Cultivators of Life,
Winter is the time to rebuild the garden in central Texas.
I've gotten the beds revised, and with wider and more stable paths between the beds, to help me work the rest of the year.
The 5 main bed and 3 small beds system is changing to 4 main beds, 2 half beds and 3 small beds.
The 2 half beds are the summer sprawl beds for the watermelons and sweet potatoes, and will alternate years.
The melons and sweet potato vines make vast seas of green to cover the walkways in the summer.
The lateral short bed, front right in the garden, is one of those. The other is hard to see at it's opposite corner.
I've deeply dug and amended the sweet potato bed, but the others just get some nice composted top dressing this winter.
Cabbages, collards, kale and broccoli are in the green bed, and mustard greens in the small bed. Sugar snap peas are not showing so well. Onions, salads and carrots are sprouting up in other rows.
The summer garden stayed late this year.
Jenny got this picture of me in the garden this morning as the sun rose enough to give us some light.
Since we are food-growing critters, our bodies and minds naturally engage much of life in the same terms as the seasonal cycle of life in a garden.
I think all of the world has winter preparation to do, especially America.
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