Mobile Composters,
Dan sends this Urban Farming article from Kollibri Sonnenblume, an urban-bike-farmer from Portland Oregon. Kollibri had an ideal setting and lots of good press and goodwill in this, and soon had coworkers. They tended about 30 plots throughout Portland, producing food for their subscribing patrons. This arrangement was ideal in almost every realistic way. There is a good amount of human cultural background presented in introduction. Then the findings of that transformative endeavor are presented. (I'm not at the farming level, but I'm bringing tomatoes and cucumbers and green beans to work frequently these days. I am doing a lot of work, almost every day, and becoming transformed, humanized. Did I mention how much hot, itchy, back-hurting, squatting in sun with full, dirty hands, hair in face, and bugs in ears, work this is?)
Here is Jenny in our Father's Day, Juneteenth, Solstice-Eve kitchen-garden.
Transforming With Garden
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