Intelligent Humans,
I spent about 3 hours going over the extensive compilation of links and texts sent to me by Steve in Japan last evening, and mulled it over in my dreams and the early morning hours. This is really a lot of information about the slaughter in Lahaina. It would be processed by AI, including videos, in a millisecond if download speeds were fast enough. I am much more limited, but I slept on it...
This was a vast and detailed and intimately managed assault on the native population of the Lahaina area on the island of Maui, using personnel who would never have chosen to do that, like the police, guided by their radios to constantly re-route drivers onto rods leading them into oncoming fire, so that the drivers who survived were the ones who disobeyed at the roadblocks. They had an intuition to disobey.
Most of the Emergency Response officials in Hawaii were on Oahu that day, taking classes at an emergency response conference, where they were told about a few grassfires from fallen power lines, already being put out, first thing in the morning, nothing unusual... They went into the day with that perception, and did not get different news until the widespread high-tech military assault on people was already in rapid-sequence-progress, and they got misleading information as it happened.
Governor Josh Green was in New York, presenting to the UN, the highest-level presentation of his life, and he also got misleading information until it was too late to act, and he was hobbled by not being in his operational setting, having to give general tasks to the Lieutenant Governor.
This compartmentalization, "siloing" of tasks and information is routinely used in military and intelligence settings to employ people to act in parts of a task that they would not be able to carry out for moral reasons if they understood the task.
Let me look a bit at the position Josh Green MD was in, because I worked with Josh at Kohala Hospital and ER on the Big Island on the several occasions that I worked there, about a year in total. Josh worked in ERs on the Big Island for 20 years, initially to work off Med School scholarship debt. He was a good ER Doc, enjoyed working with people, and was used to quickly and efficiently managing heart attacks, strokes and injuries of all kinds when he was the only doctor on the scene. If Josh Green were at his office in Hawaii, he would have habitually taken decisive action to help people, based upon the information provided to him. He would have worked through his own human channels, which would not have been limited to official channels of information, because Josh made a lot of human relations, by his very nature, which is what took him into Hawaiian politics. Human relations are "everything" in Hawaiian politics, because people on the islands live their lives through human connections.
Josh really liked making deals and doing favors for people as a State Senator. I called him when my eldest daughter was starting to apply to Med Schools, and Josh was quickly able to set up interviews, and scholarships, with further scholarships possible, and he did not ask for anything from me. This was completely in keeping with his Senatorial duties. He was helping recruit two physicians for rural Hawaii, which needed more physicians. Josh obviously enjoyed this kind of "politicking".
I would be surprised if Josh Green were not involved in the Smart-City-Maui project, with developers and investors from Japan and global financial institutions. He would have been their natural go-to guy, but Josh Green MD would not have knowingly helped murder the citizens of Maui. Josh would need to be far removed that day, and he was.
What struck me most, going through all of the horrific accounts of human experience of people who survived the high-tech-beam-weaponry attacks, was how my head and eyes hurt and how tired I felt reading and reading for hours, but AI would not feel that way. Battlefield AI, in use in Ukraine and Gaza at that exact same time, would manage all of the instructions to cops to route traffic, and all of the specific beam-weapon attacks, car by car and house by house, with the appropriate amount of dwell-time for each target, based on the energy of the microwave (mostly) and laser beams in use. The blue painted cars and trucks were unscathed. Firemen had to abandon their fire truck when the glass window and steering wheel started bubbling before their eyes. Cars had pools of aluminum on the ground from wheels and engine-blocks, while grass and trees a few feet away were green. Boats burst into flames a quarter mile into the bay, while people nearby in the water watched. Blue trash cans and umbrellas survived the devastation which surrounded them. Battlefield AI, programmed to run an attack sequence and adapt in real time to the movements of the people, the targets, could have kept re-routing people into kill-zones and death-roads, as is still being done today in Gaza and Ukraine, with and without AI, because that is how wars kill people.
There is much in here, tales of people who fled between sequential attacks and were somehow sequentially missed, surviving to tell their tales, sometimes with video. There are the videos recorded by body-cams of local police, but the images that haunt me are those of a lone family dog, and a boy and his dog, both carbonized without burning into statues of themselves, the family-dog perfectly preserved and identifiable to the family that did get away, and the carbonized boy and doge, huddled and carbonized together in their final embrace, known clearly to the grandmother, who felt that "God had preserved them for her to recognize and identify".
Tis is not finished. The investment machine grinds forward with its conversion-plans. People who were complicit are likely horrified inside. Local people Know They Were Slaughtered. Oprah is making real estate deals.
Human ways are not machine-ways. I see that this is what we all face in various forms, vast and coordinated killing-operations being run against us, one isolated group at a time, so as to not unite all people against the "owners", their battlefield-AI, and their killing machines. Towards the Danger, The Democide of the Hawai'ian Native Capitol of Lahaina Maui https://individualistanarchy.
Ugo Bardi: The Age of Exterminations (IV). How to Kill the Rich
The Monastic order of the Templars (Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Salomonici), was founded in 1119 as a military force to defend the Christian holdings in the Holy Land. In time, the order evolved into a financial structure: the Templars became bankers and they developed a sophisticated money transfer system that helped pilgrims and warriors to move to and from the Holy Land and to transfer money from Europe to Palestine and back. They have been termed "the first multinational corporation" in history.As you may imagine, the Templars were rich, despite the term "pauperes" (poor fellows) in their name. They had land, castles, palaces, and, of course, plenty of gold and silver. The problem was that, with the loss of the last lands controlled by the Christian crusaders in the Holy Land, at the end of the 13th century, they had become useless: no more crusades, no need of a banking system to finance them.
At that point, the Templars attracted the attention of the king of France, Phillip IV, in dire need of money, as kings normally are. In 1307, he ordered the arrest of all Templars and the confiscation of their properties. Most of the leaders were burned at the stake after that they had confessed under torture all sorts of evil misbehaviors: spit on the cross, deny Christ, engage in indecent kissing, worship the devil, and other niceties.
As exterminations go, this one didn't involve large numbers: we read of 54 executions in France in 1310. Probably there were more in other countries, but the total cannot be higher than a few hundred. Nevertheless, it had a big impact: it is said that the fame of Friday the 13th as an unlucky day originates from the date of the arrest of the Templars: Friday, October 13, 1307.
The question is, of course, can it happen again? How about our class of hyper-rich, the "100 billion dollar club," that includes well-known names such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and a few more? They are clearly going to become trillionaires in the near future. But a house full of gold is hard to defend, as we read in the Tao Te Ching. Could our Internet barons follow the destiny that long ago befell another class of financial tycoons, the Templars?
As usual, the key to the future is in the past. Examining the destiny of the Templars, we may understand the factors that may lead to the extermination of a powerful (but not enough) financial guild.
First of all, why were the Templars exterminated? I argued in previous posts (one, two, and three) that certain categories of people can be exterminated and their possessions confiscated when they are 1) wealthy, 2) clearly identifiable, and 3) militarily weak, The Templars clearly satisfied the first two rules but not necessarily the third: after all, they were a military order. Yet, when the King of France descended on them, they didn't even try a military reaction. It may be that the prowess of the Templar Knights was much overrated: they were more like a private police force for a financial organization, not a real military force. But it may also be that it was exactly the presence of this force that hastened their downfall. Sometimes, a little military power may be worse than none at all, since it invites a decapitation strike. This is probably what happened to the Templars, exterminated just to make sure that they would not become a threat.
The story of the Templars is just an example of a power struggle that has very ancient origins. One of the earliest written texts we have was written by the Sumerian priestess Enheduanna who complained with the Goddess that her temple had been desecrated by a local warlord. Enheduanna does not say if the warlord was after the temple's money, but we know that, at that time, temples were also banks, a tradition that remained unchanged for millennia.
Eleni sends this from Scott Ritter: America's Midas Touch
The dreams and aspirations of pre-war America evaporated in the reality of a post-war America where the Masters of War took precedent over a nation of builders. Death and destruction quickly became the coin of the realm, all in the name of seeking to impose a vision of American hegemony over a globe once dominated by Empires composed of friend and foe alike. Indeed, the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union was triggered by Moscow’s refusal to subordinate itself financially to the American-led rules based international order more than anything else—Stalin’s opposition to joining the Bretton Wood’s institutions of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). His opposition was given voice in a speech delivered on February 9, 1946, where he extolled the strength of the Soviet economy as it compared to those of “world capitalists” like the United States and Europe. This led to George Kennan writing his now-famous “long telegram”, which in turn spawned the Truman-era of containment, which led to the Cold War.
The Cold War was about money, not ideology.
It was about the need for the United States to assert economic control over the post-war world.
It was about gold.
We touched Korea, and Koreans died.
We touched Vietnam, and the Vietnamese died (so, too, did Jimmy Stewart’s son, who was commissioned in the US Marines and died in combat leading his Marines in an action that would earn him a posthumous Silver Star medal).
We touched South and Central America, and the citizens of these lands died.
We touched Africa, and the Africans died.
We touched Afghanistan, and the Afghans died.
We touched Iraq, and the Iraqis died.
Everything we touched, died.
Everything we touch dies.
Americans would be hard-pressed to find one instance of American post-war policy intervention that did not manifest itself into death and destruction.
The America curse.
The American Midas Touch.
And this is the part most Americans fail to comprehend. There are those among us, like Senator Lindsey Graham, whose faces can contort into a combined smile-sneer as they speak about the financial benefit America will accrue by embarking on its path of blood-soaked hegemony.
But they forget the end of the Midas story.
A king driven mad by hunger and thirst, void of friends and family, because the happiness sought through the pursuit of gold only, in the end, left him surrounded by death and famine. https://scottritter.substack. com/p/americas-midas-touch
The Cold War was about money, not ideology.
It was about the need for the United States to assert economic control over the post-war world.
It was about gold.
We touched Korea, and Koreans died.
We touched Vietnam, and the Vietnamese died (so, too, did Jimmy Stewart’s son, who was commissioned in the US Marines and died in combat leading his Marines in an action that would earn him a posthumous Silver Star medal).
We touched South and Central America, and the citizens of these lands died.
We touched Africa, and the Africans died.
We touched Afghanistan, and the Afghans died.
We touched Iraq, and the Iraqis died.
Everything we touched, died.
Everything we touch dies.
Americans would be hard-pressed to find one instance of American post-war policy intervention that did not manifest itself into death and destruction.
The America curse.
The American Midas Touch.
And this is the part most Americans fail to comprehend. There are those among us, like Senator Lindsey Graham, whose faces can contort into a combined smile-sneer as they speak about the financial benefit America will accrue by embarking on its path of blood-soaked hegemony.
But they forget the end of the Midas story.
A king driven mad by hunger and thirst, void of friends and family, because the happiness sought through the pursuit of gold only, in the end, left him surrounded by death and famine. https://scottritter.substack.
Kyle Young, The US Government War on Americans, Neighbors vs. FEMA [FEMA is a political slush fund now.]
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was created by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. In March of 2003 President Bush brought FEMA under the vast, new umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security. The creation of DHS was the largest expansion of government since FDR’s New Deal programs. Yes, a Republican was responsible for one of the largest expansions of government in US history.The stated mission of FEMA was to “Help people before, during and after disasters”. However, under the Biden/Harris administration FEMA has undergone a major transition. The 2022-2026 FEMA Strategic Plan has changed the focus to what the Biden/Harris FEMA calls “Three bold, ambitious goals”.
Goal 1: Instill equity as a foundation of emergency management
Goal 2: Lead whole of community in climate resilience
Goal 3: Promote and sustain a ready FEMA and prepared nation
As you can see, disaster relief is no longer on the radar.
As one might expect, the “equity” in Goal 1 means some groups of people will now get preferential treatment. As you will soon learn, migrants top the list of preferred groups...
Unlike FEMA or the DoD, none of us would even consider confiscating our neighbors property. Quite the opposite. I’m quite sure that if some federal agency came and tried to confiscate my property I would have a small army of well armed neighbors here within minutes to help me defend my farm. https://secularheretic.
This is what the North Carolina State legislators watched before moving to protect North Carolina from the Federal Government, which then withdrew:
Geo-engineering Watch Director Dane Wigington Exposes The Federal Government’s Secret Weather Weapons System Now Targeting All Life on Earth I'm voting for Jill Stein MD, a "protest vote" against genocide, but I am watching the elite power-struggle between the current "globalist imperial-courtiers" and the ascending nationalist faction represented by Trump, Vance, Musk, Gabbard, etc. There was a report last month of 5 teams of Trump-assassins, with something like 8 shoulder-fired antiaircraft missiles smuggled into the US for the purpose. Trump says "Iran" wants to kill him, because it's ok to say that, even if it's stupid.
Trump Campaign Requests Military Aircraft With Antimissile Capabilities Amid Iran Threat Three attempts so far, but two were just decoys? New Trump assassination attempt foiled – US police
A man has been arrested with fake press passes and loaded weapons outside a rally in California being held by the former president UN Interim Force in Lebanon says the attack on its peacekeepers was a ‘deliberate’ act by Israeli forces. https://www.
As the Israeli invasion of Lebanon escalates, it has been reported that on Sunday morning Israeli tanks smashed their way into a UN peacekeeper base in southern Lebanon near Ramia. Exactly why they decided to force their way into a UNIFIL base, which is of course a violation of UN Security Council resolution 1701, is not at all clear. 2024/10/13/israeli-tanks- smash-into-un-peacekeeper- base-in-southern-lebanon/#gsc. tab=0
UN chief: Israeli attacks on UNIFIL 'may constitute a war crime'
Late Saturday, Israel targeted an Ottoman-era market in the southern Lebanese city of Nabatieh that was established in 1910. The attack obliterated the area, with Lebanese Civil Defense officials saying they battled fires in 12 residential buildings and 40 shops in the market. 2024/10/13/israeli-strikes-in- lebanon-killed-at-least-51-on- saturday/
Israel Confirms 4 Soldiers Dead, 60 Injured, After Biggest Hezbollah Drone Attack Of War
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has condemned recent Israeli attacks on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon that left several peacekeepers injured.
On Sunday, the spokesman for the UN chief quoted Guterres as saying that the Israeli attacks “may constitute a war crime.” "UNIFIL personnel and its premises must never be targeted," Stephane Dujarric said, referring to the blue-helmet international force. "Attacks against peacekeepers are in breach of international law...(and) may constitute a war crime." "In a deeply worrying incident that occurred today, the entrance door of a UN position was deliberately breached by [the Israeli military] armored vehicles," he added in a statement. Detail/2024/10/14/735197/UN- chief--Israeli-attacks-on- UNIFIL--may-constitute-a-war- crime-
Netanyahu calls on UN to evacuate Lebanon peacekeepers, UNIFIL forces will be in danger unless they withdraw, the Israeli prime minister has warned 605652-netanyahu-guterres- evacuate-peacekeepers/
On Sunday, the spokesman for the UN chief quoted Guterres as saying that the Israeli attacks “may constitute a war crime.” "UNIFIL personnel and its premises must never be targeted," Stephane Dujarric said, referring to the blue-helmet international force. "Attacks against peacekeepers are in breach of international law...(and) may constitute a war crime." "In a deeply worrying incident that occurred today, the entrance door of a UN position was deliberately breached by [the Israeli military] armored vehicles," he added in a statement.
(Uh, can we get some air support and artillery cover down here?) Joe Lauria, UN Troops in Lebanon Can Shoot Back at Israel
United Nations peacekeepers who have been fired upon by Israel can fire back at them according to a 2006 U.N. Security Council resolution.
Paragraph 12 of Resolution 1701, which helped bring about an end of fighting in the 33-day Israel-Hezbollah conflict in 2006, says that the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL): “Acting in support of a request from the Government of Lebanon to deploy an international force to assist it to exercise its authority throughout the territory, authorizes UNIFIL to take all necessary action in areas of deployment of its forces and as it deems within its capabilities, to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities of any kind, to resist attempts by forceful means to prevent it from discharging its duties under the mandate of the Security Council, and to protect United Nations personnel, facilities, installations and equipment … ” [Emphasis added.]
Repeated attacks by Israel Defense Force (IDF) beginning last week and continuing until at least Sunday, accurately fit the description of “hostile activities” in UNIFIL’s “areas of deployment.” 2024/10/13/un-troops-in- lebanon-can-shoot-back-at- israel/
Repeated attacks by Israel Defense Force (IDF) beginning last week and continuing until at least Sunday, accurately fit the description of “hostile activities” in UNIFIL’s “areas of deployment.”
The Lebanese Health Ministry has said that Israeli strikes in Lebanon on Saturday killed at least 51 people and wounded 174.
The ministry said that since last October, Israel has killed 2,306 people and wounded 10,698 in Lebanon. The breakdown isn’t clear, but the Israeli bombing campaign has killed many civilians, especially since it dramatically escalated attacks on September 23.Late Saturday, Israel targeted an Ottoman-era market in the southern Lebanese city of Nabatieh that was established in 1910. The attack obliterated the area, with Lebanese Civil Defense officials saying they battled fires in 12 residential buildings and 40 shops in the market.
A drone swarm was sent on the Golani Brigade training base deep inside Israel at a moment that hundreds of IDF soldiers were in or near a mess hall that suffered direct impact by at least one or more sizeable drones.
The Golani Brigade training base lies about 20 miles south of Haifa. After a huge emergency response to the base as a result of the attack, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has confirmed that four soldiers were killed, and 58 were injured. Other reports say that over 60 were injured, some seriously. geopolitical/israel-confirms- 4-soldiers-dead-60-injured- after-biggest-hezbollah-drone- attack-war
She further noted that the Israeli attacks are being conducted with Western support and weapons... “What is happening in northern Gaza now is a genocide within the genocide,” Palestinian Ambassador Majed Bamya, the deputy permanent observer to the UN, wrote on X.
Israeli troops in Jabalia are burning houses and bombing them with tanks and artillery fire, using Palestinians as human shields. Detail/2024/10/13/735172/UN- Francesca-AlbanesePalestine- Gaza-Jabalia-
Gaza Doctor Corrects CNN Anchor: ‘This Is Not a Humanitarian Crisis… This Is Genocide’ 10/13/gaza-doctor-corrects- cnn-anchor-this-is-not-a- humanitarian-crisis-this-is- genocide/
Israel forces attack farmers, destroy olive harvest in West Bank https://www. 20241011-israel-forces-attack- farmers-destroy-olive-harvest- in-west-bank/

Group of Iranian lawmakers asks Security Council to authorize creation of nuclear weapons
' We have to attack Iran,' says Israeli economy minister
news/2024/10/09/west- sleepwalking-nuclear-disaster- middle-east-iran-russia/
This advanced anti-ballistic-missile system will be a prime target during a war, of course. US Troops To Operate THAAD Anti-Ballistic Missile System In Israel geopolitical/us-troops- operate-thaad-anti-ballistic- missile-system-israel-army- radio
Zelensky’s demands ‘fell on deaf ears in Berlin’ – Bild
Germany’s Olaf Scholz reportedly promised the Ukrainian leader nothing on long-range weapons deliveries and fast-tracking its NATO membership
All 537 Australian Councils to Receive DNA Contamination report [Increased near-term and distant risk of turbo-cancer with each additional mRNA shot]
Here is what the Councillors were watching during that Confidential Session .. an address by Oncology Professor, Angus Dalgleish MD .( a little over 10 min.) com/file/d/1mFR_ JzwA9Z862pRnGhVcNv1LpWJ0ZzH5/ view
Learn the difference between real food and slow poison, then choose wisely. American Health & Nutrition: A Second Opinion - Senator Ron Johnson https://anamihalceamdphd. health-and-nutrition-a-second
Meryl Nass MD on the self-amplifying genetic poison project: Self-amplifying mRNA vaccines
2 gutsy companies (Arcturus and CSL) test drive their first-in-class vaccine in Japan--and how this ties in with the 100 day vaccine promise of CEPI and the globalists
Steve Kirsch on fire-department's mandatory on-the-job injury with half compensation: Exclusive interview: How NY's Bravest treat those they disabled with the COVID vaccineO'Brian Pastrana used to be a super-healthy firefighter. After 2 COVID shots, he was deemed unfit to be a firefighter for life so he was terminated and only given half-pension.
The Golani Brigade training base lies about 20 miles south of Haifa. After a huge emergency response to the base as a result of the attack, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has confirmed that four soldiers were killed, and 58 were injured. Other reports say that over 60 were injured, some seriously.
Chris Sidoti: 'Israel' deliberately destroying Gaza healthcare system
'Israel' blocks two WHO aid missions to besieged Northern Gaza A United Nations inquiry further accused "Israel" of committing war crimes, stating that "Israel" has been deliberately targeting medical personnel and facilities in Gaza. https://english.almayadeen. net/news/politics/-israel-- blocks-two-who-aid-missions- to-besieged-northern-ga
Bezalel Smotrich calls for Israel's borders to extend to Damascus
Far-right security minister cites 'greater Israel' ideology that envisions expansion across Middle East https://www.middleeasteye. net/news/smotrich-calls- israels-borders-extend- damascus
A member of the United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Chris Sidoti, stated that the Israeli delegation's statements in Geneva are not taken seriously, asserting that their claims and comments on the report are based on falsehoods. https://english.almayadeen. net/news/politics/chris- sidoti---israel--deliberately- destroying-gaza-healthca
Far-right security minister cites 'greater Israel' ideology that envisions expansion across Middle East https://www.middleeasteye.
Haaretz: Israeli Government Done With Ceasefire Talks, Seeks Annexation of Gaza
The Israeli military is currently carrying out part of an ethnic cleansing plan in north Gaza, which could pave the way for Jewish settlements 2024/10/13/haaretz-israeli- government-done-with- ceasefire-talks-seeks- annexation-of-gaza/
Palestinians in Jabalia killed with ‘unspeakable cruelty and sadism’: UN rapporteur
In a social media post on Sunday, Francesca Albanese said Palestinian civilians in Jabalia “are killed – both in groups and one by one – amid unspeakable cruelty and sadism” by Israeli troops “who have accepted to be ‘willing executioners’ of a genocidal plan.”The Israeli military is currently carrying out part of an ethnic cleansing plan in north Gaza, which could pave the way for Jewish settlements
Caitlin Johnstone, It's So, So Bad, and it's About to Get a Whole Lot Worse [Like Lahaina, but every day after every day...]
Hossam Shabat, one of the last remaining journalists in northern Gaza, reports the following on Twitter:
“The Israeli occupation has besieged us in this area, which includes Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahia, and the Jabalia refugee camp, for the past eight days. Since October 1st, they have stopped all food, water, and medical supplies from entering. They have threatened hospitals to shut down, stopped fuel from entering in order for hospitals to operate, and are targeting anyone who moves. So far, 400 people have been killed. People are bleeding in the streets, and we can’t reach them.” https://www.caitlinjohnst. one/p/its-so-so-bad-and-its- about-to-get
“The Israeli occupation has besieged us in this area, which includes Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahia, and the Jabalia refugee camp, for the past eight days. Since October 1st, they have stopped all food, water, and medical supplies from entering. They have threatened hospitals to shut down, stopped fuel from entering in order for hospitals to operate, and are targeting anyone who moves. So far, 400 people have been killed. People are bleeding in the streets, and we can’t reach them.” https://www.caitlinjohnst.
She further noted that the Israeli attacks are being conducted with Western support and weapons... “What is happening in northern Gaza now is a genocide within the genocide,” Palestinian Ambassador Majed Bamya, the deputy permanent observer to the UN, wrote on X.
Israeli troops in Jabalia are burning houses and bombing them with tanks and artillery fire, using Palestinians as human shields.
So many children without arms and legs. Thanks Clif: 'Unseen casualties': The amputee crisis in the war on Gaza
In-depth: Israel's war on Gaza has led to an unprecedented number of amputations, with NGOs recording the highest numbers seen in any recent conflict. analysis/unseen-casualties- amputee-crisis-war-gaza
In-depth: Israel's war on Gaza has led to an unprecedented number of amputations, with NGOs recording the highest numbers seen in any recent conflict.
Bombing, choking and starving people to death: Red Crescent ambulances in northern Gaza out of service due to lack of fuel https://www. 20241011-red-crescent- ambulances-in-northern-gaza- out-of-service-due-to-lack-of- fuel/
Revisiting this until it is common-knowledge: Has Iran Just Tested a Nuclear Bomb? https://www.globalresearch. ca/iran-tested-nuclear-bomb/ 5869745
Since 2003, a fatwa by the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has outlawed the production of nuclear weapons as contradicting Islam
TASS/. A group of 39 Iranian legislators has sent an official message to the Supreme National Security Council with a request for revising the national defense doctrine and permit the development of nuclear weapons in the context of a threat from Israel, the initiator of the appeal, Hasanali Ekhlaki Amiri, has said. 1854007
TASS/. A group of 39 Iranian legislators has sent an official message to the Supreme National Security Council with a request for revising the national defense doctrine and permit the development of nuclear weapons in the context of a threat from Israel, the initiator of the appeal, Hasanali Ekhlaki Amiri, has said.
FRANCE 24 spoke to Israel's Economy and Industry Minister Nir Barkat, who previously served as mayor of Jerusalem and is a member of PM Binyamin Netanyahu's Likud party. "We have to attack Iran", he declared, saying that this included hitting Tehran's nuclear capabilities.
Barkat claimed that "Iran is the head of the snake" and is using its proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis in Yemen in a bid to "choke Israel". According to him, Iran's aim is to "create a nuclear bomb" to "wipe Israel out".
Asked about the risk that an Israeli attack on Iran would ignite a regional war, Barkat replied: "It's our neck on the line!" tv-shows/t%C3%AAte-%C3%A0-t% C3%AAte/20241010-we-have-to- attack-iran-it-is-the-head-of- the-snake-israeli-economy- minister
Barkat claimed that "Iran is the head of the snake" and is using its proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis in Yemen in a bid to "choke Israel". According to him, Iran's aim is to "create a nuclear bomb" to "wipe Israel out".
Asked about the risk that an Israeli attack on Iran would ignite a regional war, Barkat replied: "It's our neck on the line!"
Wait, YOU didn't hear about the nuclear test, either? Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, The West is sleepwalking into nuclear disaster
Our leaders must let Israel eliminate the menace of Iranian atomic weapons for the longer term could win by luring all the Chinese onshore, then nuking the whole island. China Initiates Huge Military Drills Around Taiwan In Warning To Island's President geopolitical/china-initiates- huge-military-drills-around- taiwan-warning-islands- president
Whose? Mysterious drones circled US military bases – WSJ, American officials were reportedly at a loss over how to respond to swarms of unidentified UAVs 605668-us-langley-base-drone- swarm/
Germany’s Olaf Scholz reportedly promised the Ukrainian leader nothing on long-range weapons deliveries and fast-tracking its NATO membership
Andrew Korybko explains that it's all a bit complicated: Russia Sells Processed Oil Products to Israel and Facilitates Kazakhstan’s Oil Exports to It https://www.globalresearch. ca/russia-sells-processed-oil- israel-facilitates-kazakhstan- oil-exports/5869945
It's worth the expense, if the drug gets approved... Drug Trials Funded By Manufacturers Find 50 Percent Greater Drug Effectiveness medical/drug-trials-funded- manufacturers-find-50-percent- greater-drug-effectiveness
Professor of Oncology, Angus Dalgleish MD, as the lead co-signatory of Mr Broadbent’s letter of the 25th, stepped-up to break-down the Science Summary that letter contains, for the benefit of Port Hedland Councillors and the attending public. https://julesonthebeach. australian-councils-to-receive
Here is what the Councillors were watching during that Confidential Session .. an address by Oncology Professor, Angus Dalgleish MD .( a little over 10 min.)
I've been reading about these good, cheap and safe protocols. William Makis MD: First-in-the-World Ivermectin, Mebendazole and Fenbendazole Protocol in Cancer has been peer-reviewed and published Sep.19, 2024! The future of Cancer Treatment starts now.
2 gutsy companies (Arcturus and CSL) test drive their first-in-class vaccine in Japan--and how this ties in with the 100 day vaccine promise of CEPI and the globalists
Reiner was preparing mandatory-vaccination lawsuits against governments: ‘Persecution in Prison’ by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who has been in a German prison for a year after being kidnapped in Mexico by German authorities, has written about what life is like for him in prison.“Prison officials told me that they had never seen a defendant be held in pre-trial detention for more than 11 months for a simple offence (and not for a serious crime or an act of terrorism), held in solitary confinement and, most importantly, brought to court hearings handcuffed and shackled,” he writes.
Dr. Raoult proved by mid 2020 that Hydroxychloroquine based treatment was life-saving, and he did it early, as well as in hospitalization.
Penalty Increased on Appeal for French Doctor Didier Raoult, Banned From Practicing Medicine for Two Years for Using HCQ to Treat COVID-19 Patients arm grabs gigantic flaming-booster, descending slowly and smoothly: SpaceX: Starship Splashdown "Confirmed" & Mechazilla Successfully Catches Super Heavy Booster
Less than 4 minute video: Magnetic Pole Flip - Introduction
Somewhat Targeted Individual (pictured with banana plants)
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