Thursday, December 8, 2022

Google Censors Mass Murder

 Victims of Speech,

  I got a notification from Google-Blogger the night before last that "Stopping", the November 28 post on had been deleted due to "violation of community guidelines". It is still available on the mirror Substack blog, which has not been censored
This blog post opens with excerpts from another blog, which states that the increase in "excess deaths", clearly due to COVID-19 gene-therapy "vaccine" products is "mass murder". I have been getting away with referring to it as "culling the human herd" by the "owners", which is not the name of a felony.

  Elon Musk has been exploring the intricacies of censorship in social media recently. There is a lot more to come. 

  Until Spring of 2016 I just sent out my news email via bcc to about 200 friends. As I posted stories about the disenfranchisement of Bernie Sanders supporters in the Democratic primaries, my emails kept getting blocked and blocked , no matter how I tried to comply, so I got a blog, a Google blog, and it was not censored. I kept doing the bcc sends, too, and they all went through from 3 days after the November 2016 election, until shortly before the 2018 midterm elections. It happened again in 2020, of course, with the same pattern.
  On February 22 of this year I posted about the Ukraine situation, and both my blog, and our email (since 2005) were promptly removed by Google. We eventually got our email back, and a couple of weeks later Google replaced the blog post "Two New Countries", which had just preceded the Russian "special military operation" commencing.  The "community guidelines" probably got revised in that time.
  "Alternative Arrangements" was my first post on the new Substack blog, and tells the story in detail.

  I now have 3 blog posts which Google-Blogger has deactivated-pending-my-revision, or now "deleted" in the case of "Stopping". "Stopping" does sort-of assert that our bureaucratic institutions are conspiring to commit an ongoing felony via medical injections variously recommended and mandated by governmental agencies.
  Some might consider that expressing such a political opinion should be protected by the first amendment of the US Constitution, as "free speech". Google, a private corporation at the global scale is not the federal government, nor is it the Chinese, Canadian, EU, Australian or New Zealand government, but it is directed by these governments to recognize "disinformation" and to censor it, so that people-don't-suffer-harm...
  I have read that in the US it is just as constitutionally prohibited for the government to protect a private entity to censor what it would be illegal for the government to directly censor. That stands to reason. 
  This might possibly make it to the US courts next year, if some big emergency does not happen first.

Everybody Knew CV-19 Vax Was a Criminal Bioweapon – Karen Kingston 
 Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of the so-called CV19 vaccines.  Kingston has uncovered documents that prove everybody knew or should have known the deadly effects of these criminal injections...
..Kingston says documents with the drug makers, FDA and CDC listed the deadly and debilitating “side effects” of the injections.  Kinston shows that vaccine makers gave a list to the FDA of “side effects” or “possible adverse event outcomes” from the injections.  Kinston says, “Common side effects should be muscle aches, headaches, fever and pain.  With these injections, common side effects are Guillain-Barre, . . . inflammation of your brain and your spinal cord, meningitis, stroke, narcolepsy, anaphylaxis, heart attack, myocarditis, pericarditis, auto immune disease, death, pregnancy and birth outcomes, fetal injuries, fetal mutations, spontaneous abortion. . . and vaccine enhanced disease​"​. . . . So, they knew this was not mild side effects.

Australia Concerned As People Dying At 'Incredibly High' Pace And It Can't Tell Why
​  ​13% was an "incredibly high number for mortality," and it was "not clear" what was driving the increase, said Karen Cutter, spokeswoman for the institute's Covid-19 Mortality Working Group.​  ​"Mortality doesn't normally vary by more than 1 to 2%, so 13% is way higher than normal levels," she said.

​  British Medical Journal (BMJ)​  
  COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities
​  Conclusion: Based on public data provided by the CDC,19 we estimate that in the fall of 2022 at least 31 207–42 836 young adults aged 18–29 years must be boosted with an mRNA vaccine to prevent one Omicron-related COVID-19 hospitalisation over 6 months. Given the fact that this estimate does not take into account the protection conferred by prior infection or a risk adjustment for comorbidity status, this should be considered a conservative and optimistic assessment of benefit. Our estimate shows that university COVID-19 vaccine mandates are likely to cause net expected harms to young healthy adultsfor each hospitalisation averted we estimate approximately 18.5 SAEs and 1430–4626 disruptions of daily activities—that is not outweighed by a proportionate public health benefit. Serious COVID-19 vaccine-associated harms are not adequately compensated for by current US vaccine injury systems. As such, these severe infringements of individual liberty and human rights are ethically unjustifiable.

​  Tessa (fights robots) Lena interviews Attorney who opposed New York's COVID (no way out) Quarantine Camps
Isolation Camps in New York State: Tyrants Plan to Appeal​ 
 ​The attorney who filed a lawsuit against the unconstitutional regulation — and won — is Bobbie Anne Cox, a seasoned New York lawyer who has been practicing in the area of property tax law for nearly 25 years.
​  ​Early on, she became outspoken about the “COVD measures” by the former New York State governor Andrew Cuomo. When Bobbie Anne first found out about the New York isolation camp regulation, she rubbed her eyes — but it was there, and it was real.
​  ​Bobbie Anne started talking to other attorneys, and many attorneys recommended to wait until the authorities start pulling people out of their homes and throwing them into camps — and file a lawsuit then. But she couldn’t wait for the ugly, and after putting in a lot of hard work and legal research into how one could file such an unprecedented lawsuit, she figured out an angle, which was “separation of powers.”
​  ​As a result, she won, and the brave NYS Supreme Court Judge Ronald Ploetz struck the regulation down (court decision).

New Zealand Court Takes Away Custody of Sick Infant from Parents After They Refuse ‘Vaccinated’ Blood

UK PM Rishi Sunak Calls For New Police Powers To Stop "Illegal Protests"
The prime minister states: "My view is that those who break the law should feel the full force of it."​   (Machine-guns, then​ Rishi, like before, in India​?)

  Professor Anthony Hall makes the case for "truth before reconciliation".
No Amnesty without Accountability for COVID Crimes: Looking Into and Beyond Canada’s Emergency Act Inquiry

​Paul Craig Roberts:  The beliefs that made us free by restraining government power and holding it accountable are everywhere under attack.
  We are being dehumanized by fascism, which makes it easier to dispose of us. For example, the liberal city government of San Francisco on November 29, 2022, by a vote of 8 to 3 gave robots the right to kill humans.  San Francisco will now employ killer robots as members of its police force.

  In the United States today free speech is said to be a threat to democracy if it dissents from official explanations.  There is talk about criminalizing “misinformation.”

​Not the look they wanted, after all? 
​  ​In a stunning 8-to-3 vote yesterday, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors banned the SFPD from using deadly force with remote-controlled robots. The Board also sent the killer robot policy back to its Rules Committee for revisions and more public comment. This is a big reversal: just one week ago, the Board voted 8-3 to authorize the SFPD to use these killer robots.

​  ​Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg on Tuesday dared U.S. prosecutors to come after him like they have Julian Assange by revealing in a BBC News interview that the WikiLeaks publisher sent him a backup of leaked materials from former military analyst Chelsea Manning.
​  "Let me tell you a secret. I had possession of all the Chelsea Manning information before it came out in the press," Ellsberg said to BBC's Stephen Sackur in the on-camera interview.

​  How much physical cash to hold?
Nigeria Limits ATM Withdrawals To $45 Per Day To Force Govt-Controlled Digital Payments

​  I hope Ghana has made arrangements for protection.​ It seems like they would have to be protected before doing this.
Ghana to Buy Oil with Gold Instead of USD. Next for US-led Coup?

​Speaking Publicly  (took this picture of Jenny with finished closet)

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