Friday, June 14, 2024

The Fundamental Reason

 Following the Creation of Money,

  Alex Krainer (Do look at the other good parts. I just stole the end),  It’s always about the collateral
  The relationship is deliberately obscured, so we must resort to dot-connecting
, but consider this "dot": in 2016, the Chilcot Inquiry into the British role in the Iraq war revealed, among other things, that six months after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, a consortium of Western banks led by JP Morgan extended a $2.5 billion loan to "help" Iraq's economic recovery...

​..Not so long ago, Graham was giddy about the Ukraine war and thought that funding it was "the best money we ever spent." At the time he was gloating that "the Russians are dying," but in this last interview he mentioned the $10 to $12 trillion in critical minerals three times in under a minute. He doesn’t want Russia or China to have them and somehow he feels that it is up to him, most probably his donors.
​  Most importantly, Graham confirms the ultimate reason for war and unwittingly points the finger at the interest groups that are behind it. Wars are about resource wealth (duh!), and there is only one interest group who must secure access to that wealth by the force of arms: the international banking cartel. Their means and their opportunity may be more difficult to establish (though not that difficult), but their motive is crystal clear. Resources like Graham's "critical minerals," represent the high quality collateral against which banks can issue loans.​..
​..With regards to the 2003 Iraqi loan​ (backed by future oil revenues), it might have been only a coincidence that JPMorgan was also one of the biggest financial backers of the Bush/Cheney 2000 election campaign. At that time, nobody could have predicted that in 2001 we'd witness the 9/11 terror attacks which helped justify the subsequent invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and the attempted capture of their resources. Nobody saw Condoleeza Rice’s “birth pangs of the new Middle East” coming. Most likely however, the whole toxic brew was well in the works long before the events began to take place.
​  Incidentally, that same JP Morgan also richly rewarded Sir Tony Blair for his own inestimable contribution to making the 2003 Iraq invasion possible: after the end of his term as Britain's Prime Minister, JP Morgan hired him as an advisor on a $5 million/year contract.
​  For coincidence theorists, none of this should be too troubling since they know that our forces only go abroad to defend democracy, freedom and human rights, especially for women and girls. Of course, they are also there to fight the terrorists: we fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here. And you, dear reader, you are either with us or you are against us. At any rate, remember that we've always been at war with Eurasia.​

​Who is really "backing" this "collateral"?  G7 Leaders To Use Frozen Russian Assets To Back Next Tranche Of Ukraine Aid

​  Alastair Crooke, Israel and the Misjudgement of Reality
​  The core tension within the Western-Israeli calculus is that the U.S. and the EU are moving in one direction – back to the failed Oslo approach – whilst polling underscores Jewish electors firmly marching in the other direction.
​  A recent survey conducted by the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs shows that since 7 October, 79% of all Jewish respondents oppose the establishment of a Palestinian State on 1967 lines (68% were opposed prior to 7 Oct); 74% are opposed even in exchange for normalisation with Saudi Arabia. And reflective of the internal Israeli divide, “only 24% of left-wing voters support a [Palestinian] State without conditions”.
​  In short, as the western institutional leadership clings to the shrinking Israeli secular liberal Left, Israelis as whole (including the young) are moving hard Right. A recent Pew poll shows that 73% of the Israeli public support the military response in Gaza – albeit a third of Israelis complained it had not gone far enough. A plurality of Israelis think Israel should govern the Gaza Strip. And Netanyahu, in the aftermath of the ICC arrest threat, is overtaking Gantz (leader of the National Union) in approval ratings.
​  It seems that the ‘western consensus’ prefers not to notice these uncomfortable dynamics.​

Sacrificing hundreds of innocents in Nuseirat to save others unacceptable, Lavrov says​  ​ 

Simplicius with news of war in Ukraine and Russian missiles in Cuba:  Roundup of Hottest Developments​

​Andrew Korybko asks, "what if a stored Ukrainian F-16 takes off from Poland and attacks 'old Russia'?"  
Kiev’s Plan To Store F-16s In NATO States Raises The Risk Of World War III​

​  (Must be in WW-3 before November!)  Biden, Zelensky To Sign 10-Year 'Arm & Train' Defense Deal at G7​  
​  As they meet on the sidelines of the Group of Seven summit in Italy, President Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky are planning to sign a deal for long-term US military assistance for Ukraine.
​  The deal commits Washington to ten years of arming and training the Ukrainian military, and which bolsters the military-industrial complex toward producing more of its own needs for the nation's armed forces. However, given the pledge is an "executive agreement" and not a formal treaty, it can be undone by future American administrations.​

​  BRICS foreign ministers condemn US' protectionism in trade — Lavrov
"All the delegations spoke in favor of reforming the existing systems of global governance with a focus on giving the countries of the global South a bigger voice," the Russian top diplomat said​

​  Mish Shedlock, Russia to Export Coal to India Via Iran. It’s a 4 Alarm Bells Fire
​  Russia has announced plans to export coal to India using Iran’s railways. This announcement was made during the BRICS transport ministers’ meeting at the 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF)...
​..Biden will have concerns about Russia, Iran, the environment, and the fact that an ally effectively told the US to go to hell.​  The ability of the US to tell the world what to do is ending. In may places, that ability has already ended.​

​  Lavrov accuses West of ignoring UN Charter
​  The West’s actions often run counter to the principles of the United Nations Charter, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.​.. According to Lavrov, BRICS nations have similar approaches to issues of reforming the system of multilateral institutions, including the UN and its Security Council, as well as on the post-pandemic recovery of the global economy, and the goals of sustainable development approved by the UN General Assembly.​

​  Thanks Eleni in Athens.  Fyodor Lukyanov: Here’s what the results of the European Parliament elections tell us​ , MEPs don’t call the shots, so any real change in the bloc will emerge from domestic upheavals
​  The main conclusion is that in the two largest EU countries – France and Germany – the ruling forces no longer enjoy popular support. Macron decided not to delay but to try to reverse the trend immediately, by calling elections with a three-week campaign. Berlin’s right-wing opposition – the CDU/CSU – also called for new elections, but this is highly unlikely.
​  Macron is taking a risk, but he is counting on the fact that citizens tend to vote differently in European than in national elections. In the first case, voting is an opportunity to express dissatisfaction with the authorities without risking anything, because the daily life of a European does not depend on what deputies in Brussels and Strasbourg do.
​  The second is to elect those who will form the government and on whom, therefore, their pockets depend. In national elections, it’s the managerial experience of the candidates that counts, and so-called populists usually don’t have these skills. As a result, the outcome of national elections is usually more favorable to the mainstreamThis was the case under normal and stable conditions, but now we can only dream of those.
​  Macron put the Ukrainian issue at the center of his campaign for the European Parliament (to the point of promising direct intervention in the fighting). This didn’t mobilize voters. In Germany, the subject also played an important role, although it wasn’t central. The CDU, which was very successful, is even more pro-Ukrainian than the Social Democrats. However, the success of the Alternative for Germany and Sarah Wagenknecht’s new party shows that this line also has its opponents – both forces oppose arming Ukraine.​

​  (More colorfully) Pepe Escobar, The Summer of Living Dangerously
​  So Le Petit Roi in Paris was predictably crushed in the European polls. He has called parliamentary snap elections, dissolving the Assemblée Nationale in an act of blind, puerile revenge on French citizens, de facto attacking French institutional democracy.
​  That doesn’t mean much anyway, because the lineaments of “liberty, equality, fraternity” have long been usurped by a crass oligarchy.
​  The second round of these fresh French elections will be on July 7 – nearly coinciding with the British snap elections on July 11, and only a few days before the slow-burning urban catastrophe which will be the Olympics in Paris.
​  Paris salons are ablaze with intrigue on why the little Rothschild stooge with a Napoleon complex is throwing all his toys out of the pram now because he’s not getting what he wants.
​  After all what he really craves is to become a “War President” – together with the Cadaver in the White House, Starmer in the UK, Rutte in the Netherlands, the Toxic Medusa von der Lugen in Brussels, Tusk in Poland, without having to answer to the French people.​..

..Bigger things though are in play. Following the – auspicious – game-changing messages to the Global Majority coming out of the St. Petersburg forum last week, anchored on openness and inclusiveness, the BRICS 10 meeting of Foreign Ministers in Nizhny Novgorod carried the baton early this week.
​  Foreign Minister Lavrov stressed three key points:
“The countries of the Global South no longer want to be dependent on the double standards of the West and its whims.”
​  “Everyone knows that the BRICS countries already serve as the locomotive of the world economy.”
“We [at the BRICS FMs meeting] stressed the need for consistent efforts to create a new world order, where the equality of independent states will be the key.”

​  Now compare it with the shrinking G7 meeting later this week in Puglia in southern Italy: the same old song, from a “tough new warning” to Chinese banks (“Don’t do business with Russia or else!”) to vociferous threats against the China-Russia strategic partnership.
​  And last but not least, extra plotting to skim interest from the massive, frozen/stolen Russian assets with the intent of sending them to country 404; the Toxic Medusa itself announced that country 404 will receive €1.5 billion of the income from stolen Russian assets from the EU in July, 90% of it to buy weapons.​..
..By several metrics, Europe is about to implode/explode not with a bang but an agonizing whimper anytime within the next few months. It’s crucial to remember that the snap elections in France and Britain will also coincide with the NATO summit on July 11 – where Russophobia-fueled warmongering will reach paroxysm.
​  Among possible scenarios, some kind of false flag to be squarely blamed on Russia should be expected. It could be a Franz Ferdinand moment; a Gulf of Tonkin moment; or even a USS Maine before the American-Spanish war moment.
​  The fact remains that the only way these “leaders” across NATOstan plus their lowly MI6 agent in a green sweaty T-shirt in Kiev will survive is by manufacturing a casus belli.
If indeed that happens, a date can be advanced: between the second week of July and the end of August; and certainly no later than the second week of September.
October will be too late: too close to the U.S. elections.​..
..President Putin, before and during the St. Petersburg forum, elaborated on how “symmetric” Moscow’s response will be to attacks by Kiev using NATOstan missiles – already ongoing.
​  There are three NATOstan members which are supplying missiles with a range of 350 km and more: U.S., UK and France.
So a “symmetric” response would imply Russia providing Global South nations with advanced weaponry – capable of causing serious damage to nodes of the Empire of Bases.
​  And here are the top candidates to receive these weapons – as extensively debated not only on Russian TV channels but also in the St. Petersburg forum corridors.
West Asia: Iran (which already has them); Syria (badly needs them); Yemen; Iraq (would be very helpful to Hashd al-Shaabi) and Libya.
​  Central, Northeast, Southeast Asia: AfghanistanMyanmar (these two were present in St. Petersburg) and North Korea.
Latin America: CubaVenezuela and Nicaragua (just look at the current Russian foray in the Caribbean).
​  Africa: Central African RepublicCongoEthiopiaSomaliaSouthern Sudan and Zimbabwe (just look at Lavrov’s recent African tour).​..
..And that brings us the jolly matter of a Russian naval force hangin’ out in the Caribbean, headed by the hypersonic missile-armed frigate Admiral Gorshkov and the Kazan nuclear submarine...
..Well, this naval force is obviously not there to launch WWIIIMartyanov explains that “while both can strike all of the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. and Canada, they are there not for that reason. God forbid if it comes to real WWIII there are plenty of Bulavas, Avangards, Sarmats and Yarses to deal with this horrifying business. No, both Gorshkov and Kazan are there to show that they can reach any combat ship or strategic sea lift vessel carrying any military combat set from North America to Europe in case of some nutjob deciding to try to survive a conventional war with Russia in 404.”
​  What’s even more intriguing is that after spending time in Havana, the naval force will remain in the Caribbean for a series of exercises – and will be joined by other Russian Navy vesselsThey will remain in these waters until the end of The Summer of Living Dangerously. Just in case some nutjob has fancy ideas.​

"Pelosi SHOULD Take Responsibility!" J6 Capitol Police Chief Says Speaker's Staff Blocked Additional Security​

AG Merrick Garland found in contempt of Congress for withholding evidence despite subpoena. Apparently there are concerns that a transcript re Biden was altered​

​  (Team player) Merrick Garland Ignores Contempt Vote Over Biden 'Dementia' Tapes
​  "Today’s vote disregards the constitutional separation of powers, the Justice Department’s need to protect its investigations, and the substantial amount of information we have provided to the Committees," wrote Garland following the vote which made him the third attorney general in US history and fourth sitting cabinet member to be held in contempt of Congress.​

  ("Lies, damned lies and ...")  Powell Admits The Biden Admin Is "Overstating" Jobs
​  While the Establishment Survey did indeed report that 272K "jobs" were added, this number also included multiple job holders; stripping those out, we get that the actual number of "employed" workers plunged by 408K... which is also why the unemployment rate actually went up to 4.0% for the first time in over three years, despite this marvelous "increase" in payrolls. More importantly, it means that gap between the always upward sloping (and market moving) Establishment Survey - which counts the number of payrolls - and the flatlined Household Survey - which counts the number of actually employed workers - which hasn't made a new high since late 2023 and is back to where it was last summer, is now a stunning 9 million, the biggest on record.​

​  Meryl Nass MD,  Robert Fico attempted assassination timeline, May 10-June 5, 2024
May 10, 2024—Slovakia refuses pandemic treaty and IHR amendments despite a meeting with Tedros to convince Slovakia otherwise​...
May 15, 2024—Slovakian PM Fico shot at very close range by multiple bullets by a former security guard and writer​...
May 16, 2024—The Atlantic Council just one day later tells us five things we need to know about the attempted assassination, attempting to gain quick control of the narrative...​  Showing no sympathy to the victim, who was at that time on death’s door, the Atlantic Council worries how the shooting will be used by Fico’s party to quell opposition. They also spin the shooting as due to “hate politics” (lone nut) rather than a political hit​...
June 5, 2024—Mr. Fico posted a pre-recorded speech and said it would be a “minor miracle” but he hopes to be back at work in about a month. He was able to leave the hospital on May 30 and is receiving outpatient treatment.​.. Mr. Fico said that “an activist of the Slovak opposition” had attempted to assassinate him because of his political views, describing the gunman as “a messenger of evil and political hatred.” Opposition parties have denied any connection to the shooting.​  “I have no reason to believe this was an attack by a lone madman,” he said.​

​  The Destruction of Julian Assange, Jacob G. Hornberger​  
​  Last month, a British court gave Julian Assange permission to continue opposing the U.S. government’s attempts to extradite him to the United States to stand trial for violating the World War I Espionage Act. In truth, what U.S. officials are really targeting him for is that Assange, as head of WikiLeaks, had the audacity to reveal war crimes and other dark-side activities of the U.S. national-security state...
..Keep in mind that the Assange prosecution has much more to it than just inflicting harm on Assange. U.S. officials know that they have to send everyone else a message: “The secrecy surrounding our war crimes and dark-side actives is sacrosanct. Don’t ever even think of doing what Assange did. If you do, we will do to you what we have done to him. We will finish you. Even if you are ultimately acquitted, you will be an utterly destroyed individual at the end of the process.”
​  Thus, U.S. officials couldn’t care less about Assange’s latest judicial “victory.” They know that British officials will keep him rotting in their jail system until his appeals are finally resolved, if ever. Ideally, from the perspective of U.S. officials, Assange will die during the pendency of his forever appeals, in which case the destruction of his life and his subsequent death in prison will have served its purpose with its message to everyone else: “Don’t ever mess with us or we will do to you what we did to Assange.”​

​  The Ethical Skeptic, a Systems Analyst by specialty, explains his analysis of data in detail and at length, how he avoided data=processing pitfalls, which attract many paid analysts with a specific point their patrons need delivered. Here is where he arrived:
​  USA Full Covid-19 Mortality Accountability – 1,256,200 Manmade US Deaths
​  The chart below shows the total impact of our poor decision making as a society, in terms of total mortality, and compares that mortality to the various wars and conflicts our nation has suffered. Of key note inside this death tally are the 688,600 deaths inside the Vaccine/Sudden/Long Covid tally. 95% of this metric resulted from the impact of the mRNA vaccine itself, with the remaining 5% attributable to primarily Long Covid.
​  Speaking with an actuary (40 years experience) at one of the largest insurance companies in the world saying the Mortality Statistics are being dramatically underreported and the actual numbers could be 10 times higher. The number of deaths by drug overdoses, suicides, homicides, traffic accidents, aggressive cancers (including colon cancers as young as 15), blood clots, myocarditis, enlarged hearts, strokes have dramatically increased since 2022.

​Walter M. Chesnut, Confirmation of My 2021 Hypothesis that the Spike Protein Induces Accelerated Aging
A paper published June 9th confirms the findings. This is an incredible danger of repeated exposure to the Spike Protein.​

​  It seems that suicide rate goes up by 8-9 times after gender-reassignment surgery in teens.  Gender Confusion in the young appears to have a lot of overlap with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. It's different in midlife.  Doctors, Medical Groups Call For Focus On Mental Health In Gender-Confused Children

Trying to Figure It Out (picturing almost 4 month old grandson)

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