Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Guilty In Saipan


​  Assange pleads guilty to espionage
Wednesday’s court hearing in Saipan marked the end of the WikiLeaks founder’s 14-year legal battle for freedom
​  Assange pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to obtain and disseminate national defense information at the United States District Court for The Northern Mariana Islands in Saipan on Wednesday morning. He was sentenced to the time he had already served in London’s Belmarsh Prison shortly afterwards...
Assange was accompanied in the courtroom by Australian Ambassador to the US Kevin Rudd, Australian Ambassador to the UK Stephen Smith, and his lawyer, Jennifer RobinsonAsked by Judge Romana Manglona whether he was pleading guilty or not guilty, he responded “guilty".
The former WikiLeaks chief told Judge Manglona that he believed that the First Amendment to the US Constitution protected his publication of classified material, and that “the First Amendment and the Espionage Act are in contradiction with each other.” However, he added that he is pleading guilty because “it would be difficult to win such a case, given all the circumstances.”​...
..Assange’s 14-year fight for freedom began in 2010, when he was arrested by British police over sexual assault charges in Sweden that were later dropped, Assange jumped bail in 2012 and was granted asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. He was arrested again in 2019 when Ecuador revoked his asylum, and spent the next 1,901 days in Belmarsh.​..
..The charges against Assange stemmed from his publication of classified material obtained by whistleblowers, including Pentagon documents detailing alleged US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
​  The WikiLeaks founder was released from Belmarsh on Monday, two months after the Wall Street Journal reported that his lawyers were in talks with US officials about a potential plea deal. Assange was preparing to mount a final appeal against his extradition at the time, and the WSJ’s sources claimed that US President Joe Biden wanted to reach an agreement rather than deal with the “political hot potato” of a journalist arriving in Washington to face criminal prosecution so close to November’s presidential election.​

Julian Assange arrives back in Australia | 9 News Australia​  (2:32 min, better than words)​

​  Gilbert Doctorow,  How are the US-made ATACMS missiles being used by Ukrainian forces?
​  (Monday) in Sevastopol, Crimea we saw how Kiev is using the Wunderwaffen tactical, ground-to-ground 300-km range ballistic missiles known by the acronym ATACMS which the United States has been delivering to them.
​  In the past week, Washington lifted all restrictions on how the Ukrainians use these weapons, although that is a bit of disinformation in itself, since the targeting is possible only with the assistance of American military experts using reconnaissance intelligence which the Ukrainians themselves do not possess.​..
..Why terrorism? Because the target in yesterday’s attack on Sevastopol, which happens to be the home port of Russia’s Black Sea fleet, was not one of the many possible naval installations. No, it was the municipal beach where, on a fine summer weekend, parents and children were out in the open.
​  These ATACMS were configured to carry cluster bombs and are intended to be used against field soldiers in their trenches. In the given case, the Ukrainians fired 5 ATACMS at Sevastopol, of which 4 were shot down by Russian air defenses while the fifth had, as intended, overwhelmed the system and got through to target where it brought about mayhem...
..Reports from the office of the governor in Sevastopol are that more than 150 civilians have been injured, some seriously and under treatment in intensive care, while a number of adults and several children were killed outright.
​  In the view of Russian news commentators, the objective of the attack was precisely to terrorize the local, regional and national population in Russia and to prompt some outsized revenge attack by Russia that then can be condemned by the world and take us all to the next level of escalation in this war.​..
..So what may we expect from the Russian side now? ...
​..First attention is being given to leveling the Ukrainian city of Kharkov to the ground...
..Per Solovyov, this should be done in a civilized manner, giving the city’s inhabitants three days to clear out before the bombs will fall...
..But that is not all. Solovyov, who is widely watched in Russia, is calling for the leveling to the ground of Odessa, from where the ATACMS attack on Sevastopol may have been launched and also of Kiev, where the decisions to launch were taken...
..As for retribution on the American enablers of the ATACMS attack, no word yet on what the Russians may be planning for them, but Solovyov was surely not just speaking for himself when he said it is high time for Russia to down the Global Hawk reconnaissance drones which the United States has been flying in the Black Sea to provide intelligence necessary to target the ATACMS missiles. There was also a strong hint that the newly signed mutual defense pact with North Korea will be activated so as to strike against American military assets in an asymmetric fashion.
  Also under discussion were the measures to deal with earlier than expected deployment of the F-16s to the Ukrainian war, as early as this summer. First steps will include hardening of the airfields within Russia from which their attacks on Ukrainian positions are launched. This means covering the parked planes with concrete shelters​  Secondly it means preparing to bomb the airbases from outside Ukraine which will be used to send F-16s on a hop, skip and jump to some Ukrainian airfield very briefly for the US to claim that the flights originated from within Ukraine. The Russians see Moldova as the most likely air base for this purpose, since it is outside of NATO but borders on Ukraine and has hardened Soviet era airfields where the F-16s can be stored under ground, seemingly safe from Russian attack.​

U.S. Drone Appears to Have Provided Target Coordinates for Ukraine Strike on Russian Civilians at Beach​

​I donated blood before dawn on 9/12/2001.  More than a thousand Sevastopol residents come to donate blood for victims of the attack

​  Scott Ritter on Ukraine's Shelling of Sevastopol: It's Direct Attack on Russia by US and NATO
Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter commented on Ukraine's terrorist attack on Sevastopol.
“The Ukrainians made a decision to use ATACMS missiles equipped with cluster munitions against a city, a civilian city. This is an act of terrorism,” Ritter emphasized.​

​  "On June 23, the Kiev regime, with the support of the US and their satellites, committed yet another monstrous terrorist crime against the peaceful population of Russia," the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.
​  "Sevastopol was targeted. The attack was deliberately timed to coincide with one of the most significant Orthodox holidays — Trinity Day," the statement on the ministry's website continued. "According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, American ATACMS tactical missiles equipped with cluster warheads were used to enhance destructive capability."
​  The ministry stressed that all targeting for ATACMS missiles programmed by US specialists using their own country's satellite reconnaissance data, while a US RQ-4 Global Hawk reconnaissance drone was operating near Crimea that day.​

​  Russia Declares United States a "Party to the (Ukraine) Conflict"
​  The Russian Foreign Ministry has summoned the US ambassador to Moscow after Ukraine used American-supplied ATACMS missiles in an attack on the Crimean peninsula, resulting in numerous civilian casualties.
​  In a statement on Monday, the ministry said Ambassador Lynne Tracy had been presented with a demarche in connection with what it called “a new bloody crime of the Kiev regime patronized and armed by Washington,” referring to the Ukrainian shelling of Sevastopol the day before.​

Pentagon has ‘nothing to say’ about strike on Crimean beach with US-supplied weapons​

​  How Will Russia Retaliate For The Attack On Sevastopol?
The Current Worst Case Scenario​  (Hezbollah ​already has ​Russian near-hypersonic anti-ship missiles, and Ansar Allah probably does, too, by now.)
​  Currently, the U.S.S Eisenhower is in the Mediterranean, and The U.S.S. Roosevelt is headed toward the Middle East. Last week, Israel's military approved battle plans for an offensive against Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon, in retaliation for Hezbollah's missile attacks from there against Northern Israel. Israel is already bombing Southern Lebanon.
​  The worst case scenario would seem to be Russia giving advanced anti-ship missiles to Hezbollah, and Hezbollah hitting a U.S. aircraft carrier with them.​

​  From yesterday: Ransomware Group "LockBit" Claims To Have Breached US Federal Reserve, Says It Exfiltrated 33 Terabytes Of "Americans Banking Secrets"
Says It Will Begin To Release Information Today; American Cyber Security Experts Are Denying The Claim In Absence Of Proof Via Samples​

​  Later yesterday: LockBit holds its word, publishes US Federal Reserve alleged data​   [Look! Russians.]
​  On Tuesday, the LockBit ransomware gang published a massive cache of files allegedly stolen from the US Federal Reserve central banking system after an apparent negotiation breakdown.
​  The Russian-linked gang posted 21 separate links, containing files of what appears to be parent directories, torrents, and compressed archive files belonging to another US financial institution, Evolve Bank and Trust.
​  The bank and its parent company, Evolve Bancorp Inc., were singled out recently by the Feds for engaging in unsafe and unsound banking practices.​

​  EU Accelerates De-Dollarization by Stealing Russian Money
​  The EU will send €1.4 billion ($1.5 billion) in profits from the frozen assets of Russia's Central Bank to the "European Peace Facility" in order to meet the Kiev regime's military needs.
​  EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell announced on June 24 that the bloc has approved grabbing windfall income from frozen Russian assets.
​  According to Borrell, €1.4 billion will be available in the course of the next month, and another €1 billion by the end of the year.
​  "The decision is shameful," Gilbert Doctorow, an international relations and Russian affairs analyst, told Sputnik. "It is totally hypocritical to assign to a "Peace Facility" the role of financing arms and war. The ultimate goal of this 'peace initiative' is to prolong the war, at least till after the American elections in November for the sake of Mr Biden's personal ambitions."
Ninety percent of the revenues will be spent on arms and just 10 percent on construction projects in Ukraine.
​  Going against the usual requirement for unanimity between its members, the EU snubbed Hungary's veto by using a legal "loophole".​

Bankruptcy trustee discloses plan to shut down Alex Jones’ Infowars and liquidate assets​

​  “DMCA Does Not Apply”: Musk Says X Will Not Remove CNN Debate Streams, Footage​ Despite CNN Demands
​  X owner Elon Musk has clarified that the platform will not block or remove live streams and footage of the Presidential debate on Thursday, despite apparent demands by CNN that social media companies do not allow creators to use their feed.
​  Podcaster Tim Pool claimed that he’d been told by CNN that he would not be legally allowed to simulcast the debate and provide his own commentary and fact checks on it.​

​  CNN can't control the narrative now. Split-screen-livestream with Bobby Jr, folks?  RFK Jr. says he’ll answer debate questions live online
The first debate of this election cycle will air Thursday
RFK Jr. tried to secure a spot on the stage but didn't qualify
He now says he'll answer the same questions live online​

SCOTUS Ruling Deems Trump’s New York Conviction Unconstitutional on Two Key Grounds​​ 

​  Transfer of “Eisenhower” to Germany
​  Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder stated that the “Eisenhower” fleet is currently heading towards the headquarters of the European Command, which is based in Germany, with plans to return to the US after a period.
Ryder did not specify the reasons for the “Eisenhower” staying in Germany, but media reports suggest that it requires urgent maintenance before returning to America.​

​  Israel’s main goal is the extermination of Palestinians – retired NATO colonel
The IDF’s “brute force” strategy makes no sense from a counterinsurgency perspective, Col. Jacques Baud has claimed​

​  Netanyahu Rejects Any Deal That Leads to Permanent End to War on Gaza
The Israeli leader says the IDF will continue to operate in Gaza until Hamas is eliminated​

​  Israeli Officials Signal Coming War in Lebanon
​  On Sunday, Netanyahu explained to Israeli Channel 14 that, “After the intense phase is finished [in Gaza], we will have the possibility to move part of the forces north. And we will do this, first and foremost, for defensive purposes. And secondly, to bring our (evacuated) residents’ home.” He went on to tell the outlet “If we can, we will do this diplomatically. If not, we will do it another way. But we will bring (the residents) home.”
​  Netanyahu did not provide a timeline, only stating the intense operations in Gaza will soon come to a close. At the same time, the Israeli leader has ruled out ending the war in the Strip, stating he will not halt the onslaught until Hamas is eliminated and “Iran’s intentions to destroy us” have been naturalized.
​  US officials have been warning of a wider war in the region. The White House believes bringing the fighting to a close in Gaza can end the fighting on Israel’s northern border.​ 

​  The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have announced the destruction of Gaza’s main border crossing with Egypt, Rafah. Brigade 401 took control of the crossing overnight, rendering it unusable. This closure adds to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where civilians are trapped amid ongoing conflicts. The crossing, crucial for international aid, has been incinerated, impacting relief efforts severely.​

US cargo plane lands in Israel following Netanyahu's criticism of delayed American arms shipments
The plane arrived on the second day of an unannounced visit to Washington by Israeli Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, where he is discussing American military aid.​

​  Houthis, Iraqi Militias Increase Drone Attacks on US, Israeli Targets​ 
  Yemen’s Houthis and the Islamic Resistance of Iraq have carried out a spate of attacks over the weekend against US occupation forces in Syria, Israeli-linked shipping, and other vessels as part of their campaign against Tel Aviv’s Gaza slaughter. Primarily drones have been used for these retaliations against US and Israeli aggression.
​  The Islamic Resistance is an umbrella group of Shi’ite militias fighting against American forces occupying Syria and Iraq since the US-backed Israeli onslaught in Gaza broke out. On Saturday, following a US bombing of Shi’ite militias in Syria, which killed at least one Sayyed Al-Shuhada Brigades fighter, the Islamic Resistance of Iraq launched a drone strike at the US military’s al-Tanf outpost in Homs, Syria. This illegal base is located near the shared border with Jordan and Iraq. The group took credit for the attack, but no damage or casualties have been reported yet.
​  The Iraqi group collaborated with Yemen’s Houthis, formally known as Ansar Allah, on a drone strike the same day which targeted four vessels at Israel’s Haifa port. Yahya Saree, the Houthis’ military spokesman, said the Resistance Axis groups targeted two cement tankers as well as two cargo ships for not complying with the Houthis’ declared blockade on the “ports of occupied Palestine.” He said the Houthis also attacked a Shorthorn Express ship in the Mediterranean Sea using drones, adding both missions “successfully achieved their goals.” ...
..The Axis of Resistance, which includes Iran’s IRGC Quds Force, Iraqi as well as Syrian Shi’ite militias, the Houthis, and Lebanese Hezbollah, are generally associated with the fight against US, Israeli, and jihadist forces in the region, including al-Qaeda and ISIS. The Houthis have consistently said they will not stop attacking Israeli-linked shipping until there is a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Their targets now include US and British vessels as a result of the bombing campaign against Yemen launched in January.
​  Despite a months-long US and UK bombing campaign on Yemen, the Houthis have not been deterred.

​  Israel Committed to Ceasefire Plan in Gaza Strip Announced by Biden - Netanyahu
​  "I promise three things. First of all, we will not end the war until we return all the 120 abducted, both alive and dead. We are committed to the Israeli proposal, which was welcomed by President Biden. Our position has not changed," Netanyahu said in a speech to lawmakers.
​  Israel will not stop the war "until it eliminates Hamas" and returns the inhabitants of the south and north safely to their homes​ 
(on stolen land), Netanyahu said.​

Large Population Study Finds COVID-19 MRNA Vaccines Associate with Troubling Rate of Alzheimer’s Disease​

​  Peter McCullough MD, Association Between COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of Alzheimer's Disease
​  First reported by TrialSite News, Roh et al, published a large study from Korea demonstrating higher rates of cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease among the vaccinated over age 65 years.
​  “Findings showed an increased incidence of MCI and AD in vaccinated individuals, particularly those receiving mRNA vaccines, within three months post-vaccination. The mRNA vaccine group exhibited a significantly higher incidence of AD (Odds Ratio [OR]: 1.225; 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 1.025-1.464; p = 0.026) and MCI (OR: 2.377; CI: 1.845-3.064; p < 0.001) compared to the unvaccinated group. No significant relationship was found with vascular dementia or Parkinson’s disease.”​

​  COVID shots have 200-times higher risk of brain clots than other jabs: new report
​  A new review by Dr. Peter McCullough and other medical experts found 5,137 cases of cerebral thromboembolism since the COVID-19 shots have been available, compared to less than 400 for the previous three decades.​

​  Study Finds Alarming Surge In Deaths From Neurological Disease Among Young Adults
​  A recent preprint study which relies on extensive data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) paints a concerning picture of the neurological health landscape in the United States. The study, which focuses on those aged 15-44, reveals a disturbing increase in deaths from neurological diseases both as the primary cause and among multiple contributing factors...
..Perhaps most concerning, the study found an increase in neurological complications following COVID-19 vaccinations, including conditions such as Guillain-Barré syndrome and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.​

​  Biden Admin. Asked Amazon To Hide Vaccine Critical Books During The PandemicSteve Watson
House Judiciary Committee reveals that Over 40 titles were added to a hit list​

​  Meryl Nass MD,  Finally, the fraud leading to COVID vax licensure and the supposedly legal imposition of vaccine mandates has been exposed by Congress
Rep. Thomas Massie's Subcommittee on the Administrative State released a 600 page report on the White House-FDA conspiracy to illegally license experimental (EUA) vaccine in August 2021.
​  (We were all saying this in 2021, but getting ​illegally fired, anyway.)​  "While the media has trumpeted that the FDA has approved COVID vaccines, the FDA has not approved the Pfizer BioNTech vaccines, nor any COVID vaccines for the 12- to 15-year age group, nor any booster doses for anyone.
​  And FDA has not licensed any Moderna vaccine, nor any vaccine from Johnson & Johnson — so the vast majority of vaccines available in the US, if not all, remain unlicensed EUA products.
​  Here’s what you need to know when somebody orders you to get the vaccine: Ask to see the vial. If it says “Comirnaty,” it’s a licensed product. If it says “Pfizer-BioNTech,” it’s an experimental product, and under 21 U.S. Code 360bbb, you have the right to refuse.
​  If it comes from Moderna or Johnson & Johnson (marketed as Janssen), you have the right to refuse.
​  The FDA is playing bait and switch with the American public — but we don’t have to play along. If it doesn’t say Comirnaty, you have not been offered an approved vaccine.​"

​  Meryl Nass MD, Building the bird flu narrative in cows at the state and local level
FDA and USDA are not allowed to go onto farms and start testing healthy cows, so they have developed "guidance" documents and nearly a billion dollars is offered to allow them to start the process​

​  A Recent Chemtrail Reporting From My Travels​  By Gary D. Barnett
​  “We are finding aluminum, barium, strontium is being poured into lower stratosphere. Fly ash, the detritus from refining coal is now used in the lower atmosphere – fine particles are enriched by the toxic elements of mercury, chromium, creating a toxic nightmare. It is harmful for everyone.”​, Alan Buckman, former USAF Meteorologist
​  This past week I have been traveling through my home state of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming; a respite for fly fishing a beautiful river under the Teton Range. As I travel, I constantly observe the stratospheric aerosol spraying of poisons (chemtrails) that are seemingly done everywhere I go, and all around the world as well. It is done in the name of weather geoengineering, cloud seeding, and so-called climate control, all falsely said to reverse the most fraudulent idiocy that is mislabeled as manmade ‘climate change.’ The real agendas are many, but great harm to agriculture, all plants and animals, and the depopulation of humans, are the results sought by those who carry out this atrocious project.​..
..My observations recently were very telling, as my first sunny day on the river began with beautiful deep blue skies on June 19th, with real clouds only above the distant mountains on the horizon. As the morning progressed, all the spray was mainly concentrated toward the mountains, and began as chemtrails, but soon spread partially due to winds, across most of the skies until forming a haze; with bright colors changing to grey. On June 20th, the coverage increased quite starkly, but when I got on the river Friday the 21st, it was apparent that spraying had occurred all night, as the entirety of the sky was already crisscrossed with chemtrails that had spread a ‘cloud’ layer from horizon to horizon...
..Just two weeks ago, I drove across the state from central to southeast Montana, and witnessed constant chemtrail releases from horizon to horizon. This went on all day, and into the late evening after sundown, as I drove 350 miles that day without any clear sky on what was supposed to be a perfectly clear day. There was not one single genuine cloud, as all were due to chemtrails. The point I am attempting to make is that this goes on most every day, and it is rare not to see this geoengineering madness, regardless of where one travels.​..

​..“We don’t know about what is happening formally, because people are dying from exposure to aerosolized chemicals. One million tons of aluminium, strontium and sodium chloride will kill tens of thousands a year, said the leading geoengineer in the US, David Keith, who works for Bill Gates. You can watch him say this on Wigington’s documentary. He was captured in an early seminar: “A million tons of aluminum in the sky would kill tens of thousands of people a year.” They have added ten to twenty million tons of aluminum into the atmosphere annually”.
​  “The stated goal of the two top geoengineers in the US, Dr. David Keith and Dr. Ken Caldeira is to put ten to 20 million tons of nano particulates into the global sky every single year on top of industrialized pollution. Wigington’s research shows they are already doing it and more.”
​  “At another conference, when asked about the dangers of filling the skies with nano-aluminium, Keith waffled and then banned Wigington from any other geoengineering conference. You can watch this too in The Dimming.” 

  (​I don't actually agree with Kyle Young's title statement)  COVID Crimes pale in comparison to Geoengineering Crimes
​  For nearly four years I’ve been writing about the horrors of the two MIC’s, the military industrial complex and the medical industrial complex (mostly the latter). To differentiate between the two, from now on I’m going to use the acronym MedIC when referring to the medical industrial complex.
​  We now have another complex to deal with - the Geoengineering Industrial Complex (GIC).​..
..I think it’s now safe to say that all of us who have been covering the satanic agenda of the MedIC and everyone who has been speaking out against the toxic jab agenda over the past four years, have begun to turn the tide. Statistics show covid jab uptake is at an all time low and that the rate of childhood vaccine uptake is also at an all-time low. People everywhere are now rightfully wary of having any kind of needle stuck in their arm for any reason...
..The GIC took another blow when two commercial pilots with direct knowledge about the GIC were recently interviewed by Richard Vobes about the what, why, where and who aspects of the GIC agenda. In this interview, they verify much of what I’ve been writing about over the past year...
..The pilots explain that a certain percentage of the toxic particulates in the atmosphere are due to them being added to the fuel of jet aircraft, but most of it is released directly from external nozzles mounted on the wings of jet aircraft.
​  According to the pilots, most of the chemtrails that I’ve been pointing out in satellite images over the past few weeks and that we see overhead everyday, are being dispersed by freighter aircraft converted to specifically carry and disperse toxic loads of chemtrail elements. According to the pilots, one of the sources of those aircraft, at least for the chemtrails being dispersed over European skies, is a jet aircraft leasing company called ASL, based in Dublin.​..
..The pilots also point to the same culprits that I’ve been pointing to; the WHO, the WEF, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, John​s Hopkins University (who, along with the Gates Foundation cosponsored Event 201) and the Soros Foundation...
​..STAR is enriching itself based on the the UN’s phony climate change report, as well as the phony Kyoto and the Paris Climate Accords. Those fake reports are the cover for geoengineering. Geoengineering is the cover for the very profitable mass culling of humanity.​  (It may have climate and solar radiation management objectives, also.)
​  It’s a global eugenics program from which no one can refuse to participate.
​  The pilots go into some detail describing how the planes are converted to carry and disperse a load of chemtrail materials. In planes specifically converted to disperse chem trail agents, the wings of the planes are fitted with dispersal nozzles that have lines connected to them that feed back into the cargo space. Pallets that contain large, specialized containers of the toxic elements are then rolled into the cargo section of the plane where they are hooked up by engineers to pumps that feed the lines to the nozzles out on the wings. They can be turned on and off so that the chemtrails are laid down exactly where they want them.​..
​..There are a few online sites that track ALL flights in real time… except flights that carry chemtrail loads. They are obscured. Flight Radar 24 (FR24) is one such tracking site. Unfortunately, FR24 provides no way to download any of their tracking loops. Over the past few days I’ve been correlating chemtrails I find in satellite imagery to the flight paths of planes on FR24. There are no planes that show up on FR24 that correlate to the paths where the chemtrails are being laid down.​..
..The pilots explained that the pilots flying these chemtrail loads know exactly what they have on board and what the intent is.​..
​..In Europe 2/3rds of the chemicals used to generate chemtrails come from the US, 1/3 come from India.
​  One of the pilots is from Belgium. That pilot said that the military there has been spraying for much longer than the civilian government, that civilian authorities have been spraying for 20 years and that they have increased that over the last five years. So, at least in Belgium, the military has been spraying for well over 20 years
​  One of the questions you readers have often asked is, don’t the people running this know they are poisoning themselves? As one of the pilots pointed out, many of the pilots, engineers and ground support crew are ex-military who are accustomed to taking orders and keeping secrets.​..
​..Again, this was all approved under the 2015 Paris Climate Accords.​..
​..Like covidcon, the entire program is a money making, depopulation scam. The reality is, geoengineering has been in play far longer than covidcon and has likely killed far more people, caused a lot more miscarriages and sterilized many more people than the covid jabs.
​  What I’m saying is that covidcon pales in comparison to geoengineering. As I said earlier, we could refuse the jabs, but we all have to breath air polluted by chemtrails.​

  Josh is a Physicist who became a Daoist. He weaves together the loose-ends I have long held regarding how Newtonian Mechanics, Karma and Prayer can all work together.   
Inverting the Hard Problem​ , Does the brain create consciousness, or did consciousness create the brain?​ (Read or listen. I read.)​

​Sweating to the Oldies (pictured mowing in 90% humility. "I'm working on 110%, Coach!")

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