Dosing Appropriately,
“It’s the vitamin-D, stupid!” (Take 5000 units per day long term if you weigh over 100#. Double that dose for a couple of months if just starting.)
Conclusions The previous studies, reporting a vitamin D blood level impact, compared COVID-19 severity between different patients populations and so can hardly discriminate whether the vitamin D blood level is a real factor of covid-19 severity or only a marker of another weakness being the primary severity factor. In contrary, the date of the boost is an intrapopulation observation and can thus only be triggered by a parameter globally affecting the population, i.e. the sun UV daily dose decreases. This result evidences that low vitamin blood D level is a contributing factor of COVID-19 severity.
Poor people working “casually” in nursing homes had to work sick, and work part time in multiple nursing homes, because that’s business. There is, unfortunately, no way to solve this. Move along…
This paper looks at the common long-term persistence of loss of smell after SARS-CoV-2 infection, and finds a golden-hamster animal model, where persistent loss of smell appears to be caused by persistent viral infection of cells in that area. This again raises the question I keep having about the possibility of low level viral infection causing persistent symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath, and loss of smell.
These are the people. Note that these people in the study were selected for having long term persistence of symptoms. This does not say what percentage of their population cohort they might comprise. It is not rare…
Young, low risk patients with ongoing symptoms of covid-19 had signs of damage to multiple organs four months after initially being infected, a preprint study has suggested.1
Initial data from 201 patients suggest that almost 70% had impairments in one or more organs four months after their initial symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
One potentially good thing about the Oxford-Astra-Zeneca vaccine is that it is not a messenger RNA, genetic engineering, “vaccine”, but a more traditional adenovirus-vector based vaccine, as is Russian Sputnik-V. It will also be freely shared technology, which makes it a threat to profits, so a media target.
If you have not, already, had too much of the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset" plans for us; if you could possibly stomach more...
Fakhrizadeh was hit by three bullets – one hit him in the spine. Seconds later the Nisan pickup truck exploded in what looks like a self destruct mechanism. According to Fars news Iranian security forces identified the owner of the pickup truck who left Iran on October 29th.
At least 46,000 people packed the sprawling Republique plaza and surrounding streets carrying red union flags, French tricolor flags and homemade signs denouncing police violence, demanding media freedom or calling for the resignation of French President Emmanuel Macron or his tough-talking interior minister, Gerald Darmanin...
Norway Criminalizes Hate Speech Against Transgender People in Private Homes or Conversations
One per cent of the world’s farms operate 70% of crop fields, ranches and orchards, according to a report that highlights the impact of land inequality on the climate and nature crises.
Since the 1980s, researchers found control over the land has become far more concentrated both directly through ownership and indirectly through contract farming, which results in more destructive monocultures and fewer carefully tended smallholdings.
Asia and Africa have the highest levels of smallholdings, where human input tends to be higher than chemical and mechanical factors, and where time frames are more likely to be for generations rather than 10-year investment cycles. Worldwide, between 80% and 90% of farms are family or smallholder-owned. But they cover only a small and shrinking part of the land and commercial production.
Over the past four decades, the biggest shift from small to big was in the United States and Europe, where ownership is in fewer hands and even individual farmers work under strict contracts for retailers, trading conglomerates and investment funds.
Ward said these financial arrangements are now spreading to the developing world, which is accelerating the decline of soil quality, the overuse of water resources, and the pace of deforestation.
“The concentration of ownership and control results in a greater push for monocultures and more intensive agriculture as investment funds tend to work on 10-year cycles to generate returns,” he said.
This is also connected to social problems, including poverty, migration, conflict and the spread of zoonotic diseases like Covid-19.
To address this, the report recommends greater regulation and oversight of opaque land ownership systems, a shift in tax regimes to support smallholders and better environmental management, and great support for the land-rights of communities.
“Smallholder farmers, family farmers, indigenous people and small communities are much more cautious with use of land. It’s not just about return on investment; it’s about culture, identity and leaving something for the next generation. They take much more care and in the long run, they produce more per unit area and destroy less.”
"The idea is definitely crazy, but if it is crazy enough to be true? That remains to be seen."
“The first assumption is that when a measurement is made, the observed outcome is a real, single event in the world. This assumption rules out, for example, the idea that the universe can split, with different outcomes being observed in different parallel universes.”
“The second assumption is that experimental settings can be freely chosen, allowing us to perform randomized trials. And the third assumption is that once such a free choice is made, its influence cannot spread out into the universe faster than light,” he said.