what seems to be ground level, correlates with first floor windows seen on the video above. There is evidence that Yearick and Crooks happened to practice at the same rifle range, and a photograph from that range showing Yearick's arm tattoo, the same as on the deceased body on the roof of that single story building. Yearick fought in Ukraine, too.
​  Looks Like the 2020 Summer of Love Is About to Be Blown Wide Open

​  John Leake, Local cops good. Feds hugely-evil. PA SWAT Team Had No Communication with Secret Service Before Shooting, U.S. Deep State not even bothering to cover its tracks.   ABC News just conducted an interview with the PA SWAT team assigned to protect Trump on July 13. The team members state they had no communication with the Secret Service prior to the shooting. As I’ve been saying since July 13, the ever-growing fact pattern is NOT consistent with incompetence. Security was deliberately withheld from Trump at the open-air rally.
The Deep State is not even trying to cover its tracks with this incident. People suffer cognitive dissonance because they can’t believe that state actors would dare be so obvious about their machinations.

  To maintain the cover-up, only conspirators can hold authoritative positions.  Acting Secret-Service Chief Played Key Role In Limiting Resources For Trump
​  Both Rowe and Cheatle were directly involved in decisions denying requests for more magnetometers, additional agents, and other resources to help screen rallygoers at large, outdoor Trump campaign gatherings.
​  It was Rowe’s decision alone to deny counter sniper teams to any Trump event outside of driving distance from D.C., these sources asserted.​

​  Paul Craig Roberts,  Where Matters Stand   (Uh, not so fast, Mr. Roberts...)
  The assassination issue has been reduced to operational failure and insufficient budgetary resources for the Secret Service, and the assassination has been moved aside by Kamala’s emergence as the Democrat candidate for President. The presstitutes are again speaking with one voice preparing the narrative of a close election that makes it possible to use the election theft mechanisms that have been legalized by the Democrats in the swing states.
  Biden had to go because he was too discredited as a viable candidate for the Democrats to be able to steal the election in his behalf. Kamala, previously soundly rejected by Democrats as a presidential candidate is now being hyped as the candidate able to defeat Trump. Rigged polls are now showing a neck and neck contest, with Trump sometimes ahead by one point and Kamala ahead by 3 points. The purpose of these rigged polls and the media emphasis on what a viable and challenging opponent Kamala presents is to prepare the public’s acceptance of another stolen election.
  In 2020 Trump got more votes than he got in 2016. Yet somehow he lost to Biden whose few campaign rallies attracted minimal attendance, but despite the lack of interest Biden got more votes than Hillary in 2016 and, if memory serves, the largest number of votes in US electoral history. Clearly no such thing happened.
  Trump supporters take for granted that Trump is already elected. This confidence is not justified. They, and Trump himself, need to pay attention to how the presstitutes and the elite are creating a winning persona for Kamala. By implanting a close election in the voting public’s mind, the Democrats can steal the election. I think that is what will happen, thus ridding the ruling establishment of Trump’s threat to take away their power.

​A mean, stupid narcissist... Kamala Harris Dubbed as 'Toxic' and a 'Bully' as Only Four Employees Remain From 47 Hired

  Simplicius, Die Welt Reveals Dire NATO Camp Outlook for Ukraine  Every detail, and there are many, bears this out. Some peace deal in November...
​  This week brings us another new batch of damning articles from the pro-Ukrainian Western media. The most telling of these comes from German Die Welt, which exposes how nearly all NATO ‘insiders’ secretly whisper among themselves that Ukraine stands no chance, but they dare not say so in public.​

​  Foreign Mercs Say Ukraine ‘Is Hell and Nightmare’, Fleeing Country – Former Ukrainian Officer
Unlike Ukrainian soldiers, who are mobilized indefinitely, foreign mercenaries sign their first military contract just for six months and reserve the right to terminate it at any time.
​  “Ukrainian servicemen, getting into the army — everything is like in serfdom, until the end or until death," Prozorov said. "Only a foreigner has the right to break the contract and leave."
​  "Now there are a lot of videos on the Internet of foreign servicemen who fought for a month or two, saw what is really going on, and quickly ran away to their homeland, saying that it is hell here, it is a nightmare," the former Ukranian officer said. "Along the way, they did not forget to throw dirt at the Ukrainian command, which scams fighters out of money and uses the International Legion to fill in the gaps [of staff shortage].”
​  Prozorov elaborated that foreign mercenaries complain about the incompetence of the Ukrainian command, their cowardice and betrayal, as fighters were thrown into useless attacks and “meat grinds” under Russian artillery.​

​There is a lot in this morning's 15 minute update: Israel Attacks Hezbollah Russia Tests New Missile EU Economic War Military Summary For 2024.7.31

​  Israel bombs Gaza field hospital massacring dozens of displaced Palestinians
Over 80 percent of Gaza is under forced evacuation orders as Israel continues to target so-called 'safe zones' on a daily basis
​  Israeli jets launched airstrikes on a girls' school in central Gaza's Deir al-Balah being used as a field hospital on 27 July, killing at least 30 Palestinians and injuring dozens more.​ Following the latest massacre of Palestinian civilians, the Israeli army claimed its attack was targeting a “Hamas command and control center.”​

​  'I know what we did in Gaza': IOF reservist refusing to rejoin service
​  Three Israeli reserve soldiers who had participated in the ongoing Israeli genocidal carnage in Gaza describe entering homes without military justification, stealing, and then burning them down, causing more killings, shooting children, and even killing their own captives. These actions, according to their testimonies, have led them to renounce their service in the Israeli military.​

​  Israeli Police Detain Soldiers Suspected of Raping a Palestinian, Sparking Protests​, Members of the Israeli Knesset joined the protests against the arrest
On Monday, Israeli military police detained Israeli soldiers who were suspected of raping a Palestinian prisoner at the notorious Sde Teiman prison in southern Israel.
​  Israeli media reported that the Palestinian prisoner was transferred from Sde Teiman to a hospital with an injury to his anus that was so severe he could not walk.
When the Israeli military police went to Sde Teiman to detain soldiers suspected of forcibly sodomizing the Palestinian man, they were met with resistance.​

IDF Soldiers 'Claim They Raped Palestinian Detainee in Self-Defense'​

​  Top Israeli​ [Finance Minister,  Bezalel Smotrich] Describes IDF Soldiers Accused in Brutal Gang Rape of Palestinian Inmate ‘Heroic Warriors’Top Israeli officials joined far-right rioters on Monday as they clashed with police and broke into Israel’s notorious Sde Teiman military detention center in protest over the arrest of nine IDF soldiers accused in a brutal gang rape of a Palestinian prisoner that left him unable to walk.​

​  'Pro-Rape Riots' in Israel Interfere With War Plans Against Lebanon, Force IDF to Pull Troops From Gaza​  
The "pro-rape riots" in Israel on Monday reportedly interfered with Israel's war plans against Lebanon and even forced them to pull troops from Gaza in order to deal with the domestic unrest

​  State Department Won’t Call Israeli Rape of Palestinian Prisoners a War Crime
'I'm not a legal expert,' said State Department spokesman Vedant Patel when asked if rape was a war crime​

Iran: “Gaza School MASSACRE latest outcome of US Unconditional SUPPORT for Israel”​

​  UN Rights office says attacks on drinking water reservoirs 'strictly prohibited' under humanitarian law
​  Under international humanitarian law, it is “strictly prohibited” to attack objects essential to the survival of the civilian population, including water supplies, the UN Human Rights Office said on Monday, referring to Israel’s bombing of a drinking water reservoir for Palestinians in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, Anadolu Agency reports.
​  Noting that the office is aware of a video circulating that shows the detonation and destruction of a water reservoir in Rafah, spokesperson, Jeremy Laurence, told Anadolu: “It is indeed strictly prohibited under international humanitarian law to attack civilian objects.”​

​  IDF Soldiers Film Themselves Blowing Up Gaza Water Facility in Rafah​ [Which "God" is this being worshipped?]
Israeli soldiers filmed themselves blowing up a Gaza water facility in Rafah "in honor of Shabbat" and shared the footage on Instagram for social media points.​

  ​Another Israeli false-flag pretext, as Netanyahu departs the US?  Druze Mourn 12 Children Killed by Rocket in Israeli-Occupied Golan Heights
Israel is blaming the strike on Hezbollah, which denies any responsibility and says an Israeli anti-rocket interceptor hit the children​

​  At Least 1 Dead, 68 Injured, After Huge Israeli Airstrike On South Beirut
​  The Lebanese government has condemned the "blatant act of aggression" following the Israeli airstrikes on southern Beirut. While some reports have claimed US warships are moving closer to Lebanon in the wake of the crisis, the reality is that American warships and military assets were already in the eastern Mediterranean region.
​  Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA) has reported that a female civilian was killed after a building was destroyed in Haret Hreik, in Beirut's sout​h"Sixty-eight civilians were injured, five of whom were critically injured...
​..Currently there are contrasting reports over whether or not Israel took out its target - Fuad Shukr, said​ [only by "Israel"] to be a commander that oversaw the deadly weekend Hezbollah rocket salvo that left 12 ​[non-Jews] dead in a Golan​ [illegally-occupied Syrian] town.​..
​..Israel is quickly signaling that this was a 'limited' attack and that it doesn't seek full war in Lebanon. "At the moment, there are no changes in the Home Front Command defensive guidelines," the IDF said.​

​  Andrew Korybko,  Five Takeaways From Israel’s Assassination Of Hamas’ Political Leader In Tehran
  Hamas’ political leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated by Israel early Wednesday morning in the heart of the Iranian capital hours after attending President Masoud Pezeshkian’s inauguration. The details remain unclear, but it’s widely thought that he was killed by a precision drone strike at his residence...
​..Haniyeh’s assassination is a watershed event in the latest Israeli-Hamas War, which is now a regional Israeli-Iranian proxy war, since it greatly spikes the risk of everything spiraling into MAD. Iran’s response will be crucial in determining whether or not that happens, but so too will Hamas and Hezbollah’s. They’ll either “stand down” as Iran responds regardless of whether or not it’s choreographed, participate in a joint response that remains below the MAD threshold, or decide to cross that red line on their own.​

​  Ayatollah Says 'Severe' Revenge Coming For Israel Killing Hamas Leader On Iranian Soil
​  The world just woke up to a new Middle East on Wednesday which stands on the precipice of major war between Iran and its proxies and Israel, following the overnight Israeli assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the top political leader of Hamas, during an inauguration event for Iran’s new president. Haniyeh, who is based in Qatar, and an Iranian security guard were killed reportedly while in the Iranian capital...
​..And Iran's newly sworn-in president Masoud Pezeshkian in a statement cited in state media said the country will "defend its territorial integrity, dignity, honor, and pride, and will make the terrorist occupiers regret their cowardly act."...
​..Taking out Haniyeh was the second high-profile assassination attributed by Israel in a matter of hours, following the Tuesday airstrike in Beirut that killed Hezbollah’s top military leader and right-hand man to Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, Fuad Shukr.
​  That attack was massive and on a neighborhood and buildings in the south of the capital, with Lebanon’s Health Ministry saying three people, including two children, have been killed, with at least 74 wounded. Emergency workers are still searching under the rubble, and thus the civilian death toll is likely to rise further.​

​"Cockroaches will-too survive", sez I:  Even the cockroaches won't survive': Expert discusses Hezbollah's new EMP weapon

The Levant was long a stable and fairly peaceful part of the Ottoman Empire. Turkey has a big army. Erdogan Says Turkiye Could 'Enter' Israel To Help Gazans

Erdogan could end up like Saddam – Israel​, Foreign Affairs Minister Israel Katz has warned the Turkish leader against intervening in the Gaza war​

​  Professor Anthony Hall points out that the Israeli military "spotters" who watched video feeds and electronic sensors around Gaza 24:7 were telling everybody for 2 weeks that a Hamas attack was imminent, so the IDF took a night off for a holiday, on-orders from the top. A whole lot of these girls and their records seem to have gone missing.
​  Netanyahu Pretends to be Dumb. He's Not
​  Netanyahu Pranced Around Washington DC Avoiding the Fact that in Israel He is a Primary Suspect in the Disappearance of the Young Women Spotters with Their Close Observations on the Road to Oct. 7
​  The core aspect of that vital information is that Hamas officials were training for many weeks for their breaches of the Gaza Wall and their military actions that followed throughout Southern Israel.
​  The spotters came to the conclusion that Hamas were conducting themselves in ways that pretty much anticipated what was about to happen on Oct. 7. Israeli security services must have the digital evidence of what the spotters observed. If that digital evidence has been made to disappear, some officials will have a lot of explaining to do.
​  The spotters themselves had memories to call upon, a fact that might help explain why so many of them are now dead or held hostage in Gaza. No doubt there is also a large body of written evidence produced by the spotters describing exactly what they saw. As reported,
​  “In November [of 2023], female spotters from Nahal Oz and the neighboring Kissufim revealed to Haaretz that their numerous attempts to warn the army about unusual activity along the border fence were largely ignored in the days and weeks before Hamas' infiltration. These included reports about Hamas' preparations near the fence, its drone activity, its efforts to knock out cameras, the extensive use of vans and motorcycles, and even rehearsals for the shelling of tanks.”​

​  Eleni sends this. China will "get rid of Hamas" for Israel. What a swell idea! Some may recall that Israeli Zionists, including Netanyahu, helped create and fund Hamas, to weaken the PLO, and make 2-state-solution negotiations non-viable.  Can China broker a new era of Palestinian political unity?

  ​The Honest Sorcerer, The Productivity Trap
Funneling more money into the economy thus does not solve a thing. It just fuels inflation at home, and speeds up resource drawdown elsewhere.
​  A quick glance at the wind and solar power industry tells it all. You see, “renewables” are not the slightest bit renewable: they are just another material intensive way to convert sunlight and wind into electricity… And those materials still come from a fossil fuel powered pipeline of mines, smelters, cement kilns, cargo ships, trucks and cranes. It is exactly this high material and fossil fuel footprint which makes them a losing proposition when it comes to the “energy transition”. To make matters worse still, ore grades (or the ratio of metal to rocks in mines) are falling as rich deposits deplete and get increasingly replaced with ever poorer ones. As a result metal production, too, (not just fossil fuels) will require more and more energy, labor and machines with each passing year. It’s no wonder then, that​ the electricity demand for Chile’s copper production is expected to increase by 53.5 % between 2015 and 2026, although the planned increase in copper production over that period is only 7.5 %
​  And this is just electricity.​..
​  We have, as a result, found ourselves in a productivity trap, where further gains would require a disproportionate increase in both energy and resource use. Without making steps to increase productivity, however, both resource extraction and manufacturing could soon become unviable. As rich deposits of both fossil fuels and metals deplete, and the energy required to continue the extraction of Earth’s bounty will surpass our energy supply, it will become impossible to continue civilization as it is. So what gives?​

​  Surplus Energy Economics,  Energy and the credit ratchet​ , AN INVESTIGATION OF CAUSALITY  (Just borrow the difference forever, right? "Almost forever", you say?)
It’s generally assumed that changes in aggregate debt are the result of decisions taken, on our behalf, by the authorities.
​  Government debt increases or decreases in line with policies on taxation and public expenditures. The management of interest rates by central banks determines whether private credit will grow or contract. Together, the total of public and private debt should move in accordance with the fiscal and monetary stances adopted by the world’s treasuries and central banks.
​  But a recent analysis, undertaken using SEEDS, suggests that these decisions might not be ours to make after all. This analysis reveals a strikingly close correlation between aggregate real debt and the trajectory of ECoE.​  
[Energy Cost of Energy e​xtraction]
​  What’s so startling about this is that ECoE isn’t a financial metric at all. Rather, the Energy Cost of Energy is a measure of the material cost of supplying energy to the economy.​

​  Steve Kirsch, on Moderna killing more than Pfizer mRNA "vaccines" per 1000 doses:  A summary of why the Czech Republic data is so devastating to the "safe and effective" narrative , Gold-standard data + simple analysis methodology + a huge safety signal (30% increased mortality) + 7 confirmatory studies

  Steve Kirsch has more on that:  A closer look at the Czech Republic data confirms the mRNA vaccines are too deadly to be used
Several people have replicated my work and agree with me.​

​  Meryl Nass MD, (The main point is that bird flu mutated to a harmless minor irritation for men and beasts around 2016) 
Comprehensive Bird flu update in 6 minutes--surely you have 6 minutes to learn everything you need to know about this topic?
My Sovereignty Coalition Summit talk today with the slides AND the script​

  ​"October Surprise"? Vote by mail? What's the script?  Dr. Nass, COMING SOON: WHO pushing the bird flu vaccines, new bird flu vax factories and contracts.
Globalists need a pandemic or at least an injection, so much money, so little time​.

​  Passing out from this shot is common. Few actually die from it. Don't worry. Be happy. Gardasil Fails to Protect Against Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Over Time
Enthusiasm Over a Vaccine to Prevent Cervical Cancer Fades with Longitudinal Data​ , Peter McCullough MD

​  Vaccine Cheerleader, Dr. Peter Hotez with Texas Children’s Hospital, Calls for Deploying Police and Military to Beat Back “Anti-Vaccine Aggression”
MSNBC's favorite pandemic expert goes out on a limb, again!​

​Low attendance, too.  Olympic Games: Seine River Still Too Filthy To Host Swimming Events

​  Most Of The Glyphosate In Our Rivers May Not Come From Farming
​  A research team at the University of Tübingen has found that most glyphosate that ends up in European rivers likely does not come from herbicides, as previously assumed; instead, it may be the result of additives to detergents...
​..The researchers compiled a list of criteria from their data, and identified a substance chemically related to glyphosate, which would resolve all the questions raised from the meta-analysis. Their hypothesis is that glyphosate is a transformation product from aminopolyphosphonates which are used extensively in Europe and especially in laundry detergents.
​  Initial laboratory tests have now been completed and confirm the hypothesis of glyphosate formation in wastewater treatment plants from this laundry additive. However, there is also some good news: “We do not see glyphosate formation when we simulate conditions directly in the washing machine”.
​  The results may explain why it has not been and will not be possible to reduce glyphosate pollution in rivers in Europe by herbicide reduction strategies, Huhn summarizes.​

​  Scientists Discover a New Hormone That Makes Super-Strong Bones
Neuroscientists have named it the maternal brain hormone (MBH), though it works to build strong and healthy bones in mice of all ages and sexes...
..Estrogen is a bone-building sex steroid with widespread impacts on the brain. While it rises and falls throughout life, estrogen is produced in lower quantities after menopause, leaving older women vulnerable to the bone-weakening effects of osteoporosis.
​  Estrogen levels drop when a person is breastfeeding as well, which also slows bone growth. Meanwhile, the mother's body leeches or 'resorbs' calcium from the skeleton to continue feeding their newborn, which ought to further put bones at risk.
​  In 2019, Ingraham's lab at UCSF were surprised to find that when estrogen was blocked from a specific part of the female mouse brain, it actually improved the animal's bone strength significantly.
​  It seemed that some other bone-building hormone was replacing the estrogen, and now researchers have found it.
​  The maternal brain hormone, or MBH, is a known protein called CCN3. Secreted by neurons in a part of the brain called the arcuate nucleus, it is involved in reproduction and puberty...

..By contrast, when researchers introduced extra MBH into young adult and old mice, both male and female, the animals showed huge increases in bone mass and strength within weeks.
​  For older female mice with very low estrogen levels, MBH treatment more than doubled their bone mass.
"There are some situations where highly mineralized bones are not better; they can be weaker and actually break more easily," says stem cell biologist Thomas Ambrosi from University of California Davis.
​  "But when we tested these bones, they turned out to be much stronger than usual. We've never been able to achieve this kind of mineralization and healing outcome with any other strategy."
​  That's not the last of the good news, either. When researchers packaged MBH into a hydrogel patch and applied it directly onto a fractured bone in an older mouse, it promoted bone growth at the site of the fracture.​

​Building Bones The Old Way (pictured during epic 7 hour mowing of thickest, wettest July grass ever)   

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Reality Based Community

 Old Fashioned,

  It always seems like a joke to ask "what is reality". It seems that it's not a joke. Karl Rove, "Bush's brain", reportedly told reporter Ron Suskind,
  The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' [...] 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do''We're%20an%20empire%20now,how%20things%20will%20sort%20out.

  From July 17, 2022 post "But Not Simpler"
  How much of the false-presentation of reality, with which we are increasingly deluged, has been well-planned and arranged, and how much has been thrown like spaghetti against a wall, and used until it quit sticking? You might also have been struggling with how to approach models of human behavior in times of rapid change, brought on by economic degradation, as the provisions for life become unpredictable, then life-threateningly short. A society entering crisis needs to adjust, but the specific needs of the owner class, the working class and the skilled classes may be so disparate as to make that impossible until some class capitulates. It migh have to be the owners who capitulate in order for an actual, healthy reformation of social economy, the "social contract" to start getting worked-out..

This article says that "Ideologies are no longer the way we know them, and that means the world is being reconfigured". There are always  flaws and corruptions of ideologies, also. Ideologies are simplifications that people can "agree" upon to work in harmony, but with a range of interpretations and embodiments.
  Capitalism at war means monopolies arising, while communists at war means massive genocides arising.
  Corroded ideology is not necessarily a bad thing, but it shows a breakdown in thinking in society
  Ideologies arise as a way of trying to organize models of government, and several of them have even been criminalized around the world due to the massacres they have carried out. But at the same time, this does not mean that they will cease to exist.
  When a society thinks 50% one thing and another half thinks 50% another thing, this means that there is a polarity of thoughts that can only lead to chaos and barbarism, because the people, hungry or in difficulty, are not able to come to a consensus, and then authoritarianism and popular uprisings arise.

  Bill sends this fine article about the Psychology of Totalitarianism, part of a series by Harrison Koehli, which has been looking at and synthesizing the observations and theories of some of the best authors. This is a snippet from somewhere in the middle. Good concentration is essential to understanding this piece. A key concept is that of the inherent order of mass behavior which arises from a few simple guiding "rules", as in the movement of a murmuration of starlings, or the Sierpinski Triangle.
(Ponerology: The study of evil.)
..Anyways, those are Desmet's views. How do they compare with Political Ponerology [PP]? Pretty well, on the whole. On the last point, Lobaczewski warns: "oversimplification of the causal picture as regards the genesis of evil — often to a single, easily understood cause or perpetrator — itself becomes a cause in this genesis" (PP, p. 132). More generally pathocracy is a "complex causal system" (PP, p. 79) that emerges largely unconsciously, as a result primarily of psychobiological factors. Here are some quotes that get across the point:
... in leaving behind our old natural method of comprehension and learning to track the internal causality of the phenomenon, we marvel at the surprising exactness with which the latter turns out to be subjected to its own regular laws. ... The entirety is ... clearly subject to causative determination to a degree that the researcher could not have anticipated. (PP, p. 235)
... the system is rigidly causative and lacking in natural and rational freedom of choice. (PP, p. 256)
... the image of the phenomenon is so dominated by psychological causation that there is not much room left for free choice. (PP, p. 316)
  The range of causal factors Lobaczewski brings to bear is extensive (more extensive than Desmet's). His account involves a number of what he calls "pathological factors" (specific personality disorders and disturbances, whether primarily genetic, organic, or functional, of varying severity), "ponerogenic phenomena" (like pathological narcissism, paramoralisms, reversive blockades, conversive thinking, spellbinders), and "ponerogenic processes" (like hystericization and ponerization of groups) that proceed roughly in stereotypical sequences, utilizing ideologies. All of these form a complex mosaic structure that makes up the macrosocial phenomenon of pathocracy, much like the fractal of Desmet's description.
  For Desmet, "The whole of society has a part in [totalitarianism's] rise in one way or another; every person bears a responsibility in it" (PT, p. 139). Similarly, for Lobaczewski,
  In ponerogenic processes, moral deficiencies, intellectual failings, and pathological factors intersect in a spatio-temporal causative network giving rise to individual and national suffering. (PP, p. 224, cf. p. 78)
  He often repeats that one kind of evil ("normal" human weaknesses and failings) "opens the door" to another (psychopathic). In this regard, the people most responsible for the early stages of ponerogenesis are not evil per se. They are just weak. And that weakness provides the opening for unimaginable evil.
  Desmet thinks that ideology is what selects for position in totalitarianism. Here, Lobaczewski would disagree, arguing that ideology becomes increasingly irrelevant and essentially window dressing as pathocracy takes on its dissimulative form. In an ordinary society, a social structure forms as a result of many factors (see PP, pp. 38-48). The resulting structure is in no way planned, but a kind of self-organizing superorganism the develops out of all the individual and group interactions, cooperation and competition of the people that constitute it.
  Pathocracy is a demented Bizarro-world version of this process (OK, he doesn't use those terms precisely). Ideology may provide the initial impetus and outer clothing, but the ultimate selection process, like the causality, is psychobiological in natureIn terms of ponerogenic groups like the Bolsheviks, "Rigorous selective measures of a clearly psychological kind are applied to new members" (PP, p. 165), resulting in a "pathological social structure." (The same dynamic applies to the periodic purges of Party and society.) Just as humans tend to self-select into suitable roles based on their unique cognitive repertoires, a similar process plays itself out in ponerogenic groups and, ultimately, in a pathocracy...

  And this:  The Science of Evil: A Personal Review of Political Ponerology  3/26/2022
  A new edition of Political Ponerology, by Andrew M. Łobaczewski, edited by Harrison Koehli, is now available on Amazon.1 This strange and provocative book argues that totalitarianism is the result of the extension of psychopathology from a group of psychopaths to the entire body politic, including its political and economic systems. Political Ponerology is essential reading for concerned thinkers and all sufferers of past and present totalitarianism. It is especially crucial today, when totalitarianism has once again emerged, this time in the West, where it is affecting nearly every aspect of life, including especially the life of the mind...
..Sections of the book say so much that they may seem to convey mere generalities. But the reader must pay close attention as Łobaczewski discusses the normal psychological and psychosocial conditions of individuals and societies so that pathological characters, with their telling characteristics, can be discerned. Only with this knowledge can pathological characters be recognized, and, if possible, prevented from coming into positions of power. Łobaczewski discusses their characteristics with penetrating insight and remarkable lucidity. As I did, the reader living under similar conditions will take note of patterns and will validate the author’s findings by comparison to his or her own experience. The reader will thereby begin to find the defenses against the effects of pathocracy that the author promises. As Łobaczewski writes, “With reference to phenomena of a ponerogenic nature, mere proper knowledge alone can begin healing individual humans and helping their minds regain harmony” (8). Reading Political Ponerology thus constitutes an extended therapy session for those struggling to maintain their own sanity and humanity in the midst of insanity and inhumanity. It did for me.

Casting "Joe Biden" in the light of a coached-composite-entity getting more demented over time:
At Least One Biden Body Double - Earlobes Don't Lie - Attached And NOT Attached - Easy To See  (Sorry, images won't transfer.See link)  Which "Biden(s)" one might ask.  Obama Threatened Biden with Removal from Office Under 25th Amendment - Sy Hersh
  Former President Barack Obama threatened Joe Biden with removal from office under the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution if he did not withdraw from the presidential race, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has claimed.
Obama told Biden he had gotten the approval of Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the safeguard against presidential incapacity, Hersh wrote in a blog post on Substack.
The journalist noted that, in accordance with the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, the US president may be removed from power in the event they are judged to no longer be able to carry out their duties, with the vice president stepping into the role.

  "Which Biden(s)", I'll ask again:  Trump: Biden Was Ousted In A “Fascist Coup”
  Trump compared the situation to “a prizefighter,” explaining “He’s losing badly, ready to be knocked out. And they say, well, wait, let’s stop the fight. Let’s put somebody else in.”  “It doesn’t work that way. And it’s not supposed to work that way. And this really was a coup by the Democrats. This was a coup. Nothing else,” Trump emphasised.
  “He got 14 million votes,” Trump noted, referring to the Democratic primary, adding “I hate to stick up for Biden, but, you know, he didn’t want to do what he did. He said, ‘I’ll never go out. I’ll never, ever go out.’ About two days later, ‘I’m proud to go out.’”
  Trump further declared “the fascists went after him. They threatened him with the 25th Amendment.”
“They said, we can do it the nice way or we can do it the hard way, Joe. That’s what happened. I know,” Trump added, referring to reports of what Nancy Pelosi said to Biden.

  Trump Tells Netanyahu A 'Third World War' Is Likely If He Loses In November
  Trump claimed in the context of the meeting that a major war in the Middle East - and even possibly a "third world war" - will break out if he doesn't win the election. He's long been running as the candidate who will deescalate global hotspots that Washington is too deeply embedded in"If we win, it’ll be very simple. It’s all going to work out and very quickly," Trump told reporters just before the meeting's start.

  "Sundance" on the Trump-Netanyahu meeting in Mar-a-Lago, Thanks Eleni.
The relationship between President Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu is much cooler than it was in 2020.
  After Joe Biden’s team assembled and scanned more 2020 ballots than President Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu was the first foreign leader to call and congratulate Biden.  President Trump was not happy about Netanyahu’s quick knee to Biden and during an interview with Axios it was reported that President Trump said, “fuck him.” ...
..After talking to Mohamed bin Salman (MbS) in Saudi Arabia, President Trump will call Egyptian President Fattah al-Sisi, while simultaneously telling all regional players that fighting immediately stops and Sisi is now leading the reconciliation effort.  PA/Hamas leadership will balk. President Trump will then tell Qatar to kick out the Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood leaders (“Drive them out” 2.0) or they will face economic sanctions, not from congress, from Trump.
  Turkish President Recep Erdogan will be told to stick a sock in it, and he’d better not give a home base to Hamas again [FAFO].  President Trump will then tell Hamas leadership they need to live in Gaza; like actually live in the region they presumably lead – no more hiding in Qatar. President Trump will follow up with a conversation with President al-Sisi to make part of the peace deal a regional rule that all Gaza political leadership must live in Gaza.  Jordan, Syria and Kuwait will think President Trump is nuts but keep quiet because President Trump might be willing to prove he’s nuts – and eventually everyone will call President Sisi to find out the date for the peace summit.
  After lunch, President Trump calls President Putin because that conflict is easier to solve.

Israel Says "All-Out War" Imminent After Hezbollah Rocket Slams Into Soccer Field, 30 Casualties  (Only Israeli soccer-lives matter.)

  Secret Service Opted Out of Drone Surveillance Before Trump Assassination Attempt – US Senator
  Republican Senator Josh Hawley has submitted a letter to the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with shocking details that the Secret Service – responsible for ensuring the safety of the former president’s life – “repeatedly” turned down offers by local police to carry out drone surveillance of the area.
  “The night before the rally, US Secret Service repeatedly denied offers from a local law enforcement partner to utilize drone technology to secure the rally,” the senator wrote to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, citing information from a whistleblower.

Peter McCullough MD,  Security Team Had Nearly an Hour to Cancel Trump Rally, All Lives Should Have Been Secured

  Harris Coronation Demonstrates America's Democratic Deficit  [Rumor has it that it was supposed to be Harris vs. Nikki Haley & Mike Pompeo]
  A recent article by activist and former Green Party vice presidential candidate Ajamu Baraka considers the Democratic Party's substitution of Kamala Harris as its presumptive presidential nominee and the development's significance within the US political system. “The gangster move by the oligarchs that control the Democrats stripped away any pretense that any real structures of democracy exist in that party,” Baraka suggests.

"War-Pig" Mike ...Pompeo Tries to Hijack Trump’s Peace Push, Says Ukraine Needs $500 Bln and NATO Membership

Anything but real testimony.  Former US president and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has slammed the Federal Bureau of Investigation as being politicized and incompetent at its job.
  Testifying before Congress on Wednesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray said he wasn’t sure whether Trump had been hit by a bullet or something else at a campaign rally two weeks ago.  “I think with respect to former President Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s [a] bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear,” Wray told the lawmakers.

  Trump’s doctor says FBI wrong about assassination attempt.  “There is no evidence” that the former US president was hit by anything other than a bullet, his physician has stated

Yes, everybody knew this when they saw the video.  FBI Says Unequivocally That Trump Was Hit By A Bullet    “What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle,” the FBI statement asserts.

  Trump to return to scene of shooting   Former US President Donald Trump has announced that he will hold a “big and beautiful rally” in Butler, Pennsylvania, where he was wounded in an assassination attempt earlier this month.

CJ Hopkins gets double or triple jeopardy, until he gets convicted for his truthful speech against totalitarian government policies.  The People’s Court of New Normal Germany   The Berlin Superior Court has set a date for my next thoughtcrime trial. As regular readers will probably recall, my first thoughtcrime trial in January ended with my acquittal. So, the German authorities are putting me on trial again. Yes, they can do that in Germany. But, wait, that’s not the best part.
  The best part is, at my new thoughtcrime trial — this time in Berlin Superior Court — full-scale Anti-Terrorism Security protocols will be effect in the courtroom. Everyone will be subjected to TSA-style scanning and screening, and will have to surrender all their personal possessions and hats and coats and head coverings to the Security Staff, and completely empty their pockets of all items, before entering the courtroom. No computers, phones, smart-watches, or any other potential recording devices will be allowed in the courtroom...

..As anyone (even the German authorities) can see, the Spiegel cover artwork uses exactly the same concept as the cover artwork of my book. The only difference is, the Spiegel swastika is covered by the German flag, whereas the swastika on my book is covered by a medical mask.
  Both artworks are obviously intended as warnings of the rise of a new form of totalitarianism. Der Spiegel was warning about the Alternativ für Deutschland party (AfD) — as was Stern with its swastika floating in a champagne glass. I was warning about what I dubbed “The New Normal Reich,” the new nascent form of totalitarianism that emerged during 2020-2023, which is still very much on the rise, and which is thoroughly documented and analyzed in my book (which book was banned by Amazon in Germany at the same time the German authorities launched a criminal investigation of me and instructed Twitter to censor my Tweets)...
..The imposition of these Anti-Terrorism Security protocols is clearly a cynical ploy intended (a) to suppress coverage of the trial, (b) to discourage the press and public from attending, and (c) to intimidate and harass me and my legal counsel, and any members of the press and public who nevertheless attend the trial in spite of the “security procedures” they will be subjected to...
..Also, the gallery was filled to capacity at my original trial in January, where I delivered a rather unusual closing Statement to the Court, which was then published and disseminated widely in Germany. So, again, it is no real mystery why the Superior Court wants to discourage members of the public from attending this new trial by threatening to subject them to these humiliating “security” protocols, and why it has limited the gallery size to only 35 seats...
..The way the German legal system works, if they want to do you, is (1) you are acquitted in the lower Criminal Court, (2) the District Prosecutor appeals the verdict to the Superior Court, (3) the Superior Court overturns your acquittal, and (4) the prosecution goes back to the original Criminal Court, which stages a new trial, at which you will be found guilty, because, once the Superior Court has overruled your acquittal, the Criminal Court will convict you based on the Superior Court’s ruling. At which point you will appeal. And on and on and on it will go, until you are broke, or until you give up fighting because you are just so fucking exhausted...
..What people can do, if they want to do something helpful, is make as much noise as possible about what is happening, not just in Germany, but all throughout the West. Because what is happening is, well, what I tried to capture and analyze in my book. The Powers That Be are going totalitarian on us. They are gradually, and not so gradually, phasing out the so-called “liberal” or “democratic” rights and principles that it was necessary to placate the Western masses with during the Cold War era, which it is no longer necessary to do beyond a certain superficial point...
..It isn’t really a story about Germany. It is a story about the end of the myth of democracy, and the rule of law, and all that good stuff. As Frank Zappa once so eloquently explained …
  “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

  What about the Trump-Peace-Plan, above?  Pepe Escobar,  China throws clout behind Palestine
The Beijing Declaration cements the idea that global conflict resolution is now Made in China. But it also throws a wrench in US–Israeli efforts to manufacture a collaborator Palestinian government after the war in Gaza.
  Wang Yi cut to the chase: the Palestinian issue, says the Chinese foreign minister, is at the core of everything in West Asia. He emphasized that Beijing
… has never had any selfish interests in the Palestinian issue. China is one of the first countries to recognize the PLO [Palestine Liberation Organization] and the State of Palestine and has always firmly supported the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights. What we value is morality and what we advocate is justice
..Beijing is proposing three steps to get there:
First, a “comprehensive, lasting and sustainable” ceasefire in Gaza as soon as possible, and “access to humanitarian aid and rescue on the ground.”
  Second, “joint efforts” – assuming western involvement – toward “post-conflict governance of Gaza under the principle of ‘Palestinians governing Palestine.’” An urgent priority is restarting reconstruction “as soon as possible.” Beijing stresses that “the international community needs to support Palestinian factions in establishing an interim national consensus government and realize effective management of Gaza and the West Bank.”  
  Third, help Palestine “to become a full member state of the UN” and implement the two-state solution. Beijing maintains that “it is important to support the convening of a broad-based, more authoritative, and more effective international peace conference to work out a timetable and road map for the two-state solution.”
  For all the lofty aims, especially when it is patently clear that Israel has de facto buried the two-state solution – as witnessed in the Knesset’s recent vote to reject any Palestinian state – at least China is directly proposing what the Global Majority unanimously considers as a fair outcome.
  Also important to note is the presence of diplomats from China’s fellow BRICS members Russia, South Africa, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, alongside diplomats from Algeria, Qatar, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Turkiye at the signing of the declaration...
..China promoted the rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and Riyadh has become a BRICS+ member and deeply engaged in the de-dollarization drive, in which the petroyuan is emerging.
  Moreover, the Yemeni resistance movement Ansarallah managed to single-handedly humiliate the US Navy. The US–UK “revenge” was to open another war front, bombing Yemeni installations to protect Israeli shipping in the Red Sea and waterways beyond.  
  As much as Yemen remains at war on two fronts – against the Hegemon and Israel while keeping an eye on potential Saudi shenanigans – Palestine continues to be decimated by a fully US-backed Israel. The Beijing Declaration will not mean anything if not implemented. But how?
  Assuming a partial success, the declaration may be able to put a spanner in the works of the absolute impunity of the Tel Aviv–Washington agenda because after the Beijing deal, finding a collaborator Palestine government to perpetuate the occupation could be much more difficult.  
  All Palestinian factions now owe China a serious debt; internal squabbling will have to cease. Otherwise, it would amount to a serious loss of face for Beijing...
..All of the above, though, pales in comparison to the dire facts on the ground. The ideologically genocidal Israelis – fully supported by US political “leadership” – continue to get away with what they really want: the outright mass murder-cum-ethnic cleansing of millions of Palestinians, something that, in theory, should lead to an absolute demographic majority for Israel’s expansion into all Palestinian lands.

The World Court Has Cleared the Fog Hiding Western Support for Israel’s CrimesJONATHAN COOK  (detailed review of history in process)

More than 560 displaced people killed in Gaza while sheltering under UN flag: UNRWA​

​  Italy Becomes First G-7 Country To Restore Ties With Assad
​  In a huge development, Italy has broken with its G-7 partners and become the first to restore full diplomatic relations with Syria.
President Bashar al-Assad and his government have long been under US and EU sanctions, having been accused of human rights abuses and war crimes by the West, which funded a decade-long jihadist insurgency in a failed attempt to topple the Syrian leader.
​  "Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, speaking in front of relevant parliamentary committees Thursday, announced Rome’s intention to re-establish diplomatic ties with Syria to prevent Russia from monopolizing diplomatic efforts in the Middle Eastern country," Associated Press reports.​

  Andrew Korybko,  Will India Supplant China As The Leader Of The Incipient Non-Western Peace Process On Ukraine?
From Russia’s perspective, it would be more ideal for India to mediate a resolution to this conflict than for China to do so since its established balancing/pragmatic policymaking faction wants to avoid diplomatic indebtedness to Beijing. 
  From India’s perspective, the possibility of China organizing a Brazilian-fronted non-Western peace process before and/or during the G20- in Rio would be a nightmare come true since it would result in Russia becoming diplomatically indebted in China, which could eventually lead to trouble for India.
  Russia’s recently recalibrated Asian balancing act, which readers can learn more about here and here, was crowned by Modi’s visit to Moscow but now India has reason to worry that all this progress might be reversed if China calls in its diplomatic debt and gets Russia to distance itself somewhat from India. It’s no secret that China and India are embroiled in a fierce border dispute, so it’s not unforeseeable that Beijing might lean on Moscow to decelerate and ultimately cut off the supply of military spares to Delhi...
..That being the case, it naturally follows that the most effective way to preemptively thwart this worst-case scenario is for India to make a play for replacing China as the leader of the incipient non-Western peace process on Ukraine, ergo the reason why Modi might soon visit Kiev.​..
..Likewise, the US would also prefer for India to play this role instead of China since the latter is its systemic rival in the New Cold War, hence why Washington is unlikely to let Kiev participate in any Chinese-organized but Brazilian-fronted non-Western peace process anyhow.​..
..Ukraine and India could also “reset” their ties too, which unexpectedly worsened after Zelensky insulted Modi. If his country is truly serious about resuming peace talks with Russia and has American approval for this, then India could promptly mediate between them given its special and privileged strategic partnership with Russia. It would be a win-win for India, the US, Ukraine, and Russia if Modi assumes this role, but a lost diplomatic opportunity for China, which won’t give up its plans easy.

​  Considering that the $US will be progressively losing "Petrodollar" reserve-currency-status, it appears to me that Trump and Kennedy are positioning the US to also hold Bitcoin, as well as whatever gold may remain, to shore up the US currency reserves and global trading position.  It's global financial war.

​  Trump Promises To Make USA The "Bitcoin Super-Power Of The World"; Democrats Panic U-Turn On Anti-Crypto Crusade
In a spirited keynote address, Former President Trump promised to make USA the "bitcoin super-power of the world," ensuring that cryptocurrency is "mined, minted, and made in the USA."
​  "We have to talk about Bitcoin. Our country is blessed with the extraordinary talent and genius in this room.​ This spirit built America and will help us make it great again."​

​  US Treasury Should Buy, Hold Bitcoin as Strategic Asset – RFK Jr​   The independent candidate also expressed his support of Former President Donald Trump's proposal to hold a portion of the United States' reserves in Bitcoin and said he hopes Trump's interest in the currency extends beyond politics.​

​"Satanic" or "Luciferian"?  You be the judge:  Transgender Olympic ‘Last Supper parody’ sparks outrage (VIDEO):   

​  French bishops condemn Olympic ‘mockery of Christianity’
The opening of the Paris games featured drag queens and transsexuals posing as Jesus and his apostles​  

​  ‘He Suffered Greatly’: Parents of Student Who Died After Pfizer Shot Speak Out
Believing it was the right thing to do, 23-year-old Trent Lieffring received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in 2022. About eight to nine months later, Trent experienced cardiac arrest and subsequent brain damage, apparently due to blood clotsHe died on Aug. 24, 2023.​

​  Vaccines Caused 17 Million Deaths During Pandemic Plus 4 More Takeaways From Largest Excess Mortality Study to Date
A years-long investigation by Canadian researchers into excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic found that patterns of excess death globally could not be explained by a pandemic respiratory virus. Here are the data and logic behind some of the key findings.​

​Peter McCullough MD,  Large Korean Study Recommends Monitoring mRNA Vaccinated Patients for Auto-immunity
Modest Risks Identified, but Cumulative Effects with Repeated Boosters are Concerning​

​Meryl Nass MD, 2 quite useful data collections: 250 studies on COVID vaccine injuries, and a collection on the childhood vaccines

  Meryl Nass MD, Only CDC is allowed to test and diagnose people with bird flu. But its test is faulty. It only tested 45 people. Yet commercial lab tests are verboten.
And with animals, only the USDA can issue a final diagnosis. That is how the USG maintains control of the narrative.​

​  Meryl Nass MD, (Imposed external "consensus" is "Totalitarianism", isn't it?)  Pact for the future. Nations will provide a "Consensus" (despite disagreements) and then this loosy-goosy framework document will become the justification for whatever govts/UN want to impose on us.

  Celia Farber,  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Issues Stark Warning To Americans That HHS Has Issued PREP Act Declaration For Bird Flu, Ordered 4.8 Million Doses Of Dangerous "Vaccine—" Kennedy Vows To Stop This Madness  "Will There Be Another Lab Derived Pandemic? Not On My Watch." RFK Jr.

  Meryl Nass MD has the same story,  A million views in 20 hours: You best pay attention to this
CDC's count: now up to 14 mild human cases in the US. We the people need to spread the word so the globalist authorities become too scared to release a souped up bird flu onto the world​

​  Independent Scientists Call for Retraction of Flawed Review of Science on Wireless Radiation
Independent researchers called for the retraction of a new paper commissioned by the World Health Organization, saying its authors reached the wrong conclusion about possible health impacts from wireless radiation.​

N​aturally Irradiated (pictured with Okra and black eyed peas after dawn rain)