Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Your Lying Eyes


​  72% of voters say Biden not mentally fit to serve as president: Poll
Poll conducted by CBS News/YouGov comes amid concern over president’s cognitive health following 1st live TV debate​

For whatever it may be worth, ​I did a Google search and found 5 specific COVID "vaccine" and "booster" administrations to Joe Biden announced in the news.

​  Record Number of ‘Double Haters’ Loathe Both US Major Party Presidential Candidates
​  “Biden, Trump are least-liked pair of major party presidential candidates in at least 3 decades,” declared a report by the Pew Research Center polling firm. “With the 2024 U.S. presidential election about five months away, a quarter of Americans hold unfavorable views of both major party candidates – President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.”
​  “That is the highest share expressing negative views of both candidates in surveys conducted at about this point in the election cycle by the Center and other organizations dating back to the 1988 election.”​ ...
​..Perhaps the largest group of “double haters” are pro-Palestinian voters, including Arab-Americans and young people who oppose Biden’s support for Israel’s deadly military operation in Gaza. Trump also remains unpalatable for this segment of the population given the former president’s steadfast pro-Israel stance and threats to deport pro-Palestine campus demonstrators studying in America on student visas.
​  “Activists are increasingly rejecting the ‘lesser of two evils’ paradigm that historically has benefited Democrats, raising the risk that they'll boycott the election or vote third party,” Axios reported. Among prominent third-party US candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has also expressed a pro-Zionist stance, but Green Party candidate Jill Stein has distinguished herself as a supporter of the Palestinian cause. The activist and physician was arrested at a pro-Palestine demonstration in St. Louis in April.​ Libertarian Party candidate Chase Oliver has also pledged to “end the genocide” against Palestinians if elected president.​

​  Kamala's Ace In The Hole? $91 Million Biden-Harris Campaign Fund Looms Large​  (Mean, stupid and ​"rich​"...)
​  Discussion of Vice President Kamala Harris's prospects for becoming the party's new 2024 standard-bearer tend to focus on her (lack of) electability and Democrats' reluctance to pass over a black woman who holds the title that makes her a natural successor.
​  Little attention has been paid to what might be Kamala's greatest asset: her name on the $91.2 million Biden-Harris campaign account. Per federal election rules, in the event Biden drops out, that account can't simply be handed over to whomever the party eventually nominates for president -- unless it's Harris.​

  ​I have always liked Lloyd, though he was bamboozled on "vaccines", as was his MD daughter, who I also always liked when we worked together.
​  House Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) has become the first House Democrat to publicly urge President Biden to quit the 2024 race following last week's debate performance which showed the commander-in-chief's obvious dementia on full display...
.."My decision to make these strong reservations public is not done lightly nor does it in any way diminish my respect for all that President Biden has achieved," said Doggett. "Recognizing that, unlike Trump, President Biden’s first commitment has always been to our country, not himself, I am hopeful that he will make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw. I respectfully call on him to do so."
  (TOUCHE'!) "I represent the heart of a congressional district once represented by Lyndon Johnson," Doggett added in a statement. "Under very different circumstances, he made the painful decision to withdraw. President Biden should do the same."...
..Doggett's call for Biden to step out of the race comes as a new post-debate CNN poll reveals that 75% of voters think Democrats would have a better chance in November with someone else as the nominee.​..
..Meanwhile, one day after former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) suggested Trump is actually the candidate with Dementia, she appeared​ to 'clarify' during a Tuesday appearance on MSNBC to suggest that Biden's cognitive decline is more of an 'episode' than what's going on at all times, saying "I think it’s a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition?"...
..Democratic governors held a call Monday afternoon.
Just governors – no staffs – no one from campaign or WH...
Organized by Gov Tim Walz of Minnesota for the DGA.
On the call Dem. governors expressed concern about what's going on with the president
They know if they come forward publicly with concern that likely will cause Biden to dig in more
They were also surprised none of them had heard from him (!)
There was discussion on the call about wanting to have a call with the campaign or White House...
Some discussion about having VP Harris address them...
There was strong sentiment that they needed to hear directly from President Biden​

  ​Obama telling people Biden can't win - Tucker Carlson
​  Publicly, however, many Democratic heavyweights, including Obama, reaffirmed their support for Biden. While admitting that “bad debate nights happen,” the former president insisted that “this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself.”
​  Writing on X (formerly Twitter) on Monday, Carlson said, citing an “unusually good source,” that Obama’s post had been “disingenuous.”
​  “In private, Obama is telling people Biden can’t win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention,” the journalist claimed. He added Obama is not saying whom he supports, but recently met with Biden in person to deliver the message.
​  Carlson also claimed that relations between Obama and Biden – who served as vice president between 2009 and 2017 – have never been warm, and were at times even “hostile.” According to the journalist, those ties “recently… deteriorated further,” mostly due to First Lady Jill Biden, who allegedly “kept her husband cloistered away from anyone who might convince him to drop out” of the race for the White House after the disastrous debate.
​  Carlson added that Biden’s wife remains “the driving force behind her husband’s reelection campaign,” echoing a recent NBC report naming her as the only person who could convince the president to “change course.”
​  However, CNN reported on Monday that Biden’s family, including Jill, had urged him not to end his campaign, blaming his poor performance on his team.​

​  US Supreme Court rules Trump has presidential immunity
The Republican front-runner’s “official conduct” while in office is protected from prosecution, the justices found

​  Trump Sentencing Delayed Two Months, 'If Such Is Still Necessary'
​  Hours after the US Supreme Court granted Donald Trump immunity for official acts committed in office, the former president began an effort to toss his recent conviction in Manhattan and postpone his upcoming sentencing over 34 felony counts related to his cover-up of a sex scandal leading up to the 2016 US election.

​  NATO Allies Oppose Biden's Withdrawal From Presidential Race
​  Washington's NATO allies fear the replacement of President Joe Biden with another candidate from the Democratic Party would undermine the stability of Western countries, CNN reported Sunday.
​  European leaders worry the move would allow Russia and China to portray the United States' democratic system as weak and would create an opportunity for adversaries to spread propaganda​(Ha, Ha, Ha, 'cause nobody knows) according to the report. The move could also prompt discord among Western allies, it is feared.
​  The New York Times wrote in an op-ed Friday urging Biden to suspend his campaign after a poor showing in the first presidential debate, allowing another Democrat to take his place. Meanwhile Biden and his campaign admitted the US president had a rough night at the event in Atlanta, but they assured the public they would not end the reelection bid.​

  ​Alastair Crooke, The West – indubitably – has lost Russia, and is losing Eurasia too
​  Not just ‘no longer at peace’, Russia was holding the U.S. responsible for the ‘cluster strike’ on a Crimean beach on last Sunday’s Pentecost holiday, killing several (including children) and injuring many more. The U.S. thereby “became party” to the proxy war in Ukraine (it was an American-supplied ATACM; programmed by American specialists; and drawing on U.S. data), Russia’s statement read; “Retaliatory measures will certainly follow”.
​  Evidently, somewhere an amber light flashed hues of pink and red. The Pentagon grasped that something had happened – ‘No going around it; This could escalate badly’. The U.S. Defence Secretary (after a pause since March 2023) reached for the phone to call his Russian counterpart: ‘The U.S. regretted civilian deaths; the Ukrainians had full targeting discretion’.
​  The Russian public however, is plain furious.​..

​..President Putin – in his statement to the Foreign Ministry Board in wake of the G7 sword-rattling – detailed just how we had arrived at this pivotal juncture (of inevitable escalation). Putin indicated that the gravity of the situation demanded a ‘last chance’ offer to the West, one that Putin emphatically said was to be “No temporary ceasefire for Kiev to prepare a new offensive; nor a freezing the conflict – but rather, needed to be about the war’s final completion”.​..
​  It has been widely understood that the only credible way to end the Ukraine war would be a ‘peace’ agreement emerging through negotiation between Russia and the U.S...​ ..Moscow (and China) are not simply waiting upon the whims of the West, but plan to invert completely the security architecture paradigm: To create an ‘Alt’ architecture for the ‘vast space’ of Eurasia, no less.
​  It is intended to exit the existing bloc zero-sum confrontation. A new confrontation is not envisaged; however the new architecture nevertheless is intended to force ‘external actors’ to curtail their hegemony across the continent...
..“This speech [of Putin at the Russian Foreign Ministry], I would say, sets the vector of further activities of our country at the international stage, including the building of a single and indivisible security system in Eurasia,” Ushakov said.​..
..So, as Lavrov has underlined, Eurasian countries have come to the realization that security on the continent must be built from within – free and far from American influence. In this conceptualisation, the principle of indivisibility of security – a quality not implemented in the Euro-Atlantic project – can and should become the key notion around which the Eurasian structure can be built, Lavrov specified.
​  Here, in this ‘indivisibility’, is to be found the real, and not the nominal, implementation of the provisions of the UN Charter, including the principle of sovereign equality...
​..Lavrov predicted:
​  “This is a geopolitical struggle. This has always been; and will perhaps, last for long – and maybe we will not see an end to this process. Yet it is a fact that the course towards control from the ocean of everything that occurs everywhere – is now countered by the course towards uniting the efforts of Eurasian countries”.​..  ..“Initially, it may well exist in the form of a forum or consultation mechanism of interested countries, not burdened with excessive organisational and institutional obligations”, writes Ivan Timofeev.
​  However, the “parameters” to this system, explained Maria Zakharova,​  “… will not only ensure long-lasting peace, but also avoid major geo-political upheavals due to the crisis of globalization, built according to Western patterns. It will create reliable military-political guarantees for the protection of both the Russian Federation and other countries of the macro-region from external threats, create a space free from conflicts and favourable for development – by eliminating the destabilizing influence of extra-regional players on Eurasian processes. In the future, this will mean curtailing the military presence of external powers in Eurasia”.​..
​..Sergei Karaganov, (in a recent interview) however, inserts his more sober analysis:​  “Unfortunately, we are heading for a real world war, a full-blown war. The foundation of the old world system is bulging at the seams, and conflicts will break out. It is necessary to block the way leading to such a war … conflicts are already brewing and taking place in all areas”.​..
..The simple logic of inverting the NATO military paradigm to yield an ‘Alt’ Eurasian security system would seem through force of logic alone, to argue that if the security paradigm is to be inverted, then the western financial and trading hegemony be inverted too.
​  De-dollarisation, of course, is already on the agenda, with tangible mechanisms likely to be unveiled in October. But if the West now feels free to sanction Eurasia at whim, the potential is also there for Eurasia reciprocally to sanction both the U.S. or Europe – or both.
​  Yes. We have ‘lost’ Russia (not forever). And we may lose much more. Is not President Putin’s purpose in visiting North Korea and Vietnam now clear in the context of the Eurasian security architecture project? They are part of it.​

​  Hungary’s Orbán announces new ‘Patriots for Europe’ alliance with Austrian and Czech nationalists
The new alliance is expected to become the strongest right-wing political group in the European Parliament​

  Video clips reveal body language.  Zelensky looks a bit relieved, and Orban resolute. Hungary's Orban, in Kyiv, proposes ceasefire to speed up peace talks
​  Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Tuesday to consider a ceasefire to accelerate an end to the war with Russia, but Kyiv said it saw its own approach as the path to peace.
​  Orban, who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine and has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin, held talks with Zelenskiy during his first trip to Kyiv in more than a decade...
​..In his statement to reporters, Zelenskiy touted the possibility of a broad bilateral cooperation agreement between Ukraine and Hungary.​  "...the content of our dialogue today on all issues can become the basis for a bilateral document between our states, a document that will regulate all our mutual relations," he said.
​  Welcoming Zelenskiy's comments, Orban said Hungary would like to help in modernising Ukraine's economy.

​  Analyzing The Alleged J6-Like Plot That Was Just Foiled In Kiev, Andrew Korybko
It appears as though the conspirators are homegrown dissidents without any ties to Russia, though they might have some connections to disgruntled members of the military.
​  The Ukrainian Prosecutor General revealed on Monday that the SBU foiled an alleged J6-like plot to seize power in Kiev the day prior by orchestrating a protest that would deliberately descend into a riot whose participants, including military personnel and PMCs, would then storm the Rada. Zelensky has been fearmongering since November about a so-called “Maidan 3” that he claimed was being organized by Russia against him so it’s very likely that he’ll spin this latest development as proof of that supposed plot.​

​  2019: Peak (Western) Civilization, The Honest Sorcerer ​ (The context is that ​global net oil​ +​ liquids peaked in late 2018.)
  Perhaps needless to say, few if any western politician will admit that the good days are over. One exception could be France’s Macron, openly floating the idea almost exactly two years ago, that the “end of abundance” is indeed around the corner. (Macron is a Rothschild banker. They write his lines.​ They know.) Little did he know back then that the entire collective West would still be on the slippery slope of the long decline two years later, accelerating towards a de-industrialized low-tech future. Just like two years ago, these unfortunate turn of events are still blamed on external enemies. If one understands the importance and role of energy in the economic life of any country on Earth, however, it becomes clear as daylight that this decline was a) inevitable due to geologic reasons, and b) was only accelerated by the pandemic response and the economic sanctions war.
  Consequently, the decline did not start in 2020, or 2022 either, but a year earlier, when the extraction of oil — the master resource, essential to everything this civilization does — hit a peak both in absolute and in net energy terms. None of this could’ve been seen in GDP figures, of course. Economists and politicians alike are flying high and blind, as they fixate on this entirely fictitious metric, which — contrary to common wisdom — has very little to do with economic activity, much more with the amount of monetary transactions taking place. GDP is thus easily distorted by taking on debt, printing money, measuring the transactional activity of the financial sector, or simply by under-reporting inflation… The prime economic metric used to guide policy is thus an abstraction of an abstraction, not a measure of real life activity or wealth.
  What really matters in the economy takes energy to make. Be it a service like running a restaurant, or manufacturing vehicles, every economic activity requires energy, and that in our world unfortunately means burning fossil fuels...
..The world of limited resources has turned globalization into a zero-sum game, where economic growth in one place increasingly comes at a cost of economic decline somewhere else. Natural gas is a vital input to many industrial processes from making fertilizer to melting glass, smelting metals, making concrete — and the list goes on. And when you have to burn half of your supply to heat people’s homes (whereas warmer regions in Asia do not) then it puts your economy into a massive disadvantage. Simply put the European and North American economy requires twice as much gas to make the same amount of fertilizer, glass or metal… And while Europe no longer has ample access to cheap pipeline gas, the US might pull it out somewhat longer — at least until their natural gas production embarks on its own long decline. Think about that...
..If my understanding of the role of energy in energy production — and ultimately in economic output — is correct, then it’s no mystery why the West is facing so many hardships all at the same timeInflation and rising food prices. A cost of living “crisis” not willing to recede. Homelessness, rising inequality, falling living standards, failing institutions. Geopolitical tensions, and an increasingly ineffective (profit, not purpose driven) weapons industry unable to manufacture enough ammo, missiles, tanks, you name it. Well, no energy, no economy, no hegemony
​..The collective West’s heydays are definitely over, but its rivals face a difficult to navigate future as well. The long decline has begun, and although it looks like a slow and steady process, it can accelerate rather abruptly. As all the buffers, safety stocks and barriers are removed to preserve a semblance of normalcy, the system will eventually lose all its resiliency and become fragileWestern economies are skating on ever thinner ice, without taking notice of the cracks and pops all around them.  ​ Will this end in a massive world war for the last remaining resources then?

​  Downhill Since Bretton Woods: ‘Unipolar US Dollar' Mutated Into 'Politically Weaponized' Tool
​  Since the US dollar was made the “de facto steward of the global economic system” by the Bretton Woods Agreement it has abused that role, Paul Goncharoff, chief manager of consulting firm Goncharoff LLC, told Sputnik. The greenback has degenerated into a “unipolar and unreliable, politically weaponized” tool, he noted.
​  The creation of BRICS has motivated many countries to embark on an organized effort to dedollarize and break free from the vicious political cycle, as pointed out by the experienced financial analyst.
​  “The "extraordinary privilege" enjoyed by the USD as the lead global reserve currency has over time tested the discipline, resolve, and trust of the United States government… It was found wanting, as what should have been economically sound objective decisions steadily degenerated into politically "weaponized" short-term actions that were hugely expensive for the rest of the world,” he said.​..
​..In effect, the system had all of the worlds’ currencies pegged to the dollar, and the dollar pegged to gold. The fixed exchange rate system required non-reserve countries to give up the independence of their own monetary policy, regardless of the need for adjustments in response to changing domestic economic circumstances.
​  By the 1960s, the dollar was grossly overvalued, as the US did not have enough gold to cover the volume of greenbacks in worldwide circulation due to the "constant and growing US balance-of-payments deficits​."​ 
(The spending on Vietnam and Korea sucked the gold out of the US. Trade was​ balanced without that draw.) When then-President Richard M. Nixon rolled out his New Economic Policy in 1971, it signaled the demise of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange ratesBy 1973, all currencies were permitted to float freely.​..
..“In essence, the more the United States prints and spends USD, the more the rest of the world is expected to invest in US government paper, and subsidize this debt-spendingThe BRICS nations and their adherents are advocating for the use of national currencies for cross-border trade, eventually de-linking from the increasingly unipolar and visibly unreliable US Dollar,” Goncharoff explained.​..
​..“One proposal for a unified BRICS trade unit is the "BRICS Bridge" allowing the ten current members to exchange units based 60% of their sovereign currencies and 40% backed by their gold reserves,” noted Goncharoff, and summed up:.
​  "For Russia, and most other nations, there is a far bigger picture - where non-US dominated, global trade opportunities beckon."

  "​Green Economy?"  Direct cash infusions for US retail banks, so they don't fail.  Fed Paid Banks And Funds $400 Billion Over 2 Years For Sitting On Cash
After a rate hike spree in 2022 and 2023, the central bank now pays 5.4 percent annual interest on “reserves” - any money a bank leaves parked at the Fed overnight.
​  The banks, on the other hand, haven’t necessarily passed on the windfall to its customers, as deposit rates remain very low compared to the rates banks receive from the Fed.​

​  Ben Gvir calls for execution of Palestinian prisoners with 'shot in the head'
Israel is holding almost 10,000 Palestinians in its prisons and detention camps, where torture is widespread
​  Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, has called for the execution of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, WAFA reported on 30 June.
In a video statement, Ben-Gvir said that Israel should kill Palestinian prisoners with a "shot to the head."
​  He urged the passing of the bill in the Israeli Knesset for executing prisoners, saying they should be given just enough food to keep them alive until the law is enacted.​

​  ‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 269: Israeli leaders slam prison services over release of al-Shifa Hospital director
​  37,877 + killed* and at least 86,969 wounded in the Gaza Strip. Among the killed, 28,152 have been fully identified. These include, as of May 1st, fully identified 7,779 children, 5466 women, and 2418 elderly. In addition, around 10,000 more are estimated to be under the rubble.*
​  554+ Palestinians killed in occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. These include 135 children.​..
​..On Monday, Israeli forces released 50 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip who had been detained during the current war, including the director of the Israeli-destroyed al-Shifa hospital, Dr. Muhammad Abu Salmiyah, who was detained by Israeli troops in November.
​  According to testimonies by survivors from al-Shifa and other released detainees, Dr. Abu Salmiyah was arrested after he refused to make public claims that Hamas fighters were using al-Shifa for military purposes. Testimonies of fellow detainees indicated that Dr. Abu Salmiyah was beaten and humiliated during his detention.
​  Upon his release, Abu Salmiyah said to Al Jazeera that Palestinian detainees were suffering very hard conditions due to the lack of food, humiliation, and mistreatment by Israeli forces.
​  In reaction, Israel’s security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said that Dr. Abu Salmiyah’s release was a “security neglect” by the Israeli intelligence and prison servicesBenny Gantz, the opposition leader, also criticized the release of Dr. Abu Salmiyah and 50 other Palestinians, calling it “an operational and moral mistake.” In response, the Israeli public broadcasting service said that the release of the detainees on Monday was because Israeli jails were full.​
​  A settler shot my husband. Then Israel bulldozed my childhood home
Zakariyah has suffered immensely since being wounded by an Israeli settler. Yet his attacker roams free, and demolitions continue to devastate our communities in Masafer Yatta.​

​  US lawmakers vote to censor Palestinian death toll in Gaza to cover Israel war crimes
​  In a 269 – 144 vote in favour of the bipartisan amendment at the US House of Representatives, the move attempts to bar the State Department from using international affairs budget funds to cite figures and statistics published by Gaza’s Health Ministry.​..
​..Having overwhelmingly been voted in and being backed by 62 Democrats and 207 Republicans, the proposed amendment is now set to go to the Senate for consideration.
​  If passed, the US government will be forbidden from acknowledging that the Israeli occupation has killed at least 37,765 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and wounded 86,429 others so far. Those statistics by Gaza’s health ministry are also suspected of far underestimating the true number of deaths and injuries.​

​  ‘More horrific than Abu Ghraib’: Lawyer recounts visit to Israeli detention center
At Sde Teiman, Khaled Mahajneh found a detained journalist unrecognizable as he described the facility’s violent and inhumane conditions.
..Mahajneh, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, was initially approached by Al Araby TV, which was seeking information about Muhammad Arab, a reporter for the network who was arrested in March while covering the Israeli siege of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. “I contacted the Israeli army’s control center, and after providing them with a photo and an ID card of the detainee, as well as my official power of attorney document, I was informed that [Arab] was being held at Sde Teiman and that he could be visited.”...
​..Soldiers dragged out the detained journalist with his arms and legs tied, while Mahajneh remained behind a barrier. After soldiers removed his blindfold, Arab rubbed his eyes for five minutes, unaccustomed to the bright light. “Where am I?” was the first question he asked Mahajneh. Most Palestinians at Sde Teiman do not even know where they are being held; with at least 35 detainees having died in unknown circumstances since the war began, many simply call it “the death camp.”​...
​..Mahajneh told +972 that Arab was nearly unrecognizable after 100 days in the detention facility; his face, hair, and skin color had changed, and he was covered with dirt and pigeon droppingsThe journalist had not been given new clothes for nearly two months, and was only allowed to change his pants for the first time that day because of the lawyer’s visit.
​  According to Arab, detainees are continually blindfolded and tied up with their hands behind their backs, forced to sleep hunched over on the floor without any bedding. Their iron handcuffs are removed only during a weekly, minute-long shower“But the prisoners began refusing to shower because they don’t have watches, and going beyond the allotted minute exposes prisoners to severe punishments, including hours outside in the heat or rain,” Mahajneh said.
​  All detainees, Mahajneh noted, face deteriorating health conditions due to the poor quality of the daily prison diet: a small amount of labaneh and a piece of cucumber or tomatoThey also suffer from severe constipation, and for every 100 prisoners, only one roll of toilet paper is provided per day...
..In its response to queries for this article, the Israeli army stated: “The IDF rejects allegations of systematic ill-treatment of detainees, including through violence or torture … If necessary, military police investigations are opened when there is suspicion of unusual behavior justifying it.” The army denied Arab’s and Mahajneh’s accounts of deprivation, and insisted that detainees are provided with sufficient clothing and blankets, food and water (“three meals a day”), access to toilets and showers (“between 7 and 10 minutes”), and other amenities.​

​  Ultra-Orthodox protest against order to enlist in Israeli military turns violent in Jerusalem
​  Thousands of Jewish ultra-Orthodox men clashed with Israeli police in central Jerusalem on Sunday during a protest against a Supreme Court order for them to begin enlisting for military service.
​  The landmark decision last week ordering the government to begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men could lead to the collapse of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition as Israel wages war in Gaza.
​  Tens of thousands of men rallied in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood to protest the order...
..Military service is compulsory for most Jewish men and women in Israel. But politically powerful ultra-Orthodox parties have won exemptions for their followers to skip military service and instead study in religious seminaries.
​  The long-standing arrangement has bred resentment among the broader public, a sentiment that has grown stronger during the eight-month war against Hamas.​

​  Israeli media reports alarming increase in soldiers seeking discharge
Israeli media describes the sharp increase in officers seeking discharge as "a crisis of the state, not just the army alone," characterizing it as "worrying".​ 
Israeli media reported a significant challenge for the military this year, with 900 officers of captain and major ranks requesting a discharge.​   ​

​  Celia Farber, Traveling Paramedic Harry Fisher May Be The Most Banned Account On Social Media: Banned Over 50 Times On TikTok, Banned On X, He Is Now Back: 
Tells Of Colleague Who Knows Shots Are Deadly But Says He Can't Turn Down The $50 An Hour to Give Shots, Despite Urinating Blood After His Own

  Peter McCullough MD, A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province
COVID-19 and All-Cause Mortality Increased with Shots--Vaccination Did Not "Save Lives"​

​  Bearing Witness: Bobbo Sundgren's Harrowing Account Of His Son's Death​ (due to Moderna's COVID vaccine)—The Case That Has Made The Cover Of Four Major Swedish Newspapers​

  ​Nicholas' last days and passing from life are related here in Christian Gnostic perspective: Nicholas is The Resistance… that defies the archons and the ego
​  In the contemplation of Nicholas as "the golden one" who challenges the evil entities behind the idea of central power, I promised to share micro-observations from his 68 days in the hospital to support this insight.
​  It is slow and painful for me to write about this. For it involves situations where Nicholas was most exposed and vulnerable. Yet, he seemed to be carried by his strong love for his family and also by some sort of deep, mystical perspectives that he rarely spoke of but expressed a month before he fell ill.​

​  John Leake, US Government to give $176 million to Moderna to develop a human mRNA H5N1 Bird Flu Injection
The VAX Racket Capo in Cambridge just got a capital infusion from Uncle Sam. Now all it needs is some widespread panic to get it into every arm.​   

​Mexico is the ancestral home of corn.  After a 4-year Legal Battle, Monsanto Drops Lawsuit Against Mexico’s GM Corn Ban

  Your invisible "friend", BPA:  Drinking from plastic bottles can raise type 2 diabetes risk, study warns
Findings are first to provide evidence that chemical’s administration increases type 2 diabetes risk, researchers say​

​  Biden’s De Facto EV Mandate At Risk after Supreme Court ‘Chevron’ Ruling
Biden's strict tailpipe emissions standard has become vulnerable due to the Supreme Court decision on the Chevron Deference.
The ruling adds to already heated debates about whether the EPA has authority to regulate emissions from vehicles.
The U.S. top court ruling will have wide-reaching implications for the oil and gas industry because it will make it more difficult for federal agencies to regulate the environment and public health.​

​  More than she may know...  The Big Air Con Elite climate hypocrisy is not sustainable
​  Airport world is a parallel dimension. No matter where they are geographically, all airports are essentially the same place, with a simplified “international English” and a time zone only loosely tethered to its location. Airport world even has its own climate: uniformly air-conditioned, typically somewhere in the 21-24°C zone that studies also suggest represents the zone of maximum human productivity and cognitive performance.
​  Last week, airport world deposited me in Boston for a few days, during a heatwave that reached humid highs of 36°C. But the heat barely registered as such, thanks to America’s ubiquitous climate control, which helpfully kept my seminar strictly in the productivity zone.
​  On the rare occasions when I did venture outside, feeling my mind, skin, and limbs adjusting to the solid presence of heat, I found myself mulling over the meaning of air conditioning.​..
..The denizens of airport world may currently profess to be both climate-conscious and egalitarian. But this lifestyle cannot sustainably be generalised to the whole planet. And as this becomes more obvious, even the most progressive among their number will surely abandon their egalitarianism long before they switch off the aircon. After all, the only other solution would be to try and move the planet’s entire human population to the temperate zones of Europe and North America, before retreating into (presumably air-conditioned) enclaves a safe distance from the resulting chaos. And surely not even an elite blinded by aircon culture to the real depth of global human cultural differences would consider something as reckless as that.​

  ​Kyle Young,   S.A.I. (chemtrails) - photo documentation of how it's donethe hateful destruction of the commons
​  On the chance that anything I present in my posts needs to be used as evidence, from now on - even though it’s an accurate description of what’s being carried out - I’m going to refrain from using the term chemtrails. Instead, I’m going to use the sterile term preferred by those who are conducting these criminal acts. From now on I’ll be referring to chemtrails as Strategic Aerosol Injection (SAI).​

​Sky Watcher (took this picture of Jenny with corn, black-eyed peas and tomato vines)

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